Name one thing wrong with black women, literally you cant

Black women are not the reason for the destruction of the black community it belongs solely on black men, Black women should be rescued by white men from their own kind.

Black women typically have shitty attitudes

>Name one thing wrong with black women, literally you cant...
They don't have penises for sucking on.

They produce black kids.


Wrong, they produce mixed kids.


can i see the manager

they identify with their dad, because white hoes are fucking around with black men their kids identify with their dads.

>Name one thing wrong with black women
they're black

Their pussies smell really bad?

Nigger mongrels identify as black because they have shit-colored skin. Chink mongrels identify as white because of massive inferiority complexes over being chinks.

Hvae you ever been with one? didnt think so so dont talk shit.

Even black men don't want them.

Greasy pussy that smells like two week old dead catfish

No, because I couldn't go through with it.

Isolated incident, I'm sure.

What a lovely, family picture. Although the kids turned out quite ugly desu.

Your kids look nothing like you.


No. No they should not be saved, i have lost count of how many times i have posted studies and consequenses about racemixing in these kinds of threads. Stop posting your fantasies here you cunts.

One drop rule. Obama is not white, and no one calls him mixed race, or his kids.

There's a lot wrong with them as a whole (of the American variety), but there are a few good ones