Is this really how they teach math in USA? No wonder they are all so stupid

Is this really how they teach math in USA? No wonder they are all so stupid ...

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do you have educational facilities in your shithole "country"?

serious question

also fpbp

ikr ahhahah fucking fat ass americans

so dumb so fucking stupid xd

did I mention they're fat?


Did you just fpbp yourself?

that's how loose I am cunt

>also fpbp
A very Australian post, this is.

Man this is like "ok" for a 3 or 4 year old, not even first grade

GDP per capita
17,231.28 USD (2015)


I think I just got a little dumber

Better and free

I'm not smart enough to understand that worksheet.

I think they are just trying to teach the kids to work out math in their heads in different ways so they can do mental math with any set of numbers, instead of memorizing algebra with only certain numbers to pass tests.

All ex-commies country have without doubt a better educational system than Usa...

I guess this is what they get college degree for

>All ex-commies country have without doubt a better educational system than Usa...
You're not seriously praising a system which gave the world this abortion of a sentence, right?

thats actually a nice system to make the kids think about the numbers more instead of applying brainlessly one learnt system.

its not a bad way to try different visualisation methods for the children, it makes me worry that theres a lack of 1 on 1 teaching there.
>question for burgers
whats the average size of a elementary class?

Well, you can clearly see, that the kid knows the answers, but has no idea what they want from him... cos it makes zero sense

if you cant understand this youre a moron. its about teaching alternative ways to do math. its the equivalent of "do long divison. show your work" instead of letting kids use calculators and quick division.
counting on= starting at 7, add 1 6 times. youre counting on the first number
make 10=break one number apart and add it to the other to make a 10, then add the rest. break 6 into 3 and 3. 3+7=10, add the rest
doubles=kids should known their double addition tables. 6+6=12. 7 is 1 more than six. 1 more than 12 is 13.

that kid did most of those wrong

I guess our educational system would be all fucked up too if it was dumbed down for niggers.

They're trying to teach kids intuitive tricks that you learn naturally but by making it part of the curriculum they're actually making kids fucking stupider
t. Mathematician
>muh it's easier to count by 10's
>muh I'm confused now

16 y. fag here, average size of an elementary class when I was in elementary ranged from 25-30 kids.

i was born in the 80's and i honestly use these methods in my mental math without ever having learned common core.

Manipulating numbers into 10's makes everything easier instead of just memorizing combinations.

Maybe it just requires a faster processor and you chumba wumbas cant keep up with my white mind.

>>All ex-commies country have without doubt a better educational system than Usa...

Italy was not an ex-commie state.
Lick my dick moron, turn back to me when you speak 4 languages, sometimes it happens that I get confuse.
Expecially when I have to think in such of a dumb language like english is.

it's confusing for a kid but they're obviously trying to get them using the mental shortcuts we use as adults when faced with basic arithmetic

like, if someone says to me 'hey, quick, what's 16 times 15' I'm gonna think
16x10 = 160
16x5 = 10x5 + 6x5 = 50+30 = 80
160+80 = 240

it's just grouping easy figures (like 10s or 5s) to create shortcuts

No, it's to slow down the white boys so the POC can keep up.
>reduces simple math to retard math
>forced to draw retarded boxes and then count them, even nogs can count

>pic also related
Subjective answers in math = ability to give out preferential grading

>To end White Privilege:

So these shitholes have better education than your country, great job Mario.

You could've just lied that you're 18, you moron.

remember when white kids could do this intuitively? i do because i was one of them. i dont even recognize elementary school math anymore and i graduated high school in 2013.

>solve using doubles
He should have written check 'em

I can't wait til I can't even do my 2nd graders homework

is this loss

>cos it makes zero sense

well they make some sense, some of them might be easier to compute in your head on larger numbers. the root of the issue is forcing children to apply those methods and punishing them if they don't. they should pick their method freely but then again no education should be forced which I guess in chimp america would not be possible because banana americans would never attend school in such case since long term thinking was never their strength nor their parents.

>fpbp on your own post
Step aside Canada, the aussies are taking back the title of king shitposters

>says the spic

Spic? How many languages do you speak?

Czech Repubic is not a shithole you fucking ingnorant cunt.

You just proved OP's point. Nice, lad

this is 1st grade stuff lol

t. another shithole

shh the real countries are speaking


Still better than yours too, I had australian friend that came from there here.

the difference is that you NEED to speak two languages to be relevant in any way.

So do you, Juan.

>implying I can speak only two languages

>real countries

like what? australia? don't be kidding yourself. you are a history-less mongrel bunch like most of the anglo sphere.

Check this doubles fact for reference.

The goal is to foster obedience and a lack of critical thought. The public schooling system was funded by the Rockefeller's and Carnegie's. It was modelled after Prussian schooling with an emphasis on obedience and turning out obedient workers.

>Real country
>Little bitch of the queen

And thats why you always whine about 'asian' schools

Woah, i can calculate basic stuff much faster now.

Thanks, unusual flag lad!

No this is how they're trying to make as all stupid. They do this scatter shot of methods in the hopes that somehow it will make the nigger less stupid but all it really does is annoy the fuck out of any kid with half a brain.

"popular" one with my kids was "estimating" when they would be marked wrong for giving the right answer. "I know how to add 2 two-digit numbers in my head, why do I have to estimate"

WTF i love czechia now

Common core stupidity. It had it's suspicious beginnings during the Bush administration and Obama adopted. Made a lot of people money off of the American taxpayer and made a lot of kids and parents confused and frustrated.

They have dumbed it down cause niggers can't figure out "common core" while naturally learning math . Look at the name

This is the way math should be taught to kids,you should teach them the way how to count not just remember a set of multiples.

But people will always be contrarians because in muh days it was better

>teach the kids to work out math in their heads
>instead of memorizing algebra
Maybe they should start teaching you plebs the purpose of a positional number system. The entire fucking point is that you only have to memorize how to add single-digit numbers + one simple rule to add arbitrary numbers mindlessly. Doing it like a retard using some kind of iterative process teaches you nothing about anything.

Got to love it as a kid when you wrote the letter "i" and you accidentally punctured a hole through your paper.

All of these methods are tricks that you eventually figure out on your own once you understand the basics of algebra. Unless you're a dumb niglet, of course.

How the fuck do you even remember this? Underage fgt detected.

Why make simple addition seem more complicated than it is, I don't get why they'd teach like this ?

Who cares about math, there are like, calculators for that shit. What has good education brought to your countries other than cultural enrichment and a false sense of superiority not backed by enconomic gain?

Solve using groups of threes and 1/4 of the total number of groups added on.

Solve by turning the third character upside down then inverting the meaning of the second character & adding double the first character plus one sixth of the original value of the third character.

Solve by writing 13 then slap yourself in the face for blindly following orders then do a protest rap about colonialism.

>Why make simple addition seem more complicated than it is
Simple: doing addition the normal way requires you to be able to keep track of carries in your head, which is too much for the average nigger, so the big idea here is to take tricks that make it easier in some cases and generalize them into cumbersome methods that even niggers with poor working memory can execute.


That may well be the reasoning behind it but I'd say it's flawed since it makes the whole thing seem way more involved than it actually is.

Top notch bants from the aussie as usual


Method is good. But teacher is probs shit.

>Fill in the part-part-whole box

These method works well for numbers that students find as challenging.

>never having even heard of the part part box
>probably knows nothing about the bit bit cube either

I am so confused , is it (2*2)/1 or 1/(2*2).

If i dont know i just do the shit from left to right , right. So 20/5 is 4 then multiply the other 4 with it and get 16? hello wtf is going on , is this shit missing brackets or something.

Call me dumb


This is some MK Ultra tier shit right here and makes me think of the "Speech Therapy" allegations made in the Gifted and Talented Education conspiracy threads...

They are literally trying to give kids learning disabilities.

>le common core is le retarded thread

I think most of us are baffled you would need to learn stuff like this.

I think they just want to codify mental math tricks so that most students know them without gaps in their knowledge.


>pic related

But your pic is fake and gay.

>goy defending greatest ally
Same beginning letter but the word is cuck.

yup, its retarded

Reminder that all you need to know for a professional career is how to make functions in Excel.

Why the fuck is "doubles + 1" a method?

First, that picture is fake. Second, there is no answer at all because what's written is not valid math syntax - parentheses are missing.

It's easy for most people to memorize doubles like 3+3, 5+5, 7+7, etc. They just stick in people's minds easier. So a natural extension of that knowledge is to do "doubles plus one" for simple addition like 6+7, 3+4, 7+8, etc.

>instead of memorizing algebra

You should just memorize adding two single digits together.

Ignoring zero's and one's (which are trivial) there are only 28 combinations to memorize.
Any non-retarded kid could learn it in a couple of days.

It is correct syntax but the only correct answer is 16.


In the modern standard division and multiplication have the same priority and should be done left to right.

If you're old (like me) you might have learned that multiplication goes before division but that's no longer accepted.

This is pretty stupid, but its the first time I've seen such foolishness, and Im from cali.