Stop blaming Muslims for all your problems. White men are more likely to be terrorists than Muslims...

Stop blaming Muslims for all your problems. White men are more likely to be terrorists than Muslims. That's just a fact that rural retards will never accept. Being racist towards Muslims only fuels the fire.

Other urls found in this thread: of us population that is muslim&oq=percent of us population that is muslim&aqs=chrome..69i57.7884j0j1&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8

>Shaun King
more like Shaun Totally not a Black Dude Cucklord

Sauce for the Flabman's comments?

Not an argument

The difference is, no one chooses to be white, every muslim chooses to be muslim.

His logic is flawed, and I suggest suicide.

Shaun King is a respected intelecutuall I'm sure you can find a source through a simple Google search

citation needed


>Talcum X

My body, my choice white boy

So why didn't you look up any source before posting you fucking idoit?

i d like to see a source for that .


I guarantee both of those stats are fake

it's true if you count middle eastern men as caucasian

Because I trust the validity of the claims

White dude thinks he's black. Opinion discarded.

where did he get his made-up statistics?

Why is a white male blaming his own kind for terrosism?

So is every shooting a terror attack?

Victim Vulture

Nice bait

Shaun King is 100% white.

I trust that your ambience noise is the halo theme

If you call them terrorists, They act like terrorists.
>Mind = Blown


Never trust some random guy on twitter, especially if he weighs over 200 pounds

>73% of terror attacks have been by white males
>if you count single shootings as terror attacks
>and if you count "white hispanics"
>and if you ignore terror attacks where the suicide bomber's mother insists her dead son is innocent

White men are the devil

According to the census and FBI crime report


I hate this mentally ill faggot

>71% of cops were killed
Holy fugg, theres a cop genocide lads

This guy has such a weird skin tone. It's not white, it's not black, it's not mixed. I never know what the fuck to make of this guy.

Source for you lazy fucks

These stats are nowhere close to being true.

No proofs= go suck a dick, retard


100% of Shaun King is a white man.

Great, now let's see the numbers of Europe instead of only the US, a single country. Or even better, let's see the numbers of the entire world.

They're stupid because they're using domestic terrorism cases like arson and assault, it's a way to abuse the statistics of their claims

The fucking difference s that white people founded and built USA, there are still majority of population. You can't not let white amercians in, you can ban muslim immigration. The funniest thing is every time i see this kind of posts, the starting date for statistics is just after 9/11.

Still terrorism, no?


spics and niggers claim to be white in police incidents

Lets remember all the Chinese terrorists who are 'hwite.'

This is a tactic these idiots love using, since Islamic terrorist attacks tend cause more casualties they ignore that and just count the number of attacks. They do this in Europe too. They'll say shit like "75% of attacks were not by Muslims" completely ignoring the fact that those 75% of attacks accounted for a small amount of deaths. Just look at France, just two attacks caused over 200+ deaths.

As for the cop stat, he's probably lumping in hispanics with whites because whites only account for 40-50% of cop deaths. This is also something else they do, they don't account for population size. Whites account for 60+% of the population, which means they are underrepresented in the group. Meanwhile blacks are only 13% of the population yet account 30-40% of cop deaths. They're overrepresented in this group.

Wow, that sounds bad! What's the body count by class of perp? Surely if white guys are doing all the terrorism, theyd also have the majority of victims right?

>inb4 all white on minority crime, from mugging to actual racially motivated executions are considered terrorist attacks

Always start counting AFTER 9-11.

Reminds me of when that pastor Haggart guy used to complain about gays.

Banning Muslims is against the constitution actually.

What is this wigger doing with his life. Srs.

one is a religion
the other isn't
solve the riddle faggot

terrorism just means whatever we want now

also now that 71% of cops have been killed last year, i bet being a cop pays incredibly well

I don't think he knows this, but Arabs are white by definition.

Are hispanics and arabs counted as whites?

Interesting how there are so many white Americans that are fans of diffused responsibility when it comes to chattel slavery but are there are so many white Americans that are fans of collective responsibility when a muslim commits a terrorist attack.

71% of the police force was killed last year?! Jesus Christ, call in the national guard!

Adjusted for population by race, niggers are a bigger problem than white men. Without nigger-related crime, the US would have euro-tier crime rates.

Shaun King is so much of a cuck that he turned himself black so that even when it's actually him personally fucking his wife he can look in the mirror and see a black man banging her.

Literally the only white person in the world according to Sup Forums consensus

You are flat out wrong. While you can misleadingly claim that whites are responsible for the most terrorist attacks (not deaths from attacks), they are definitely not more likely than other races.

Also mudslimes and cartel grunts are considered "white."

Only terrorism if it's politically motivated like Dylan Roof.

According to the FBI, yes

Okay so white people suck at being terrorist. White supremacy my ass.

first off
where are the statistics
since im pretty fucking sure its not white guys strapping bombs to their chests and blowing themselves up in the name of christianity

So what is the body count for each?
Even better, what is the terrorism bodycount per 100,000 for white vs muslim.

Wtf I hate white men now

Maybe by you faggot
We all know not to believe niggers
What makes you think we would now?
Jus puhleeeeze

White privilege means being a pale white guy and passing off as a black guy and netting a $500,000 salary gig on TheYoungTurks

Rachel Dolezal is blacker than Shaun King.

>(((since 9/11)))

fuck you and fuck talcum x, fucking faggot. sage this shit to oblivion lads

What's the Muslim population in the US?

For some reason, those stats won't make Muslims look better, mister King.

I meant """niggers""" in this case!

Shaun "the fo figga wigga" King doesn't know his mathmetatics

Holy shit

Doesn't Constitution only apply to USA citiziens? Or eventualy people alerady on the american soil?

>Still terrorism, no?

Sure. Left-wing eco-terrorism is still terrorism. It just doesn't have the body count that Muslim terrorism does, which is why people hate Muslims.

> doesn't know his mathmetatics
Lack of skillz is part of his attempt at authenticity.

The whitest man on Sup Forums

lol, it's funny because it's true

Wow. It's almost like the population that is the majority commits the majority of crimes.

I wonder what happens to the percentages if you do them per 100 000 people or something like that

if you count arabs and north africans as whites like the US census bureau does then sure the first stat is probably right if you purposly fuck the numbers to push an agenda. The second stat is also probably right but thr vast majority of people killed by police are white males. Fuck off with shaun king hack any stats or proof he throws out is always skeewed and distorted to push his self hatred kink. Find a lefty with a normal IQ level and minmum mental issues to parrot instead of the usual hacks at least.

Would these be the same stats that include hispanics as white? Also, what % of terrorism is being carried out by muslims stateside? Theybonly make up 3% o f the population.

truly powerful words from Talcum X
a modern martin luther kang jr
like and subscribe

Do suicide bombings from ISIS counter? Cause I think they do. Several hundred in the Mosul offense alone. those numbers are flawed.

Muslims are not a race you stupid little kid.

*not counting actual terrorist attacks since 9/11
**not counting cops killed by black people

Did you catch the Kentucky redneck part? No black man would ever claim to be a redneck. Sideshow Casper is completely dillusional.

>This guy has such a weird skin tone. It's not white, it
Not an argument. Wow. Right wingeers are dumber than I thought. Not a single source provided to dispute Mr. King's claims. Sup Forums BTFO

>white men wiped out 71% of cops in America last year
Holy Christ

only a guy too stupid to know what race he is would be too stupid to understand per capita statistics.

kind of like a retard who cant differentiate between an intrinsic immutable quality like race and a chosen ideology.

The same place he got his self identified race. The bullshit store

time for all the non whites to escape then

back to africa, asia, etc

But where are the proofs?

And people wonder why the police are being militarized.

Banning people who hold allegiance to hostile ideology is not unconstitutional.

The problem is not the race but the shitty religion.

They know their audience doesn't fact-check.

Before you say something like this:

You should google this: of us population that is muslim&oq=percent of us population that is muslim&aqs=chrome..69i57.7884j0j1&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8

and see if that changes the point you are trying to make.

2016 killed in line of duty:

64 cops shot and killed by suspect

12 cops killed by vehicle assault

1 death by stabbing.

>Not a single source provided to dispute Mr. King's claims.

Not a single source was provided to support whitey's claim, either.

I have a better idea: You verify that they're true and then get back to us, mmkay