Can a Nazi defend book burning?

Can a Nazi defend book burning?

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft

>Only nazis have ever engaged in censorship throughout history
>There is no censorship in today's western world lol

>burning the koran

Yeah it was all Marxist shit

All of the following types of literature were to be banned.

>The works of traitors, emigrants and authors from foreign countries who believe they can attack and denigrate the new Germany (H.G. Wells, Rolland);
>The literature of Marxism, Communism and Bolshevism;
>Pacifist literature;
>Literature with liberal, democratic tendencies and attitudes, and writings supporting the Weimar Republic (Rathenau, Heinrich Mann);
>All historical writings whose purpose is to denigrate the origin, the spirit and the culture of the German Volk, or to dissolve the racial and structural order of the Volk, or that denies the force and importance of leading historical figures in favor of egalitarianism and the masses, and which seeks to drag them through the mud (Emil Ludwig);
>Writings of a philosophical and social nature whose content deals with the false scientific enlightenment of primitive Darwinism and Monism (Hackel, Benedict);
>Books that advocate “art” which is decadent, bloodless, or purely constructivist (Grosz, Dix, Bauhaus, Mendelsohn);
>Writings on sexuality and sexual education which serve the egocentric pleasure of the individual and thus, completely destroy the principles of race and Volk (Hirschfeld);
>The decadent, destructive and Volk-damaging writings of “Asphalt and Civilization” literati: (Graf, H. Mann, Stefan Zweig, Wassermann, Franz Blei);
>Literature by Jewish authors, regardless of the field;
>Popular entertainment literature that depicts life and life’s goals in a superficial, unrealistic and sickly sweet manner, based on a bourgeois or upper class view of life;
>Nationalistic and patriotic kitsch in literature.
>Pornography and explicit literature by Jewish authors.
>All books degrading German purity.


>freezing to death on eastern front
>have comfy memories of burning books in summer field to keep me warm


Jewish propaganda

Literally and figuratively absolutely nothing wrong with this. If anything such a policy should be reinstated

The Nazis banned a few thousand books, mainly of Jewish and communist orientation. Today's German Federal Republic bans tens of thousands.

Burning them was symbolic of society purging itself of ideological poison.

Mostly porn and (((communist))) literature, so yeah good on em.

you don't have to burn books if you refuse to print books.

>what about x

Not an argument.

Why? What is wrong with people reading these things?

This. Modern symbolic book burning is on a much bigger scale.

they were burning communist trash and pornography

why didn't they just disprove ot? oh wait. They couldn't

>Why? What is wrong with people reading these things?
So these Jews get no power over us.

They did, then they burned em.

Most of them were fromür_Sexualwissenschaft

Of the 3 book burning incidents on film, one of them was from the Institute for sexual research in Berlin - which not only contained volumes of (illegal) pornography but also advocated for the normalization of homosexuality and even pedophilia.

I'm not even a Nazi or even a racist and I can defend it - and I don't even have to use common decency as an argument, either.

If an ideology runs so counter to what the government is working for, and in fact has adherents actually working against the government - not only should their books be burned, but they should be charged with sedition as well.

>Aryan master race
>gets tricked easily enough by Jews that the government needs to ban all books that might confuse them

If you want to retain what was then don't allow what isn't. Why is it hard for you to accept that Germans wanted to expel ideology that was hurtful to them. Do you think communism is something to be welcomed?

No, fuck off, you are starting from the presupposition that Nazi Germany was inherently unique to its position on banning certain types of subversive and perverted literature. It has been demonstrably proven to not be the case, and the world we live in RIGHT NOW is far more censorious than Nazi Germany.

Also you need to learn about Weimar Germany and how degeneracy was pushed heavily and rampant.

>If an ideology runs so counter to what the government is working for, and in fact has adherents actually working against the government - not only should their books be burned, but they should be charged with sedition as well.

Thank God you're not in the government otherwise Sup Forums would not exist.

>Can a Nazi defend book burning?
No. Shitty ideas should be allowed to persist so we can laugh at them.

No such writing about the "aryan master race" exists nor was produced by Nazi's, however a very sacred book to the Jews called the talmud espouses those very racial supremacy beliefs that the Jews claim to be against.

Yeah what a silly goose.

oh so youre a faggot redditor without an argument. Remember to put sage in the option fields because this sophist doesnt have an argument and is probably from leftypol or reddit (note the term "nazi")

Again ? I wish we stop them one day, i hate war propaganda as usual, but jewish propaganda is worst

What makes you think I support censorship? I'm not some cuck who can't handle dissenting opinions or "muh chilluns :(" material.

There's a difference between supporting and allowing, you fucking retarded teenager.

the Nazis burned almost all of the research and literature that existed regarding transgendered people prior to the 1930s.

I think that's pretty self justifying.

This, truth does not fear investigation. If your ideology truly is the best one then people will not be swayed by some random book.

If the people choose to burn these books of their own accord however, you should let them.

I think nazi germany's centralized authority was sort of unique to its' circumstances. When you're sandwiched between the imperial ambitions of britain and the ussr, there really isn't much luxury for civil debate if you wish to survive as a people.

You wouldn't burn a quran?!

too bad they didn't find and burn this guy

book burning is more symbolic than it is practical

the printing press exists, the internet exists, it's not like you can just burn knowledge out of existence anymore.

it is more a metaphor for denying the zeitgeist brought by the book

I'm not a communist. Just because I think people should be free to consume any media they like, I would support an authoritarian shit government that actively bans shit too?

Thank you. If NS was so superior, why would they need to quell any other opinions? Why should some government decide what's good and bad for me like I'm in kindergarten?

>If your ideology truly is the best one then people will not be swayed by some random book.

Or hundreds of TV shows or thousands of websites.

As in everything else though, honest discussion of Nazism or fascism is banned. Might makes right, if you control the medium and flow of information the "logic" or philosophical astuteness of your ideology doesn't matter.

Most people actually don't care about politics or actual philosophy they just like to root for their team. There are plenty of liberals who are more racist than their conservative counterparts.

They just grew up voting that way, and the teevee tells them to vote for the "smart ones" so they don't become ridiculed.

No,but it should be allowed to read and then criticized.By burning books that allude to communistic teachings you're only empowering them.You can't simply expel an ideology like that;you need to incessantly refute its teachings with arguments.

yea those books where degenerate jewish bullshit

Ummm I got the opposite impression that you support censorship, I'm just answering your questions. I don't support it either but im telling you why they did censor dissenting ideas. The people of germany were not exactly thrilled about it as a majority but they understood that hitler was getting over 5 million people back to work and doing wonders for the economy so they "took the rough with the smooth" as the saying went. I'm 30.



Disproving communism is easier than jerking off

This is why nothing should be banned for "wrong" opinions. Books about Fascism should be allowed, same with Communism. Why should some government treat you like a child? An ideology that is truly strong should be able to handle opposing ideas.

>Thank you. If NS was so superior, why would they need to quell any other opinions?

There were literally thousands of newspapers lying nonstop trying to subvert the country for foreign and mercantile and ideological interests. People who work 40+ hours a week are often too tired to actually sort out the nonsense so they rely on the "credibility" of the press. When there is no standard at all and never has been. "Fake News" is not a new idea it is as old as the medium.

The Nazis had two options here: Some how come up with the capital and talent pool to compete with millions of dollars of foreign capital being used to propagandize their country or simply put a stop to the liars and foreigners.

>what's wrong with Marxism?

Why don't you ask the 20 million Russians the Jews murdered?

I didn't imply you were communist I'm asking if you would welcome communism, the communist party had over 6m members whilst the NDSAP Had 7 members when hitler joined. There was real danger of further economic destruction in 1920, so when the nazis took power they burned all communist literature. To people that went from running suitcases of cash just to buy bread to taking overseas holidays in under 5 years this seemed like a pretty good idea.

They were de facto agents of the ussr. I couldn't think of anything more asinine than debating a people actively conspiring to cede your sovereignty to a foreign empire.

Just shoot them.

>van Kuck
Truth is stranger than fiction. Wow the first doctor to do a sex reassignment surgery was jewish who saw that one coming what (((cohenincidence))))

That's a wonderful sentiment. But a poor practice. The wealthier person with more control will more often than not have the more popular message - regardless of facts and logic. Simply because they can blast it farther.

Do you even comprehend the amount of censorship the left does?

They make Nazis look like schoolchildren.

I agree, im just explaining why they did what they did, and it made a lot of sense to them at the time, so without being there ouselves it's very easy for us to judge.

Almost all of the books they burned was Marxist propaganda or Degenerate shit.
Back in the day before T.V. - Magazines - and Interwebs that's how propaganda was spread.
Through books dumb dumb.
The nazi's saw this bullshit and garbage and didnt want there country to become what the western world is today.
>Was 100% Defend-able

>kiwi retarded race
>can't even work out that media banking and government are a result of Jewish tricks

>The masses....

If your going to try and play Jew tricks at least get good at it.

Communism is a failure; it could have killed atleast a few dozen million more in Afghan and Africa.. losers. Now we all got all those mud people. DO YOUR JOB!

Yeah burn jewish commie bull shit.

Mow your own lawn rabbi

I would burn a massive motherfucking load of jew literature today. The Holohoax material alone could keep a bonfire raging for years.

book burning of marxist literature done by the people themselves on a voluntary basis is ideal

t. libertarian