Condescending Debaters

What the most overused words and phrases pseudo-intellectuals use to try to make themselves sound smarter than they actually are?

>i'll start
'basically' 'you know' 'essentially' 'in lay man's terms' 'at the end of the day' 'everyone agrees' 'you wouldn't understand'

Other urls found in this thread:

>Islam is a religion of peace

'uh' 'i mean' 'um' 'um' 'like'

I identify as...
Magic Sky Wizard
Diversity is our strength

"know what i'm sayin?" "social benefit"

btw, i had to make this thread because the latest stefbot caller is a fucking idiot

The science is settled

fuck all. i fucking hate that one!

'you have to agree that...'
>no i don't. go fuck yourself

>I personally believe
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>everyone is a little bit gay
>all kids of love is allowed (pedophilia)

Clump of cells

How old was that fetus?

Oh goodness, oh no, It has the vague shape of a human and has rudimentary musculature. It's practically a full person.
Get a hold of your emotions.

This, and the inverted irony,These leftists are the catholic church from the 600 years ago.

Not exactly what you want, but the thoughtless "whataboutism" response to anything that exposes the hypocrisy of one making a criticism.

I feel like the morally loaded language most use in politics conceals the core of the conflict. I want to understand the underlying forces driving the conflict, but everyone ignores it and pays attention to superficial moralisms which come after the fact.

Personal attack
Dont rape me

You dirty fucking trash, white people have empathy.

Shitlibs always try to sound intellectual by adding "right?" at the end of their point. "So, I mean, 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real, right?".

"Let's face it"

>"settle down"
>"spew soap"

Are babies and toddlers full persons? Are people without arms legs full persons? What's your definition of a full person?

>'you know'

These are essentially just filler words a lot of the time.

okey dokey, if y'all don't settle down I'll make ya spew soap!


>These are essentially

Stopped reading right there, after I first considered hiding the post due to a fucking leaf.

>Are babies and toddlers full persons?
Not quite, but far enough along that their deaths would be a loss.
>Are people without arms legs full persons
If they're missing them congenitally, they're close to being full. If they lost them due to disease or an accident, then they're full.

>white people have empathy

Speak for yourself, faggot.

>"You're on the wrong side of history"
Which is basically a No-True-Scotsman argument

> No-True-Scotsman

exterminate the greens
thorium atomic now!
end foriegn aid now
charge merchants to prtect trade ships
unregulated capitalism
fire all laweyrs n univerty n below teachers

pls no bully jilf stein
you know she only did it for the shekelz.

No, those are vocal ticks save for "in layman's terms." That one is frequently used by legitimately smart people to break down highly complex ideas for those with a simpler understanding. Not unlike how I had to break down your LARP and call you out as a leftist commie shill begging for a helicopter ride.