Ramadan starts in 2 days, how are you guys going to rustle some muslim jimmies?

Ramadan starts in 2 days, how are you guys going to rustle some muslim jimmies?
Let's trigger some goatrapists.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah eating pork alone in my house is gonna show those Muslims.

Twitter and facebook, here i come. I have some muslims on facebook, this might make them bark.

not blowing myself up

You got the wrong message, i'm gonna post shit on the internet on their social media, maybe someone will get triggered, i save pictures of the prophet like does too. Maybe throw bacon at a local mosque(in romania there is no such thing as "racism").

No one else is willing to trigger the sand people?

Might put some pork in the halal section

We don't have halal sections, we have 2 or 3 muslim butchery's. I don't think i can do more than stick a strip of bacon on their window.

I might buy a pigs head and throw it in a mosques yard. For example, here:

I guess you guys don't even care enough about shit that's going on to even have some fun at the expense of mudslims.

Hey man, I'm sure lots of people care (I do). Maybe your thread just didn't take off? Maybe lift again in a few hours.

I was playing the feelings card, yeah will post it again tomorow, maybe it's not too late and we can harass the muslims on a world scale. 2 men in Romania and one man in Australian ain't enough.

I've seen similar threads before and they usually get pretty big. I think America is asleep at the moment.

It's been a while since i posted here. The idea came to me today after a friend sent me that picture. Last week i wrote fuck islam on a hallway in my university. We have about 200muslim students here. There wasn't an investigation yet.

Similar things are happening in Australia, people get worked up about Islam (I know all me and my friends hate it). Also I didn't know Romanians knew English this well.

Make sure you get pissed so if some muslim cunt tries to whack you, you can glass him.

I will distribute some pork on Friday in the Muslim cemetery.

Believe me this is the worst for the guys

Most of my friends can speak english decently and understand most stuff. It's because back in 2000', when i was growing up, cartoons were not dubbed or subtitled and we had to learn english to understand them. I also took private english classes for 3 years when i was 7 years old.
I have a hard time with syntax, because Romanian syntax is quite different. Sup Forums helps too.

I carry a Captains of Crush grip strength trainer that i use as a knuckleduster, if the police catch me with it i just claim i'm a gym rat. I'm not sure if it will work.

So, is it a PISSlam hate thread?

Please post more, i have some fake facebook accounts i use to troll people. There's this muslim fucked in my college i'm currently catfishing, i want to get him outside at night and beat the living shit out of him, Eastern European style.

That's bullshit, cartoons were always dubbed and I was born in '93. Numai manca cacat.

Mosule, eu nu aveam cartoon in romana in 98. E posibil sa tina si de serviciul de televiziune, in cazul meu Canal S Constanta.

I like that idea

Ramadan bombathon? It's been a year already?

Just so others can understand: maybe your tv provider was different from mine, cartoon network was in english when i was 10. Also, you misspelled "nu mai".

Adica prindeam eu CN ,fox kids si toate cacaturile alea cu dublaje in Braila si nu prindeai tu in Constanta. Da, da, da


Daca-ti zic, in pula mea. Crezi ca n-am ce face decat sa inventez aberatii.
Posteaza niste muslim hate. O stii pe Ioana Hozoc din Braila?


I'm using a prepaid phone and a second hand laptop i bought online from a random guy. I am untraceable. I also am going to invite him on a date near the shitty part of town, if he calls the cops no one will suspect a non-gypsy.

Buy a bbq, the disposable ones if you like

buy 3kg of bacon and butties.

Send up your stand in the suitable place

flood the air with bacon smells shouting free bacon butties

What are you gonna do to him?

Probably come with 2 more friends and steal his phone and wallet, throw his paper in the trash can and sell the phone to a guy.


De unde pula mea sa o stiu? Nu e sat cu 100 de locuitori sa ii stiu pe toti

Also, beat the living shit out of him. Ask him if he renounces allah, this should be fun.

Intrebam si eu, se zvoneste ca ar fi mare muista pe acasa si eram curios.

I'll ask my grandma to took pork ribs
already eat ham every other day

Cati ani ai, coinac?

In Romania that wouldn't cause outrage, vandalism would or public internet trolling, especially if done on a larger than 3 guys scale. People here aren't yet infected with PC, except on the internet, there's always that one fucker that wants to start a fight in the name of social justice.
Yeah, eat those to give you strength to go outside and spray paint some stuff with "fuck islam" "islam is not welcome" "die ANTIFA" "RaHoWa".

Are you going to record it?

>steal his phone and wallet, and sell the phone to a guy.

I like this detail , but now seriously this small random acts of anti Islam are good for the country , good luck with your plan


I don't think so, it's risky and it's not worth it for the internet lulz.

Thanks, that's what i was thinking too, if people have the hatred in their soul and dare not act upon it, but see other do stuff, they might have the courage to atleast speak up.

There isn't that much that I can do , our equivalent to refugees aren't Islamic but I have mixed thoughts about what our " right wing" politicians would do if asked to take refugees from the middle east

do you have EU chilling liberal media outlets there ? they love catching these incidents to fuel their propaganda

We have no refugees either, who would want to voluntarily live here?
But stuff spreads to the internet, gives others the courage to stand up for what's right.
Our right wing is totally lacking right now, very weak representation, a caricature of extremism.
Most of our media is EU-propaganda, though. Some are Russian shills. I'm trying to redpill dad, he still thinks the refugee crysis is some 4d chess move from Germany that the layman can't understand.

Da, nu o cunosc pe bagaboanta de care vb, cu toate ca am gasit.o pe fb adineauri; nu e din generatia mea plus ca daca ar fi sa judecam acum care e muista...incadram jumatate din populatia feminina a brailei. Dar cand ajung, daca au noroc, la facultate, intra niste greturi in ele de iti vine sa le iei la palme dar in timpu liber ele se fut la camin pe un baton de salam. Am stat in cta 4 ani la UMC, am vazut destule...

I could see this backfiring, but being kind of funny.


Then all of a sudden you have a bunch of liberals adopting Ramadan in the name of "solidarity with the religion of peace."

>While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations.
Like most non-fanatics can keep this shit up.
You have a point, but what if it triggers them to do another stupid thing? My train of thought is that if they do stupid enough stuff, even the liberals will wake up. For example bombing children at a stupid concert.

I smoke and drink and eat meat on Fridays during Lent. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Take THAT Papists.

Here's what you do. Every day of ramadan you go to every supermarket in your area that has a halal section and you place pork products into the section. They will be forced to not purchase anything from the section until it is sanitized and the meat will all have to be thrown away. Now most markets will not waste that meat and will put it right back out. This means that by eating it, according to their beliefs, even though it was not intentional, they will still suffer the same punishment. For extra points take pics of the section with the pork added and spread over social media for teh lulz

You didn't read the content in the thread, it's not about doing stuff at home, it's about doing stuff on the internet/public that outrages muslims. Like one user said, put some pork in the halal section.

This one pisses off both sides of the argument lol.


he looks like THAT? no wonder he doesn't want his picture posted


the no pictures thing is relatively new , there are XXIV century drawings and art showing the prophet , i'm not sure when they changed it





start the day with a bacon egg and cheese, pulled pork sandwich for lunch and move on to a ham steak dinner.


it's idolatry explicitly prohibited in the quran?

Luckily there are new mudshits around me. Although during last Yom Kippur, there was a kike in the apartment next to mine, and I spent all day cooking and eating bacon while using fans to waft the delicious smell over to his apartment. Whole building smelled like bacon, it was great. Shlomo ended up leaving to get away from it.






>24th century

Holy shit that time of year already? Stay out of crowded public places Eurokeks



Why does it look like he guy in the back is getting a BJ?

What about walking around the streets of london with a piglett? Maybe make it trendy to own one of these cutesy animals so everyone walks around with them, market them to kids and woman, surely the muslims will start going apeshit about it. And we all know how lefties hold animal rights in higher regard than human rights so if they see a video of a muzzy killing pigs we can create more converts from the left.

I don't know , my comment was only about Mohamed and his image

But supposedly Arabic calligraphy started evolving to fill the gap left by the ban of religious imagery

I'm gonna go to a Muslim household and eat an entire raw pig in front of them.


WTF I like Romania now.


some pleb-tier photoshop skills that


Is Op a 13yo who just discovered Sup Forums? Jeez, that edge tho

Lets hold hot dog eating contests and innundate twitter with pictures of us eating bacon.

I am worried as I am travelling to the UK soon should I delay my trip?

When they do that, why not just bomb them back?

Yes of fucking course.

Thanks based bong.

I say it because I care lad

I hate seeing my motherland like this....

It's definitely our lowest point in history. I'm flying out next month on the 20th.


Don't steal/take or throw anything from him user.
It could mean the difference between a slap on the wrist and doing time.
Also, dynamic IP?

i dont eat red meat

Doing time for eating red meat?

Who lives in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, or any of the other shitty places?

Doing time for stealing. Stealing gets filed by the police while a simple beating will just end in "boys will be boys". Pick your battles.
Also avoid face or other swelling areas and don't attack all 3, go 1v1.

What city do you live in that there is a halal section? Melbourne?

Can we make images like with pepe to troll leftists?

>June is newly announced international month of pork

Or some shit