Are you happy just like I am? Death of innocent is tragedy, but holy shit, isn't it what the gemany, sweden...

Are you happy just like I am? Death of innocent is tragedy, but holy shit, isn't it what the gemany, sweden, uk and france wanted by inviting hordes of mindless islamic drones? I am happy for them achiving more and more of their goals. Come here, and celebrate with me ^^

In a way yeah, kind of sucks with no habbedings. I can't seem to get any kind of thrill without news like this. I fucking hate sports and my social skills are shit while I got bored of watching Transformers 1-8 come out so fucked up news is the only real way for me to stay entertained.

Bla bla bla.

Her name was Juniper Beatrice Jones and lived with her parents Robert and Susan, and her baby brother Ollie. Her birthday was in the month of June. She also has a dog named Tickle. Junie was friendly and had a bright personality. In kindergarten, her two best friends were Lucille and Grace. In the first grade, her best friends are Herb, José, and Lennie. Junie B. had two classmates she didn't get along with: Jim in kindergarten and May in first grade. In kindergarten, her classroom is Room Nine, and in First Grade, Room One. Junie B.'s favorite foods were spaghetti and meatballs, lemon pie, and ice cream. She had many catchphrases, such as "Wowie wow wow!", "Yeah, only", and "Hello! How are you today?". She was afraid of roosters because she thought "they can peck your head into a nub", ponies because she thought "they can stomple you to the ground and kill you", and clowns because she thought "they are not normal people". She was shown to have brown hair and blue-green eyes. While in kindergarten she had short hair and a bow, she wore a pink sweater, purple skirt, white socks and signature black Mary Jane shoes. In the first grade, she had longer, messier hair, wore pants, and the bow was dropped, being replaced by her purple glasses. At one point in time, she let the world know that she wanted to be a beauty shop guy herself, though she later wanted to be a janitor when she grows up. Her grandfather had often let her put syrup on her waffles without saying "WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!"

Im actauly looking forward to the day when I'll be able to point a 9mm at a muslim, or drive a knife through his skull, because as savage as it sounds, mass slaughter of those animals will happen. NWO with this tactic is doomed to fail, assuming NWO is a real thing, which I believe it is, there is no profit whatsoever in mass imigration so this has to be a part of a bigger plan (no profit - no continuation), they won't be able to delude people of europe, usa and even russia for much longer.


I feel nothing anymore for this kind of shit. The Europeans love it. They want their kids and shit to get blown out. Every time this shit happens they stroke their dick about how tolerant they are. I don't care what the Muslims do, the Europeans are inviting it.

Americans love their guns, and ticket to europe is not that expensive. No urge to try them out on ragheads?

Im not even mad at muslims, they are just tools in somebody's hands. But that doesn't change the fact that they need to die, and I would like to assist with that, wouldn't you?

its just the kikes trying to remove all gentiles from their "homeland". eliminate the Zion and the mooslem problem goes away.

You are literally celebrating that white kids got murdered by an Islamic terrorist. Go to a fucking psychiatrist.

Juniper sounds really dumb


>Europe getting a taste of their own medicine after centuries of colonialism

Ín this moment I am euphoric

Killing an 80 IQ half animal muslim isnt nearly as satisfying as seeing those self-righteous liberal trashbags get shredded by an IED

I just wish we had more gore pics of the victims so I could gloat more

At this point, it's the only thing that can save Europe. Ever watch Angry Birds? They kept sticking up for the pigs, even when they knew they were up to no good. The red bird kept trying to warn them, but they didn't listen. It wasn't until their kids(eggs) were harmed that they finally took notice. That's what needs to happen. The most disgusting, horrific, violent act has to happen in order for Europe to wake up.

Why aren't you celebrating, Mehmet? This is what you want, isn't it?

My uncle was tearing up when the news came out but I him clearly, those people died the moment the government let in muslims. Not 2 nights ago.

I would be a little happy if this finally was the attack that would end the liberal obsession with islam but that didnt happen again

The EU wont change its mind until it has had a 9/11tier terror attack by the hands of terrorists who entered the Union through immigration, probably not even then


So it's a children's movie with subtle redpilling in it? And here I thought I'd pass on that one.

ARYANa "i got bathory motives i bathe in virgins' hemaglobins" granDEGENERATE why are you posting from a polish proxy?

Argentina confirmed not white