American traveling to Germany here:

What are the odds I don't make it back?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just don't go to those no go zones user

Depends. Where do you intend to go? North of the Country is pretty much a sure way to get enriched. East might get you hospitalized for sure (the Saxons hate your guts) so only place left is South. Bavaria is still pretty chill, but the hordes started to appear there too. So, better now before it's all a civil war hellhole.


And Frankfurt

Ouch. Keep a weapon ready


These cards are old, but Stuttgart is the way more dangerous area



The rich are fleeing Yurop in droves. France, Germany, Austria.... the exodus is in full swing indeed. Too bad the propaganda still hasn't been broken, but the next Cologne is around the door. That will blow things wide open
Racial hatred is almost at boilng point

germans are people

niggers are not people, therefore not germans

well this is thoroughly disappointing

I'm a big guy so I don't care. Society did this and Society will pay for it. I'm armed.
Hey it's the wild west again. Lynch a nigger, but don't let the (((Sheriff))) catch you or you become the victim of the (((state))). Fake cops and the like are a plague, best handle everything yourself, you know.

Society has been pussified since the 40's, apparently some of us survived undetected. Or maybe it's just evolution. Don't care.

if you are staying in rural area probably good.
dont visit hamburg or berlin, these cities are african colonies.

You give me hope, user

You are an american, it's probably more dangerous to cross the street without getting shot where you live

i visited Kiel, it was very enriched

Not at all. 99% white

Don't be retarded, even with the increased crime/terrorism rates, Germany is still a dozen times safer than USA. From the moment you step on the plane to Germany you are far, FAR less likely to get randomly killed than you are anywhere in the US.

What state do you live in?

yeah this

listen to random shits from norway claiming Germany is safe


people who actually live in the country


Inb4 reeing

How fucking retarded are you americans? Visiting Germany is a hundred times more safe than anywhere in USA. You guys are paranoid

still tho listen to this guy

I plan on moving to your country to fight in the upcoming race war, sieg heil

The USA is still considerably more dangerous than any place in Western Europe

>t. guy who's never been to the US


We have very few murders. The USA is more dangerous.

The germans in this thread are memeing Sup Forumstards who haven't actually left their house in the past few years, you'd be retarded to take them seriously.

Our country is almost 50%+ shitskins, our city's are not even safe anymore they are full of degeneracy and crime. Look at Detroit, New York or LA ; compare these cities to Berlin, Munich or Frankfurt America is not safe

Literally just take a glance at murder or violent crime statistics. Even if you go by state, every individual state is more dangerous than Germany. By German standards of "no-go zones", the entirety of New York City is a no-go zone.

It looks that way too you, but you can't assess the situation in Europe. One second you walk down the shopping streets and the next you know you are in Lebanon. US might be more dangerous, but you can evaluate the danger around you before. No such chance here. That's why I say it's at least on par, if not more. The moment of surprise is much more deadly than the actual event, that's my 5c

And you are a sheep thrown to the wolves while the shepherd dogs stand around you and stare. No one is coming to save you here

You literally suffer from paranoia and I can tell with 100% certainty that you aren't speaking from real experience in ANY of your posts, but just by what the ultra-biased websites you go to tell you.

I avoid major cities. Rural America is comfy as fuck

Get lost Jid

You'll be fine, Tiffany.

Same here, except there is not enough space. These parasites get dumped wherever there is "room", except there is non so they staple the shits in containers down the street

Nah, this will end with one big BBQ
I know my shit

That, I can agree on I love the rural USA

Great numbers

It's what America is supposed to be. I don't understand the appeal of cities. Never have.

Nigger, you are either rural middle class or a basement dweller. If one is honest we are already at the open KZ stage. user is right, the coal for the summoning of Baal is packed, just waiting for someone with matches.

Go to east Germany and avoid the west like a plague and you will be fine.

Zero. Germany is safer than the USA for the simple fact 99% of them don't have guns. It's easier to fight off a Muslim with a knife than a gun and most of Germany is safe, anyway. inb4 cuck or shill.

bretti low

Going to oktoberfest this year. Any tips?

Unless you're from some sheltered megachurch and Chili's suburb, or some yuppie that lives behind three security gates and a key fob in your luxury apartment, you've got nothing to worry about. sandniggers are always pussies compared to full-on crazy, homeless, drunken niggers we've got in any city, here. Plus, they don't have guns. Go to town.

>Visiting Germany is a hundred times more safe than anywhere in USA.

It's like you believe the memes and unironically believe this place is a warzone. The USA outside of certain urban projects is just as safe as any other western nation. Even in bad areas, as long as you aren't in a gang or competing with the nogs in some way, the worst that will happen is that you may get robbed.

If you pre-order your casket it'll be cheaper.

Pine or oak?

very low. you don't suffer from germans humiliating themselves and even if you will make it back with the knowledge that it is no way to live. some burgers actually have bullshit fines open and just leave. so yeah no real risk.

frankfurt has bad neighborhoods

What americans don't seem to understand is, that germany is only heading where america already is.

I have a military buddy that was stationed over there for awhile and he said that he loved your country and wanted to emigrate there. I see a lot of Germans claiming the average person over there doesn't like Americans but he claimed everyone was extremely kind and respectful toward him.

The odds of you getting shot in your own country is far greater. You'll be fine.

germany can be a cozy place if you don't involve yourself with the stupid and needless drama

Oz travelling europe for a month, budapest, berlin, amsterdam, prague. Am I gonna get killed, blown up or otherwise?

We're not the safest country in the world, but would you consider Norway a warzone? You guys blow the ">be American >get shot" meme way out of proportion.


Yeah, but alot of people live in super-sheltered suburbs and have never gone to "the city" anyway, and many small towns are hundreds of miles from anything resembling a ghetto, and inner-city whites live in upper-middle class communities where everyone's a young professional and there's private security patrols and wholefoods on every corner.

To go to a foreign lace is scary to them.

Try sorting that list by homicide rate next time instead of alphabetically. Norway has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world, while USA's is higher than that of countries such as Iran and Egypt.