What's Sup Forums opinion on Adam Curtis?

What's Sup Forums opinion on Adam Curtis?

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No one?

I seriously expected more from Sup Forums, but I suppose that watching something over 45 minutes long, it's to much for you.

I think he is
> Footage of people dancing
> Jazz music plays
alright and I
> Sound of a car crash
> Footage of a man peeking out behind curtains
really like his
> Detective music plays
> An arab is showing screaming in the 70s
documentary style. I
> Upbeat music plays
> A cheerleader twirls a baton
just wish he would do more.
> A guitar twangs a minor chord
> A man with shifty eyes looks around

Did you just clicked in random parts of the three hours documentary?

I kind of like his stuff despite him being a lefty.

Hypernormalisation felt really muddled though. Only thing I liked about it was Gaddafi getting blamed for everything he didn't do. Him shoving Trump in there went no where.

Century of the Self is quite possible the most red pilled of documentaries out there.

New/pol/ is probably too retarded to care

He's alright. The power of nightmares was pretty good, the century of the self too but he is overrated imo. He lacks substance when you get over his style.

...but what user didn't realise, was

Seriously no one got far enough to see anonymous?

I think he has plenty of substance he ain't Michael Moore he actually knows what he is talking about.

Hypernormalisation was sloppy and all over the place. It shoudl have been two or three different documentaries.

bitter lake is great

there are some incredible parts to hypernormalization.

I've been trying to cut 2 small videos on Syria and InternetBubble out of hypernormalization to share on kikebook with normies. However I can't get anything useful under 2 minutes long. No Kikebook people are going to watch a 9 minute video.

I'm half way into it, but I kind of see his problem, this things are seemingly disconnected, but they really aren't, everything happened simultaneously, if we who makes the separation.

I lived in Manchester when he did this:


I regret not going but you just know it would have been filled with wankers (not me)


his outing of Freud and Bernays is top notch

surprises me the left would have him after that

i've yet to see any documentaries that look as much behind the curtain of power as his films.
i saw:
Bitter Lake
Century of Self

what other docs of his are worth checking out?

Power of nightmares, damn long but incredible take in the way the Islamic state developed.

Suit yourself, I liek his stuff, I just think he's overrated. If I was taking the piss I'd say he's a tinfoil hat conspiracists with a posh accent.

I prefer the more down to earth stuff, Empire of Dust was great, it was informative without ever being preachy or bullshit the audience.

Power of Nightmares is good when he gets the actual interviews with Neocons and those who learned under Leo Strauss

I think that's also the one that reveals Tony Blair was mad gay for bombing the middle east before 9/11

It's very poorly structured, he should have made it a series in parts like he did with Power of Nightmares.

he is like a modern james burke.

I don't think he wanted to do something so herculean again, specially because no one really watches his work.

Thanks for remind me of that I haven't seen those since I was 15.

The Mayfair Set and The Trap were pretty good but The Power of Nightmares is great.

>no one really watches his work.
is that true? that's too bad. so that's why he only makes films every 3 or 4 years.
we should try to make him a meme. if we could spread certain scenes with hard redpills from his films on Sup Forums it could blow up and make him more successful amongst the new right.

He's like that fancy author or band every student likes to reference but hasn't read or listened to.

The screencaps are clearly good enough and his style it's perfect for those short out of context webms.

I'm in the part where Assad takes over Syria from his father, and why they wanted to bomb Syria.

Many such cases. There are great documentaries like The Money Masters that will redpill anyone on the JQ but are too long and dry to get normies to watch them.

we should definitely try to spread his stuff on twitter. if someone like molyneux finds out about him adam will get big very fast.

The last episode of Connections 1 & The day the universe changed are the greatest he has done.

after the warming is incredible simply because it was made in 1989 and the ideas it touches on are just NOW being discussed by the cultural marxists. meanwhile the environmental nazis and cultural marxists have been pursing these since the 60s.

Thanks for the recommendations I'll watch that next.

His take on internet culture it's superficial best.

At best, sorry.

Question to all the Sup Forumsacks still in this thread: If y'all have seen Hypernormalization, The Power of Nightmares, Bitter Lake, Century of the Self, and see how Politicians/Businessman manipulate our beliefs in order to control us for their own interests why would you still back alt-right views, knowing that eventually they'll be warped and used for someone else's self serving interests. (for example Donald Trumps election)

>why would you still back alt-right views
i'm not actually. i abandoned the principle of aligning myself with any ideology or party line a long time ago. politics are a meme even since the the ancient greek times. it doesn't matter who you vote for, be it red or blue, left or right. we don't get to vote the people who truly run our countries. and they don't give a shit about your well-being or the well-being of all people. they only have their own power-games in mind and to ensure their elite status they use all kinds of strategies, adam curtis showed all those strategies extensively. picking a side in the debate, voting, demonstrating against speech codes or nazis, FUCK DRUMPF, JAIL HILARY etc. it's all one big meme to distract us from what's really happening and who's really in power. and i'm not talking about soros or rothschild, these guys are just frontliners, mere pawns. it's very kafkaesque but i think tht we don't even know the names of the people that truly run western society, it's like a shapeless elite we don't really have access to. i consider this to be the ultimate black pill.

I don't think that it's so obscure, I have been in the same room with power and it's simpler and more human than what you describe, I do agree that there is shadow figures at work, but the ifs and the shoulds go from hand to hand, passing by people more common than what you may think.

We ourselves have shared and renounced more power than what we give ourselves credit for.

it's all one big meme to distract us from what's really happening and who's really in power. and i'm not talking about soros or rothschild, these guys are just frontliners, mere pawns. it's very kafkaesque but i think tht we don't even know the names of the people that truly run western society, it's like a shapeless elite we don't really have access to

I kind of share this view, but I don't believe in a sahpeless elite per se. Tbh, I think Soros and Rothschilds are as big as it get when it comes to an individuals role in all this. I think the problem is the elites truly believe they're helping the world, but they're too blinded by their ideology to see the bigger picture. Check out this book, it deals with a lot of the issues and ideas Curtis brings up, but it's a more academic analysis of where ideology comes from and how ideology blinds and binds people to not act in their own self interest

Politicians like Donald Trump will never be /ourguys/ but they're a mean to and end, even if he is not successful he'll be disruptive enough to slow down our collective demographic demise and expose the authoritarian nature of the establishment and its ruling class. At least Trump was clearly not the choice of the Elite, seeing them seethe made it worth it.

And even if he failed utterly and proved to be another neo-lib/neo-con kike puppet, it will show white people there is no easy way out of globalism and accelerate the end of the current cycle. There is no future for white people, any people really, in an rootless cosmopolitan world.

>I have been in the same room with power
tell me more? in what context did yu have contact with power? and what kind of power? political, economical?
i'm sure it's humans that form the elite i was talking about and they are probably simple people following their interests and just like this guy is saying they probably think they're doing the right thing. to be honest there really is no right or wrong decisions when you're at that level of power. being able to nfluence millions of peoples well-beings with your decision is an obscene concept in itself, so i think it goes beyond good and evil at that point.

thanks for the rec! i'll check it out. i'm reading "Explaining postmodernism" by Stephen Hicks right now. it's basically the origin history of the new radical/regressive left and how it's rooted in german counter enlightenment philosophy. very redpilled book, it just shows how insane and destructive their whole ideology is, no individualism and no reason at all, only violence and contradiction, and it's those kind of people that say nazis are dangerous... i recommend it to you if you're interested in the philosphical and theoretical origins of the SJW movement.

do you have any other good book recommendations? i plan to read more extensive and analyical books like that...

>why would you still back alt-right views, knowing that eventually they'll be warped and used for someone else's self serving interests?
Because we push back against the warping(Milo, Cernobitch, etc) and are doing some warping(memes)ourselves, and mostly because it's do or die. Demographics are destiny and my white skin is a uniform that will put a target on my back in the future if I don't fight back. It's possible that all of this(Sup Forums, memes, etc) is an alphabet soup Psyop of sorts, but I can't see their end goal in radicalizing young alienated white men when a beige Civ-Nat population of 80 iq consumers drowning in credit card debt seems to be their end goal.
>(for example Donald Trumps election)
Trump was just a vehicle for us, nothing more, don't be retarded. He shifted the Overton Window and showed us that the powers that be are surprisingly incompetent and a big chunk of this country still hates the shitty future (((they))) have mapped out for us.

i like how we're having one of the few self-reflective discussions on our political views on Sup Forums. such a thing is only possible in an adam curtis thread...

My country it's small, and the economical power falls in then hands of merely six families, the political power it's more distributed but there's still a handfull of names that shape the way our politics work.

I've been in meetings with both, for different reasons, I used to participate actively in politics, it's now that I became distant of that world precisely because I noticed how the economical power and the political power worked.

It's cohersion and blood ties, they marry each other, they grow closer in that way, so the left and the right in my country always meet each other for marriages and funerals, those are the instances where you get a grasp of how close they really are with the centers of the economical power and how little everything else matters.

>i like how we're having one of the few self-reflective discussions on our political views on Sup Forums.
Agreed. What do you think about the state of things Deutschanon? I'm very skeptical of organic movements because of the track-record of intelligence agencies in infiltrating and subverting them, but like I said above, I can't see their motive in creating something like Sup Forums, and if they are subverting it, I don't think they've been very successful; this place is the cultural equivalent of a grease fire. Our mores and views are spilling into the mainstream and whats more, they seem to have an underground, counter-cultural cache while MSM seems very pathetic and weak in combating it. It reminds me of the USSR in it's waning days, when people just stopped believing in the system and sort of walked away from the state until it collapsed under the weight of its illegitimacy.
>such a thing is only possible in an adam curtis thread...
I like "Century of the Self" quite a lot and his other docs less so, he's an interesting figure and I think he knows more than he's letting on. Where would you put him on the political spectrum? I have good friend IRL who also really likes COTS, it's no surprise to me that we get along the best in our little group.

this is interesting to see how power works on such a small scale level. unfortunately i do not know a lot about your county except that pinochet fucked a lot of shit up in your country and dealt with drugs.
i'm curious about the following, how do these families enforce their power and what are their origins, how did they rise after pinochets fall? and this is probably a naive question but how corrupt are those families? is there murder and threatening or do they hide from the public gaze mosly and let the police do the dirty job?

Century of The Self is great.
Curtis was calling out kike propaganda and psychoanalysis on mass media before anyone else. He's obviously not going to mention jewishness as the real motive on BBC financed films, but he's a good gateway for people who want to know.
It's been said here that he's s lefty which I think is false. He's politically agnostic and a constant contrarian and those tend to overplay his hand by making things much longer and complicated than they can be. But I still prefer having his documentaries playing on the background than anything else out there.

They put Pinochet there, our power families are remmnants of colonialism, they have nobility titles and what we call "wine last names" cause at some point it was a symbol of status to own vineyards, they are behind any political crisis and goverment, they are the owners of the land, the water and the health system, in a country like this, where everything it's private they have assets in everything, they killed people back in the Pinochet years, they killed bussiness rivals, they killed people before that, and it never can't be traced back, cause they own the judges, as I said it's all family matters to them.

We had people that connected all the dots and did all the necessart research to describe how the economical and political works in conjuction, but a complex net of influences like that it's harder to turn into a quick slogan, like it's harder to describe an Adam Curtis documentary with an image macro.

What can't be easily consumed it's alchemy, occult knowledge for those who dare look into it.

Getting Trump elected has been a godsend. It has exposed the media for what it really was, and accelerated the insanity of the left so the frog could no longer be boiled. Chaos has always been our friend because chaos benefits decentralized forces, and trump represents political chaos.

>What do you think about the state of things
i'm very skeptical about organic movements too user. there's only a short period of time when new movements arise that they can exist freely without any surveillance. we've reached a point where Sup Forums's influence is just too big to be unnoticed by the elites. my guess is, that soon in the next few years they'll get tired of combating and infiltrating us unsuccesfully, then they'll just make the alt-right part of the mainstream (minus the antisemitism obviously) and our beliefs will just be exploited as slogans on t-shirts to uphold the illusion that we live in a free world with free speech.
i always think of the movie "network" where a mad news anchor who starts telling the red pilled truth just gets exploited by entertainment companies to boost their ratings when they realize that he gets too popular. then he drops a few redpills too many and fucks up a multi-billion dollar deal between muslims and US companies so he gets intimidated into spouting blue pills again by a shady globalist, just watch this scene user, and mind this was made in the 70s, this shit is very prophetic and basically predicted people like soros:

>Where would you put him on the political spectrum?
he described himself as conservative in an interview i think. but even if he's left, he's from a generation of leftists that aren't that differen from the alt-right especially in their mutual disdain for the government and the deep-state.

>We had people that connected all the dots and did all the necessart research to describe how the economical and political works in conjuction,
can you give me some links to that? i'm curious to find out more about your country.

It's embarrassing reading comments from people here who think Curtis is "redpilled". He is a socialist lefty who comes from a long line of communists. His work is very stylish but it is dangerous to treat it as anything other than a little story he is telling. He hates Friedman and Hayek with a passion and Its sick how his documentaries basically lie about what has caused economic failure in the west. Fuck Curtis.

Nails us Russian Trolls:


you are talking shit. here's a quote from him:

>People often accuse me of being a lefty. That's complete rubbish. If you look at The Century of the Self, what I'm arguing is something very close to a neoconservative position because I'm saying that, with the rise of individualism, you tend to get the corrosion of the other idea of social bonds and communal networks, because everyone is on their own. Well, that's what the neoconservatives argue, domestically. [...] If you ask me what my politics are, I'm very much a creature of my time. I don't really have any. I change my mind over different issues, but I am much more fond of a libertarian view. I have a more libertarian tendency [...] What's astonishing in our time is how the Left here has completely failed to come up with any alternatives, and I think you may well see a lefty libertarianism emerging because people will be much more sympathetic to it, or just a libertarianism, and out of that will come ideas. And I don't mean "localism"

that doesn't sound very left wing to me...

Bitter Lake, Hypernormalization are worth watching. I am sure the rest of his work is good.

>the alt-right part of the mainstream (minus the antisemitism obviously) and our beliefs will just be exploited as slogans on t-shirts to uphold the illusion that we live in a free world with free speech.
How do you think that will happen? I can see Milo/Cernovich as an attempt at co-option, but everytime they try it we just tell them to fuck off or give them the Steven Crowder treatment and make them squirm in a malevolent bearhug of jewhate. Maybe a very edgy Civ-Nat rebrand ala based Stickman? Even he is making pro-White statements now and any form of nationalism runs counter to their aims. The Hippie movement was probably an astro-turfed CIA co-option of the Beatniks with the intent of fucking with the SU, and it was easily co-opted because you could kind of buy into the music and aesthetic, what is the Sup Forums aesthetic? We can joke about NEETS, but that's not really an aspirational thing that you can sell very well, even sarcastically like "nerd culture".
Great film, check out this podcast discussing it if you get a chance, good Sup Forumslack analysis: soundcloud.com/user-419234038/poz-button-13-network

>he's from a generation of leftists that aren't that differen from the alt-right especially in their mutual disdain for the government and the deep-state.
This is me. I was a leftist, but I realized that the very far right shared lots of my same beliefs(Ecology, anti-Corporatism, indigenous autonomy, etc)and didn't hate me for being white.

>that doesn't sound very left wing to me...
It looks like he is advocating for a left wing version on libertarianism you dolt

Couldn't find the good stuff in english but here are the names.

Alejandra Matus, the black book of chilean justice, Ozren Agnic, Pinochet the origins of the fortune, Alejandro Pino, the hungry eagle (guess who the eagle is).

Another great writer it's Clotario Blest, he was a syndicalist legend that once told me that he could recognize the people that fought him all along the XXth century, in the faces of the people that will rule the XXIth.


This documentary it's about the paper owned by the Edwards family, they control the Chilean media and Agustin Edwards was the one that received money from the CIA to orchestate the military coup.


>How do you think that will happen?
maybe it won't happen in the sense of absorbing the alt-right into the mainstream but creating an alternative controlled "right" mainstream opposition. it's already happening, milo almost got a big book deal by an established publishing house, and he would have risen to even more fame if it wasn't for that canadian roastie who started shilling the stuff he said more than one year ago... alex jones already built his own media empire and i'm very convinced that he's part of a controlled opposition that soon will absorb the whole alt-right. you can already see it in the fact that a lot of alt-righters are jews (lauren southern, milo, ben shapiro) and really none of the established spokespersons named (((them))). i don't really care for most of the spokespersons like milo or alex, they're useful in the sense that they may lead normies to this place to ultimately redpill them.
the last thorn in (((their))) shoe will be this place, it represents too much freedom of speech and will get (((shut down))) eventually i'm afraid.

>Maybe a very edgy Civ-Nat rebrand ala based Stickman?
i can see this happening.

>The Hippie movement was probably an astro-turfed CIA co-option of the Beatniks with the intent of fucking with the SU
can you tell me more about that? the film "Inherent Vice" kind of hinted at that but i'm not that familiar with the counterculture history of the time. there are rumours manson was a tool to discredit the hippie movement and criminalize it.
and what does SU mean?

nice, i'll listen to the podcast! i love that film.

it's great talking to you so far. Sup Forums doesn't give me enough chances of discussions like that.

ITT: real political discussion
>Immabout to cry, Sup Forums, thank you

>There is no future for white people, any people really, in an rootless cosmopolitan world.
this is why we fight, lads

I like Adam Curtis. He is a few books and a bad experience with blacks removed from being "alt right". So many lefties inherently get the "rootlessness" and "emptiness" we talk about but replace it with muhh corporations muhh ebil christians muhh class war and sophistries.

thx, it's interesting to see what kind of powercplays happen in southern american countries.
are there englisch translations of these books?

Couldn't find any, as I said they aren't precisely popular best sellers, the black book of chilean justice was even banned to be printed.

I adore his films.
I studied screenwriting and filmmaking and consider Adam Curtis to be a master.
He doesn't just present a plethora of facts through videos, he makes complete films and plays with the medium.
His last two, Bitter Lake and Hyperrealization were especially interesting.

>alex jones
>controlled opposition
For sure, two jewish wives in a row? C'mon. No one is that masochistic, it's a classic Heeb tactic to marry off their women to control certain Goyim.
>Lauren Southern
She's not actually jewish I don't think, that tweet about the holocaust is misleading, her ancestors were resistance, not juden. She's an interesting case because she left (((Rebel Media))) and is paling around with IE guys. That is not really part of the plan, neither is Ann Coulter dog-whistling to us with MDE references.
>the last thorn in (((their))) shoe will be this place, it represents too much freedom of speech and will get (((shut down))) eventually i'm afraid.
See, I wonder about that, this place has weathered a lot and funny enough, this election has introduced lots of normies to this place, they aren't afraid of this place anymore and would think it was odd if it was shut down, even though it's a shell of it's former self(look at these weak-ass gay banners for instance). They'd have to flood it with retards and ban anyone for using the word "jew" to have any effect and even then we'd get around that.
>can you tell me more about that?
Just look into the background of the famous rockstars of the 60's (Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa etc) they all have parents from military backgrounds and come from the same small military base in SoCal(Laurel Canyon). Keep in mind this is the same time the CIA was weaponizing Jackson Pollock. Hard to prove, but do you really think there was a spontaneous cultural revolution in the 60's that wasn't driven by the same agencies that had no qualms about dosing random people with acid?
Manson was a drug enforcer or was involved in something creepy with Polanski, maybe involving kids, the other murders were a distraction to his real targets IMO. Read "Programmed to Kill"
>what does SU mean?
Soviet Union
>it's great talking to you so far.

It's awesome seeing a bunch of people who love these kinds of documentaries but are still completely fucking retarded somehow.

they all have parents from military backgrounds and come from the same small military base in SoCal(Laurel Canyon)
very interesting. i think the 60s were a really weird decade for US history. the democratic party started to squirm and pander to nigs to get their votes and the whole power of the deep state was really visible with JFK dying. i can see the hippe revolution being a distraction to get people from looking too mich into state affairs and flooding the country with herbs that limit your intellectual capabilities. did you watch "Inherent Vice"? it's very redpilled about CIA involvement in the whole hippie movement.
>Manson and Polanski
i'm not sure if they were involved. surely they could have gotten to him directly if they wanted but he was in europe at the time the murders happened, do you think polanski was the real target?
i still wonder how the fuck (((they))) managed to defend polanski and still give him an oscar after what he did. this level of hypocrisy is truly unmeasurable.

>programmed to kill
i actually wanted to namedrop that book in my last post. insanely scary book. i don't put anything past the CIA after that.

kek i meant "JFK gettink Dallas'd"

don't be mad user


Agree with this.

1. All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace
2. The Trap
3. Century of the Self
4. The Power of Nightmares
5. Bitter Lake

Are my rankings. In case anyone is interested they're all posted here:


I can't believe no one has mentioned Pandora's Box by Curtis.

Well worth a watch too.

It helps that he brings in excellent writers to help him. For instance, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace had Andrew Orlowski, one of the most bitter critics of techno-utopianism but known mainly for writing in the tech press rather than as a wider cultural critic, as Associate Producer.

One of the best parts about an Adam Curtis documentary is untangling it and following his storylines. For instance, there is a biting critique of internet "culture" at the end of Ep 1 of All Watched Over by a person ID'd only as "humdog." Google that name and you will find the most bizarre, fascinating and utterly depressing story you can imagine.



Century of Self was pivotal in the development of my thinking.

The others have seemed a bit redundant.

That is sad. Crazy though how there were actually experiments into the virtual world early-on like this. Now we don't think twice about WoW or Instagram or a lot of other Internet services.


There's plenty of interesting stuff about the early internet, back when it was extra niche and completely unregulated.

That was a lot of fun, to bad people would think this it's serious and a replacement for actually watching a three hour documentary done with actual research.

I saw a bit of this story happen and it's always fascinated me: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bell