Common core isn't the problem, you're just too stupid to understand how to do real math

Common core isn't the problem, you're just too stupid to understand how to do real math

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Doesn't really matter how you do it as long is the answer is right.

>visual way of solving the problem

The problem seems to be in the method used since it isn't that easy to grasp for a kid at a few glances.

That second method is beyond retarded

no it's not

u can't do simple addition?

It's shit like this

The methods are actually really useful. The problem is only some people understand them. I've naturally developed the "common core" math methods without being taught them, but not every kid can utilize advanced methods. Trying to make a visual with these methods in an understandable way to children is laughable

It matters greatly if you intend to go further in math as a career. Kids that grew up on this common core shit wouldn't even understand classic math literature but they can count change like champs

I'm a mathematics major at Northeastern (I know fuck me and my school) and that's how everyone I know that is good (and quick) at math does it. People need to stop looking for the quick way out of a problem, and look for a solution that will work better in the long run.

I didn't know this method but it is very useful and easy. Made me try with different numbers and the second way is far easier.

Basically. Common Core is pretty similar to just doing powers of 10 estimations in physics and how I do Math in my head. I'm not an autist who can calculator a trig problem.

Breaking everything down into more accessible parts lets me solve what would normally be calculator math in my head, quickly.

>tfw I do this in my head anyway
im not even that good at maths, that role belongs to that one guy I saw who can do logarithms without a calculator.

normal maths
>can't do 3-7 so take 1 from 4 and make it 13-7=6
>can't do 3-8 so take 1 from 2 and make it 13-8=5
>1 left over

common care maths
seems a lot more complicated than the normal way

Also I just realized I have no idea how to do the top part without doing what would essentially be Common Core or using a calculator. Apparently you make up an invisible "13" for the first part.

Old math: perfect segue into computer science
New math: niggers can almost do it after a few years of practice, so checkmate!

What's the problem?

Both methods are simple

I would do it like this in my head:

This is closer to the system I think they're trying to get people to grasp.

Common core is about making it difficult for everyone but easy if you've been taught this way. Basically, it's yet another socialist zero sum game where they render all white maths skills useless so white and black students are on the same stage, then they reteach them so white students aren't ahead. No one is greater than what they would be otherwise, everyone is that little dumber but white children are the worst off but that's okay because the statistics will show equality.

And why? Because all state services are controlled by Marxists. They like big companies, of course they like the government.

The second way of doing it is useful with bigger numbers but it's a method you find out on your own, trying to teach that is confusing, like trying to teach someone how to scramble an egg with meticulous directions instead of giving them the basics and letting them find out details on their own. Personally I would subtract 43 from 87, then 44 from 200 in this instance.

I'd hate to see how they break down quadratic formulas

U can't do simple subtraction?

You're not supposed to make additions in a subtraction.
You can count up, and you can count down. But this was, kids never learn to count down.
This is fucking retarded and hinders the development of children.

it doesn't matter if it's right or not. what matters is if you can justify your answer. 243-87=137? it's correct if you can justify it.

I think it's more accurate to say that it is a system that, if someone was going to teach it, be taught at the teachers discretion.

"We want kids to learn to use these tools for math" (tools being how to break down problems to do them in your head quickly and become more efficient at math)

Instead of leaving it up to the individual math teacher, there's a USSR tier guidebook on which direction to face and hand gesture to use.

Why the fuck don't they just use a calculator? It's 2017 goddamn.

Yet the second is inefficient. That's the problem with Common Core, it's convoluted.

this shits good for doing quick arithmetic
you technically can break down logs the same way

now that I think about it I do this slightly different, progressivly reduce lower number to zero, changing other number by same amount, answer is second higher number once first is zero.

ex. 87 - 7 = 80, 243 = 236
- 80, = 156.

fairly sure thats less steps. its all about neural pathways in the brain. some people literally cannot do certain processes, so there are many.

I did 13 + 140 + 3 in my head

it's the typical way a cashier counts the money he has to give you in return. He adds money to the price until he gets the sum you have given to him.

My explanation, without numbers is easier to understand.

>the bottom is the same as the first
No fucking shit, I can read numbers...
I legitimately used to think that common core was the problem, now I realize it is us.

Perhaps the most damning thing about it is that the result is irrelevant. If you reach the correct result with a method different from what they teach, you get an F.
They're streamlining the kids' thoughts to ignore logic.

wtf? i love limiting myself to only being able to handle abstractions visually now!

>if someone was going to teach it, be taught at the teachers discretion.
So it's a method highly dependent on teacher instruction? I see, it's worse than I thought. They could teach the class, teach each black student individually and not teach the white students, then they have racial equality of outcomes in American state schools.

How is this not so obviously evil? Socialists are scary, the second they told themselves white people were evil they gave themselves permission to do anything to anyone.

While this is true, the way we were (likely) both taught as kids is not a logical way to approach maths. Creating a "13" out of a "3" and borrowing from the "4" is much more confusing than learning to break a problem down into smaller and more easily managed components.

Why not mentally just look at - 100=143+13=156. No wonder the tards can't count money with a jew. Jeez!

Gradeschool in america is literally just day care anyway, that's why college is basically mandatory if you didn't conduct your own studies in highschool

I'm going into my senior year of Finance and all i have to say is fuck your common core bull shit. It has no practical use anywhere outside of being a cashier


but this isn't """show your working""".

>tfw I got the best grades in math and now I'm studying mathematics at university

Don't talk to me, pleb.

Oh no.

What's the actual problem with common core though? If it's inefficient garbage that will slow people down then it can only be an advantage to anyone who takes the time to learn the traditional method.
They're using the same exact fucking numbers. It's not like things were better before, all throughout primary/secondary school I got bitched out for doing math problems in my head and had marks deducted more times than I can count.
The problem isn't this new bullshit learning method, its our whole fucking school system. The bullshit is only set out so we can be better slaves. I think we can only see it now because of how different the gov is making the system, the mind control stands out more starkly now.
Use the method or don't, its your prerogative.

>smart enough to do what their told, dumb enough to not question it

that's the plan user... Why have a nation full of "smart" people when all their jobs are going to be taken with robots? might as well make them all stupid and justice not hiring them

Bump, this is how I do mental math, or math that I do not write down or show my work. The goal is to avoid numbers that won't add/subract easily so you aim for base 10, and then clean up at the end. I think the big problem with common core math is they try to drill this in first, when instead they should be drilling kids on memorization (basic multiplication / subtraction / addition tables). This is a thought process that should be taught to students who are always turning in their math homework without showing the work they are doing. It's a superb way of doing it IN YOUR HEAD, but falls flat on paper or if you must SHOW PROOF.

Common core is fucking retarded. It's trying to teach a very specific method in calculating. You might naturally develop this method in your brain, but that's only after the "realization" phase in maths where you go from finger counting to shortcuts.
You don't teach a kid a specific calculating method through various graphs that will ultimately just confuse them as they have no reference.
Just make them do the simple "remove this from this" problems until they develop a way to process this in their own way in their own head like a normal person.

You can't just input a method of calculation into a kid's head like they understood math in the first place.

Also, why not just calculate that like this
>243 - 80 = 163
>163 - 7 = 156

Teaching it like that helps with doing mental math later in life. It forces kids to actually understand the numbers and mechanics. I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed adults muttering something like, "So I carry the one..."

No, they aren't trying to get you, as an adult, to do twenty laborious steps to get the answer. It's about understanding EVERYTHING about the relationship of the numbers. When you're an adult, having learned this way since childhood, you won't even have to consciously think about the steps. That's the idea.

American education standards for mathematics have been absolute dogshit for a long time. Now that we have a decent alternative that stresses problem solving over memorization (much like Japan's standards) and forced states to either adopt the better standards or come up with their own, I keep seeing idiots complain about it when they know almost nothing about it. These people are probably the same ones that have to carry the one in their head.

t. cousin of a math teacher

This is, again, the wrong way to go about it. Treating kids like they no can do math the right way. Acting like kids are incapable and dumbing it down for them is a huge mistake that sets a nation back. By the time you teach them these methods, they already understand the basics. They have references for it.

Compfag here,
Let me explain why this is the worst way

In computers, the most logical way to do anything is the shortest and with the least steps.

The first step, if done simply, requires 3-4 steps. The lower one required 8 to 10 steps, and 2 more for rechecking since our brains can be uncertain.

This being said, the lower is shit. Fuck common core

This is hilariously false. The "not common core" method is memorizing an algorithm; the common core method is teaching you the deeper concepts. And lol, what "classic math literature" is about algorithms to do arithmetic by hand?

Neat, I never knew what common core was but looking at the second problem for about a minute I understood. It is actually kinda interesting. What they have done is created a number line from the subtracted number to the top number and then added to the nearest, ten, then hundred, etc. until you get the total number required to reach 243 from 87. Basically it's like taking 243-87 and turning it into 87+X=243

But in "normal maths" you're skipping writing out all these steps because you're familiar with the algorithm you memorized. What does "take 1 from 4 mean?" If you wrote out those steps it'd be like,
>can't do 3-7
>40 + 3 = 30 + 13, remember the 30
>13-7=6, ok remember that
>can't do 3-8 (really 30-80)
>200 + 30 = 100 + 130, remember the 100
>100 left over
>100 + 50 + 6 = 156

This is so dumb I don't even know where to begin.

I do 243-100 to get 143, add 10 for 153, add 3 for 156.

I'm terrible at math though.

subtraction is just negative addition

who actually does a subtraction calculation like #1?

87-243: how much do you have to add to 87 to get 243?

13+87 = 100
13+100+87= 190
13+100+43+87 = 223

therefore the answer is 133

its simple to do in your head and anyone with a bit of IQ can do it this way

both methods posted are retarded, only mine is good


Please tell me I'm not the only person who did it this way in their head.

To do addition and subtraction of large numbers round to the nearest whole number in my head and then work the rest out. Numberlines are meant to teach kids this skill. FYI schooled before this BS.

Using a calculator for simple shit will assist in the downfall of civilisation. Calculators should be used to save time not replace general mathematic skills.

I think all quadratics are fucking autistic. The moment you go from hs to college math everything becomes autistic.


>You're not supposed to make additions in a subtraction.
subtraction is literally addition with negative numbers

Thats the wrong answer.

>being hyperplebcore

If you actually knew how to do math, youd know everything is multiplied by the absolute value of -i squared

I really don't understand why they're teaching common core? I'm 24 and I've always done it the "common core" way in my head.

the common core method forces every kid to visual math the same way, some people totally do it the common core way in their head, its usually slower.

agreed with this guy, I can solve math problems relatively quickly by envisioning them in what looks to be the "common core" way. basically just break it up into a bunch of small problems.

we're essentially comparing strategies. it's either:

13-7=6 & 23-8=15 answer is 156

this is a bit slow because you have to remember the placement and the changing of 24 to 23.

The way I got to the answer was to think:

87-43=44 & 200-44=156

for me this breaks it into two very simple problems that you barely even have to think about before knowing the answer.

>good math grades
>crypto asian
dob zozzle lad

it's facile subtraction, either way... autistic, burger cunt

The method is common sense, you're just jumping from easy base blocks and whittling your way down to the answer. The way they present it makes zero sense however, even though I understand what theyre doing. Its almost devilish in its misguidance.

This way is better. Algebra is more important.
(240-80) + (3-7)
160 - 4

oh hey, didn't see this was posted, yeah this is the way people should think about it

That's how I did it. Bring it to the nearest round (the rounder the better) number, make everything smaller.

Wanna study a engineering stem maybe ammm any good books about math burger.?

>People need to stop looking for the quick way out of a problem, and look for a solution that will work better in the long run.

What does that mean? Long run? If you can't do basic arithmetic in a few seconds then some one fucked up your education along the way.
How does common core actually help anybody in the long run

243-100+13=Kys faggot




Everyone seems to hate on common core but it's how I do quick math in my head. I was never taught to do it that way, it just makes intuitive sense when you need to do quick math. I realize you're very smart, much smarter than us, so you can do math the 'real' way...

What is 243-87? What I would do is take 100 from 243 and get 143, then I would add 13. Why is this so scandalous to you?

I see grade school curriculum from my son's class here in Indiana. It is somewhat of a common-core light. And the math commoncore does not bother me near as much as the social studies does...They began teaching about Sam Houston ( a community organizer from TX) and MLK Jr. before teaching about the founding fathers or Presidents of the US.



The problem with common core is that it was made by chikdren who spent a lot of time doing math problems and figured ways to do them faster.
You can see it in the problem where the method consist in instinctivelly finding the 13, Its like trying to teach people how to run before they can walk

Why but whatever continuing on

You already messed up here while adding and forgot to carry the 10

you already messed up on the 3rd line
based on previous statement you should be adding 190+43=233
13+100+43+87=243 since all you are doing is adding 43 to the previous answer you can just stop here.


Wtf are you even doing here?


I can use a calculator to solve that problem. Fuck school nigga.

it's teaching mental shortcuts instead of teaching proper mathematics, then allowing students to develop the shortcuts themselves. they won't be able to do any remotely complex problems because they wouldn't understand WHY the shortcuts help

Where the fuck did 87+3 come from? The first method is way more logical and easy compared to commom core. The fuck is going on in our schools?
Good thing i graduated right before this shit came out

>quantum math
u mean, no1 rly gets it then?

My brain does it:

Kinda same as CC but they should write the proccedure and if the answer is ok then its right. Now if they aré so concern about concepts, why not take a theory test about units, addition and substraction?

Like we all do at uní? Exercises with exact answers and theory questions.

his pizza was physically bigger so the mass density is greater than that of the larger fraction smaller pizza.

This is sort of how I do mental addition and subtraction, seems like that's what they are trying to teach here.

Mental mathematics are important for normal people.

My kid is starting TK this fall.
I can't into this maths!!!
We were taught memorization. Multiplication tables. How does this even work?

Lol. You got the wrong answer with ur special ed math.

I just read equations and intuitively know the answer, but apparently there's a bunch of brainlets out there who can't do that.

The second method is faster. Add 13, then add 143. None if that hurrdurr borrow from this guy, carry the one, borrow again crap.

I get second-hand embarrassment when these parents make a big fuss about common core being "too hard" when it's addition and subtraction.

I honestly don't know that much about it, but I don't think there's anything wrong with teaching kids it this way. It develops their number sense better than memorizing algorithms. I know there's a popular supplementary education series called "Singapore Math" that teaches in a similar way.

. . .How was that hard, you just used a number line?

>carrying over is hard
Do you still use your fingers to count?


Where i{1,2,3,4}

And 4xY - 9.4xX^0.5 =< 0

Nigger please. We arent computation machines.

The way my head works.

Maybe this is how they should teach though. I agree that the method can be almost as important as the correct answer, but there are multiple methods. What ever helps you be most efficient

he uses it to use the loo. :D

Do you really think 2nd is hard? Thats... lol...? no words..

Why learn this? You're going to be using a calculator all through college.

after 13 years of wörk, i know the numbers i encounter. pretty much