Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in hell for all eternity...

Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in hell for all eternity. I think it's time for people to call Christians out on their barbaric beliefs.

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I think it's time you burned in hell for yours. Just kys.

Nothin personel

>no arguments

Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
“Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
“But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
“Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.
“Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
“For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

I don't know why did he throw him out just for not wear wedding clothes, that's bullshit

St. Louis Archbishop Didn’t Know Sex With Children Was a Crime

The St. Louis archbishop embroiled in a sexual abuse scandal testified last month that he didn’t know in the 1980s whether it was illegal for priests to have sex with children, according to a court deposition released Monday.


As the man was thrown from the hall, he was heard screaming "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER!?"

>Calling someone/thing barbaric

Oh Faggdecio the irony

this is some retarded shit

> Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in hell for all eternity.
There are wildly varying views about this between the various sects of Christianity.

> I think it's time for people to call Christians out on their barbaric beliefs.
Please, this has been happening for a long time.

And in the current day, the problem isn't this, but really a scientific one.

Claims without proof, false logic without coherence, conclusions without any support from evidecne and logic. It doesn't really work for shit in a "truth" and science sense.

It's a figurative hell dumbass. Imagine if you died and had a perfect memory. Now imagine that in order to ascend to a higher self you had to forgive yourself for every fucked up thing you did.

No they don't.

>Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in hell for all eternity

> Jews took power through democracy (Majority)
> Jews spread suffering (Hell)
> Jews rule forever. (Eternity)


bring it on nigga

Hell is complete & true non-existence, total spirit annihilation -- absolute nothingness -- you'll be expunged, entirely.

Yes, except its not in the bible and most christians dont even believe it.

There are many christians who believe the Kingdom of Heaven will be on THIS earth - physical and renewed.

How do you know that's not heaven?
Total peace.

Because you won't exist anymore, friendo. Also you die a painful death in the lake of fire.

I bet you are the same type of person that gets mad when a Christian tries to "save your soul".

>muslims think everyone else will burn in hell, therefore 23% of world population will go to heaven
>jews think everyone else will burn in hell, 5% of world population go to heaven.
>christians think everyone else will burn in hell, 31% world population go to heaven

You like gambling son?

Catholics believe it, and they are the biggest church.

>majority will burn
But they don't have to, it's thier choice

i believe the holy land should look the part. radioactive glass and day glow irradiated chemicals sounds about right

make that shit so only god can walk on the earth there

It's just to encourage imperfect contrition.

I mean, talk about obvious. That really shouldn't even require higher order thinking.

Brazilian shitwater must infest the brain.

No, YOU believe that Christians beleive that most of the world will burn in hell for all eternity. Christians believe that all sin is forgiven by the blood of Christ. Learn about something before you start criticizing it. Fag.

have you been outside and met a lot of people? Christianity is right. the majority of the world is filled with ass holes and yes they will reap what they sow.

All you have to do is repent when you are dying. There is only one unforgivable sin though.

This was the biggest problem for me when I was a Christian. I was shitting bricks every day because I was afraid of my family burning forever.

Fear is what drove my belief. Not happiness, or good morals, divine revelation, and not god.

worrying like that about what people believe comes from an inferior mind. Lakes of fire? Or a hell of regret for eternity? can practice the teachings of Jesus without being religious...appreciate on that a while m8

Based Catholic

>Only can get into heaven by accepting Christ
>Only other alternative to heaven is hell
>MOST of the world will hear the gospel but not accept it
>ergo, most of the world will burn in hell because they did not accept Christ.

Hell is mentioned in the parable of the fig tree, Mark 9:43, revelations 20:13 & 21:8, Matthew 10:28, 13:50 & 25:46, psalms 9:17, 2 Peter 3:4, etc etc


Repent and suffer in Purgatory then. At least you'll still get your ticket into Celestial Jerusalem after the Tribulation.

You presented nothing to argue. So nobody argued.

You dont have to burn in hell, that is a choice you made.

>Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in hell for all eternity.
It makes plenty of fucking sense. Take that Christian red pill you fucking retard.

>Christians believe that the majority of the world's population will burn in he...

Pretty sure you just made that up. What is the verse?


By your logic you're gonna burn in hell too, for browsing Sup Forums and hating non whites buddy. Religiousfags btfo

Christians say burn in hell cause burning alive is the absolute most painful way to die. But in reality there is no comparison to the excruciating suffering you will experience in hell

> As always, "Christians" don't know the bible.
He didn't. You can look around Matthew 22:11.

Thoroughly untrue. And I'm not a racist like the majority here.

>facebook atheists
really makes ya think

Do you not see how SJW you look assuming his position from one simple post.

Jews think Jesus is in a eternal hell, covered in shit and semen.

Muzzies believe without Jihad that none of the 1 billion get into heaven

Christians stop at words, because violence is never the answer and that is the number one rule taught across western society.

You can argue that it is implied. Jesus says something along the lines of "The path to heaven is narrow and the gates of Hell are wide. Many will stray from that narrow path."

Christianity is the biggest religion in the world though, Joao.

> Christians stop at words, because violence is never the answer
Uh, Christians showed a lot of episodes to the contrary all along history.

We stopped being quite as violent mainly for general legalistic-philosophical-trade-understanding of history + game theory - type of reasons. Not because of religious insights.


We believe people are evil at their core and all deserve death and hell and torment. It's by the work of God and His Holy Spirit and Christ His son that we have any hope of life eternal.

You don't get it.

probably the reason why nobody wanted to go in the first place.

>t. gaytheist

When they start suicide bombing kids let me know, faggot.


I assumed someone who browses Sup Forums was a racist, silly me! Hey fag, this is Sup Forums if you're not racist why come here? To troll? Anyways, did you ever wonder why are 90% of the temples etc. here, in ruins? I'll give you a hint, a certain religion didn't like them very much, demolished them and burned the worshippers alive.

Daily reminder that people on Sup Forums are as crazy and immoral as Jews.

>faggot being gay again

I did look it up, and it didnt say that. Weird bible version?

Autism or third world education?

I'm sorry I don't speak spic

>Christians make up a majority of the world
>OP thinks Christians think a majority of the world are going to hell
>Islam claims to be a minority, despite making up roughly 1/4 of the world population
>Islam openly kills women, children, homosexuals, and non-believers
>This is a non-issue
What do Liberals mean by this?

Majority of the world's population is shit.


> faggot being gay again
Not anywhere in what quoted.

What he quoted there is in essentially all versions of the bible though.

>it's okay for them to tell me I have no dignity as a human being because muslims are worse xD

>“Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

but but Jesus, that's not very NICE!! Didn't God say, 'Don't Judge'?

yes, the majority of the worlds population will burn in hell for all eternity.

What effect does this have on your life?

This is the truth of Christianity.

Many blue pills see this as "ohmuhgosh so wrong" because it paints humans in this bad light, but it's the simple truth.

>But why did God make us bad.

He didn't. He didn't want to die on the cross either. He did it because He loved us and pitied us.

i believe the majority of the world is going to be saved

but not everyone is going to be the same
Jesus talks about making treasures in heaven, why we will need those treasures in heaven?
bet you we will need to buy some things in the other end too and we need the heaven moneys

so if you dont want to be a celestial hobo start making that treasure!

> Christians make up a majority of the world
Nope, merely about ~2.2bn. Which is "just" a significant minority of the ~7.5-8bn or so humans on earth.

Yeah its just worded strange. Its easy to figure out. The jews rejected Jesus, so he invited everyone else, but everyone who shows up isnt going to heaven. Like catholics... for many reasons. Thats what I think anyway.

That's awful. I don't care how evil one person is, nobody deserves to burn forever. Your god is a monster.

So that kid in Africa who's starving to death right now was born because Jesus loves us, right? He loves us so much he watches us commit the worst atrocities imaginable to others and does nothing to help them. Let's see the mental gymnastics, lel

>There are wildly varying views about this between the various sects of Christianity
The bible quite clearly states that they will burn in hell. To claim opposite and consider oneself a "Christian" is like calling yourself a libertarian and supporting the welfare state.

>Getting insulted is totally just as bad as being tortured and killed or living a life of actual slavery ECKS DEE

Well you can shake your fist in hell forever, but you put yourself there.

Yes it does. Matthew 22:1-14


People are monsters.

God is just giving to people what they deserve, unless you repent.

>How to math
>How to english
Okay. Allow me to explain what I meant, since you apparently don't understand.

Christianity is the most popular religion on the planet, second to none. This makes Christianity the majority. Christianity makes up a (lol) MERELY 2.2 BILLION (last estimate circa 2010?) which is a solid BILLION over Islam, which is the second most popular religion on the planet.

I hope so, considering this totally blows out the argument "if Islam wanted to kill us all, they would have by now!"
If Christians were half as oppressive as Islam, we would be seeing Christians in the news just as often as Islamic oppression. But we don't.

Perhaps God punished Africans a long time ago for being savages, practicing blood magic, and eating the flesh of their own.

God does generational punishments in The Bible because your seed is not wholly independent. You don't have to agree with it, but let me remind you that you don't see Creation as God does.

Christians in Africa burn witches to this day. Christianity just isn't as bad because it was heavily secularized in the west.

Your logic makes no sense. At least admit your god is the one that tortures people (it's the most literal interpretation of the bible anyway).

>People are monsters.
Why did your god create people if he knew a good number of them were going to hell? No, your god is the monster and it's the responsible for all of this.


There is more to life than fields of force, user. Positivism is not a sound foundation to rest your reason on.

I hope you figure it out before its too late.

I don't think you understand what "majority of people" means in this case.

If Christ is real, then a majority of people will be burning in hell. This statement is true.

But Christians peacefully evangelize to help that half of the world, and they only believe that, they don't actually actively attempt to send them to hell on some sort of jihad, like muslims do. Sage in all fields

>Fear is what drove my belief. Not happiness, or good morals, divine revelation, and not god.

Pretty much the whole problem with Abrahamic religions. Fear (more like Anxiety for this case) is a destructive element that is corrosive to virtue. An anxious man will be more prone to destructive behavior and his so-called good actions will be meaningless and forced. He won't really know really why he will be doing this and will probably have unvirtuous behavior outside of the terms of the religion. Morality, virtue and soul just end up sacrified on the altar of ideology.

Yes, and they believe people who don't accept their evangelization deserve to burn in hell for all eternity. Can you stop trying to hide Christianity behind Islam to make it seem

>Why did your god create people if he knew a good number of them were going to hell? No, your god is the monster and it's the responsible for all of this.
If your parents were fair to you and did everything they were supposed to do, and you still turned out to be a shitcunt, it's not your parents fault.

God gives creations free will, but He can also see the future to know what they will do with that free will. People often use this to say it is a paradox, but that is untrue. Creating something with free will and having the foresight to see what it will do is not a paradox.

*make it seem good?

Hmm what a nice guy. So if God knows everything and he knew we would eat the apple and do all this evil shit why did he still create us? Maybe he enjoys watching us suffer, really makes you think huh

but it's your own choice
you can choose to follow God and live
or you choose the lake of fire

more now that you know, you calmly say i dont care about it and that's your choice, nobody can truely make you to believe

True Christians know that we are incapable of divine judgement as a result of original sin

opinion discarded

> The bible quite clearly states that they will burn in hell.
Nope, it's all sorts of contradictory who goes to hell even before you apply various sect's interpretations on the unclear parts of the bible.

It's even unclear if the (at least three) words that might be referring to "hell" are the same thing, or even an actual place.

> How to english
> A majority is the greater part, or more than half, of the total. It is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the set's elements.
Yes, it requires >50% of all of whatever you're referring to. Not just the biggest subset

And the context isn't "among religious people", it's "the world's population".

I mean, if you don't believe anyway, then there is no fear of hell. It's usually when you are deep into belief of God, when hell becomes a thing you consider, but by that point it's not what hell that motivated you (since you are only now fearing hell).

Hell frightens small children, yes, but as adults, it is not usually what motivates one towards God.

only retarded evangelical hicks actually believe in a physical hell.

Hell is a state of mind, just like Heaven.

>Doubling down
>Savage christians kill people in less developed and policed countries, so let's just ignore that half of Islam is killing people all over the globe!
Fair enough.

My parents are not omniscient, or omnipotent, therefore will never be as responsible. They didn't know the future when they chose to have me. And the consequences of my bad actions on Earth will never be as bad as burning forever.

>Creating something with free will and having the foresight to see what it will do is not a paradox.
It's not a paradox, I'm just saying god is evil for foreseeing the future and still going ahead with his plan. Why does god need humans anyway? He created us for selfish reasons.

Even if it's a "choice", does anybody deserve eternal torture for rejecting god? That's petty revenge, not justice. Nobody deserves to burn forever.

>‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.

1 he is talking about the jews

2 ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
“For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

this being hell is just a asumption

You're right but I have a question now.
Do most Christians believe in ignorant heretics going to hell? That's a tough questions since all the Christians I've ever come into contact with have said "if their hearts are pure and they never found god, they still go to heaven". I'm not sure what the rest of the Christian world thinks of this.