Sup Forums, do you support the legalization of marijuana, and do you support alcohol remaining legal...

Sup Forums, do you support the legalization of marijuana, and do you support alcohol remaining legal? if you chose for alcohol remaining legal while marijuana staying illegal, what is your reasoning? generally curious..

weed is counterculture hippie drug, alcohol has been a part of our culture for centuries

but it had to be introduced.. and many people were opposed to it. hundreds of years ago, alcohol would be counterculture, so why is weed any different?

negativ sir,
marijunana was there long before alcohol AND its just one plant


alcohol is infinitely more degenerate but pol hates black people and likes that they can lock them up for carrying small quantities of a plant

the point isn't that it's different. why would you allow more drugs that damages people's lives?
>marijunana was there long before alcohol
Are you smoking right now? It's just been a century since it started spreading in the US.

>marijuana damages peoples lives

getting charged for possessing it or selling it is far and away the most unnecessarily damaging aspect

Both should be legal. It should be illegal to drive or operate potentially dangerous equipment while under the influence of either. A good spliff, a nice bourbon and an IPA means you are living the life.

That's because the American society is fucked. Legalization isn't actually a good solution even if it's the most sensible one out of the available options.

Cutting off the end of your dick has been part of our culture for centuries
Crucifying people has been part of our culture for centuries
Arresting people for freedom of speech was part of other people's cultures for centuries
See why that's bullshit pal?

Alcohol is already accepted by our society. Better to have less mind altering substances illegal than legal. It's bad enough alcohol is allowed, literally no reason to allow more.

you can't legislate good behavior

have you ever smoked weed before? shits good tho

Legalization is very profitable and I don't expect regular hardworking productive people will be rushing to smoke all day every day. If a state wants to legalize it I think that's fine.

Sweden has all but legalized rape

just legalize it already, promote weed smoking and ban porn!

we is true human culture was the first propagated plant. the original civilization was created because a bunch of nomads wanted to lay down some roots so they could focus on growing weed

I think the only thing that sould be illegal is Islam

Don't listen to the reddit tards they're both equally degenerate, OP.

Europeans drank short beer in the middle ages as water would make you sick.

masturbating is no fun anymore anyways

what does weed feel like?

islam is a cult like satanism it seems

legalize it
cut off one of organized crime's sources of income
tax it and sell it like tobacco/cigarettes so the govt gets its share

no, i don't smoke, i did in the past but its been probably 10 years and no i probably wouldn't start smoking again

Are you drunk? Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. they have both been here.

No cannabis was not the first propagated plant. the oldest records are 5000 BC last time I checked. Grapevines and barley are older. I agree with the overall idea though. It was used in chinese medicine for centuries.

I am really high right now.

I enjoy indica strains because it levels out my head and helps me stream my processing abilities.

I have ADD and take meds for it but those seem to not do as much anymore. My symptoms were returning then I tried some weed for the first time in two years; instantly it smoothed out my thoughts and allowed me to sit silently and concentrate on reading or listening to the other person in the conversation.

you just feel like really good man. like normally i think about politics a lot but when i'm high i just can't bring myself to, I just want to enjoy life. you laugh a lot, it's really good with friends.