Could you?

This is war and politics related, mods dont delete

What do you think of american police? In relation to the video of course

Another thought, could war video games really condition people to kill? After this i am thinking about it

Yeah, whats wrong with taking out someone who is, presumably, a threat to my continued existance?

I remember hearing the US army would recover weapons from the battlefield, and a large number would have not been fired/loaded ready to fire, they started using human shaped targets in training and the numbers dropped, cant remember the specifics, video games easily could make someone more apt to the idea of pulling the trigger when needed

He mentions that at the end of the video, its long but really interesting,.and got me thinking, many times i think about killing, like someone that cuts you off, or some other thing that irates you, but now i am curious geniunely

Self defence is different than killing someone in cold blood

Or, cold blood would be without emotion, killing someone because they upset you would just be murder

This is such a faggot reddit tier question. Any man who couldn't kill someone with a gun is a craven pussy and should kill himself instead, but he won't cause he's a fucking pussy.

Difference between killing innocent people because (((they)) say to, and killing because they're evil.

>What do you think of american police? In relation to the video of course

I think America would still be part of some other country if we were all pussies like you.

and yes, video games are crazy, i think many people have action movie dreams, were you are persecuted and finding guns and running

I bet is the brain processing all that, still of course its not like we should ban games

But its true, recently ive been playing skyrim, and my pissed off killing fantasy have turned more to hacking crushing, than shooting or running over

Kek, you edgelord

Homicide is any killing
Assasination is with clear intent and some what plan
Murder is killing in the moment??


You are owned by israel, saudi arabia and china

Why would you have any difficulty at all pointing an object at someone and pulling the trigger?

They use brainwashing tactics to make the soldiers think they are killing evil people, video games are part of this but just the tip of the iceberg.

In ww1 & ww2 a lot of people aimed high or didnt fire at all.

The rates were slightly better during vietnam but still, they found people were unwilling to pull the trigger.

So now they make sure they brainwash the soilders into hating the enemy. But not just that, hating their entire culture and way of life. This is why the civilian casualties in iraq and the middle east are so high.

People weren't programmed to go through this shit though, which is why PTSD is such a bad problem. But thats a whole other story.

>Are you the type who won't put a ho in front of a trigger? Then youse the ho ass nigga

Not an argument, you're a pussy.

>So now they make sure they brainwash the soilders into hating the enemy. But not just that, hating their entire culture and way of life. This is why the civilian casualties in iraq and the middle east are so high.

They 'brainwash' them into shooting at silhouettes, not into hate. People hated gooks and japs a lot more than they hated Afghan farmers and Somali streetrats, but they have a reflex to fire at center mass thanks to basic skinnerian logic.

i like lindybeige but a perfect example of him talking shit. there a large portion of people who'd i imagine would shoot to kill that aren't his definition of crazy.

Thats just trolling
>you a ho if you cant kill a ho

But for real like i say, i get angry and want to crush someones skull, but of course i am not an idiot and i dont want to go to jail, i ve always thought i wouldnt hesitated to kill someone that deserves it, if in a place were nobody saw me, like someone tries to rob you, you brandish, they or he runs, and you shoot him still, steal the gun and pretend it never happened, i am.actually curious now to test if i could do it for real, or is it all just barking and no biting

Actually have been thinking a free gun from killing a rat would come very handy, i cant buy no more, for injust beaurocratic shit, never committed a crime, but still, gov fucked me, i need more guns and i am too autistic to do the social interaction necesary for a black market purchase

Nice Try FBI.

Lindy's a faggot who is referencing a study after World War 2 that has been debunked and is ignored by any serious psychologist and historian. Honestly, assume anything Lindybeige says is at least 30% incorrect.

>You are owned by israel, saudi arabia and china

You're just jealous because your country isn't powerful enough to be considered a top tier ally, like the ones you mentioned that are desperate to be on Based God Emperor's good side.

>implying the archery in troy was only 70% crap

CIA please arm me, you guys are the global arms dealers, and here is a poor soul longing for weapons, just leave a create outside my home, i wont say anything

Dont listen to him, i am allied, please send weapons,.and if you can, some canned cheese spread and frozen tendies
Dont let the.commies take over this place!!

you would get PTSD later

it's actually a debilitating mental condition, if you stop being edgy

yes, Lindy Beige mentions the PTSD at the end of the video. I live next to a US Veteran's hospital, and there are a lot of veteran's with PTSD here. It's really bad for them. Lots of them commit suicide, their lives fall apart, they drink to forget

honestly, I would not say it's worth it

Fuck off back to dangling on Maduro's nutsack.

>Grossman bullshit

Data used in On Killing was refuted. Deal with it.

When I think about if I have to kill someone who breaks into my home I don't think about if he is going to die from my gun. I worry that it will fuck up my hearing. I often wonder if that's wrong for me to prioritise.

I had a pretty cold blooded moment during paintballing where I sniped a mans two children from next to him first so he could hear them cry out and when he turned I shot him in the face

Bullshit pseudo-science.

I could in a just war. Not a war against other sane whites. But I could defend my land from Jihadis easily. I'd like to be a sniper.

>I once shot a man in Reno with a paintball gun, just to hear him cry.

>video moves on to the ones who shoot out of love
there we go, that's me

This isn't true. People who kill in self defense don't get PTSD at a statistically significant rate

Soldiers get PTSD from the traumatic nature of warfare, not from the act of killing itself. People who consciously feel that their killing was righteous can live on without problems the vast majority of time.