How long do you think it will be before a bomb of peace goes off somewhere and Sup Forums gets blamed for it?

How long do you think it will be before a bomb of peace goes off somewhere and Sup Forums gets blamed for it?

I'm honestly fucking shocked that it hasn't been done already.

If you really wanted Sup Forums gone it would be pretty easy to false flag something, it would be pretty easy for someone to do something shitty and set us up.

A lot of people have great hatred of this place after you guys basically got the president elected, it would probably be beneficial to have a strategy for WHEN this happens, not IF.

you really touched my heart, old progressive faggot.
i will totally not lk7511304

Good bait

Please remind me, since when is Sup Forums some ideological organization instead of merely a forum for anonymous online discussions?

If you kill random people for no reason then you're a subhuman piece of trash no matter what race/religion just weird how Islamic people tend to be the major offenders eh? If you feel the need to kill yourself / others, please go to your nearest gang members / other criminals and take as many of them with you. Do your homework, too. Not random civilians. That's just degenerate.

you first must have a cause to bait someone
i'm just doing this out of the faggotry of my own heart

Sup Forums is an image board of anonymous users on Sup Forums, not an ideology. Sup Forums and Sup Forums and general get blamed for shit all the time. the only thing that ever comes of it is neckbeards on reddit trying to shut us down.

since (((they))) say so

It's already happened. No matter what we the users do on Sup Forums the site itself is not responsible. It be like blaming verizon
For somebody calling in bomb threats.
>don't mess with football

i will literally punch you to the death for mixing soccer with football
it will be like blaming the english language

I don't think it would happen.
If (((they))) setup a bombing and blamed Sup Forums it might act as a catalyst for real attacks. Just look at how many autists made round wooden shields and bats with tiny flags once based stick man did it.

No, it would be like if Verizon had a space where you could get together and say that you hate people and plan threats with them.

Forums like that get shut down. Sup Forums is just a place for anonymous discussion of politics. A psycho can walk into a restaurant and then murder people but it isn't the restaurant's fault

this is
English* language is retarded, sports prove it, thread now
*chance to be double retarded if you live in the UK
i am a terrorist, i had a budget of over 100k spend on me (i am deadly serious) and yet i still jack it off from the same internet connection, from the same pc, for almost a decate
someone should kys and it's not me, if you know what i mean

>civilized people prefer peaceful discourse over random barbaric violence

because this place is full of video playing neckbeards who never leave their basement.

People discuss the idea of a race war, murder, an uprising. The only reason that it isn't shut down is because the majority of the people are cowardly. Don't act like there is no culpability.

People trying to convince trans people to kill themselves. Etc.

are you admitting the majority of white people os trying to force trans to commit suicide?
i know you will do triple kolotoumba you faggot, butg do you?

keep telling that to yourself
when my balls are in your chin and my dick has chocked you

if someone did a terror attack and was screaming hail facebook would all people on facebook be held responsible?

nah,...some would buy it but most wouldnt

I'm as trans as you are white, sea monkey.