The left needs to be stopped. They are literally insane!!

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I find this both hilarious and oddly arousing for some reason.

It's enjoyable watching cognitive dissonance crack people

I laughed,then I got pissed. These useful idiots are going to destroy our civilization.

Do you want me to explain why the left has a thing about Islam? Because the left can't see anything beyond image and posture and appearance. No one is deluded, we've been at war with Islam itself since 9/11, the issue here is that each truly Islamic country is denying the war so we're at war with all of them whilst their leaders smile and say "not us!"

Islam is also extremist left wing, they too see nothing more than image. They believe we're idiots and they'll prove it by funding illegal migration whilst we're experimenting with poor earnings, which is what we're meant to do. Our response is purely Christian, we turn the other cheek and those knowledgeable PRETEND to be islamophiles so in 100 years history could only state one thing: the west was friendly and accepting, the middle east was violent and dishonest.

What Sup Forums has to realise is that everyone who matters knows this. This is part of the time war, our job in the time war is to collude in narratives that change opinions and actions hundreds of years from now. The time war is about making actions that take hundreds of years to come to fruition, not for your own gain, but for your agenda. My agenda is raising the übermensch, this means colluding in a narrative that prevents Muslims from becoming yet another protected class that the media has to convince white girls to fuck.

there certainly comes a point when you stop feeling sorry....

Kinda like scat fantasies. You jerk off to it, fantasize about a girl eating your shit, watching a woman take a dump on the floor, seeing a girl play with and eating her turds, but once you get a someone to do it irl, you puke the second she pinches off a smelly log on your chest.

the fuck are you on about?

>claims to want cultural enrichment
>cries when she gets culturally enriched


Examples of colluding with your narrative, please?

They defend Islam because Islamist want to destroy western, white male society. It's that simple, leftists are antiwhite and therefore oppose anything created by and upheld by whites.

Fuck these whack ass bitches.

I'm just going to come up with the corniet shit possible.

/flock /calculator /dab

That's usually the way it works. Then again, the user a couple of posts above might be onto something with the Cleveland Steamer idea.

This is what she marched for. Fucking idiots.

At least when this is all over, when western civilization as we know it has been destroyed we will be able to tell them "we told you so" and they will know deep down that it's true.

so there's that


From what I can recollect. These fucking faggots are so fucking pussy and slack I can come up with the corniest shit possible and watch them

/flock /dab /calculator

this desu

People like this are feminist lefty cunts brainwashed in their "white supremacy studies" classes.
The Elites use islam as a weapon . They also simultaneously promote degeneracy in film/media. Why do you think they promote all that tranny-50-gender-horse people shit? There's a reason they're only importing a horde of brown scum into majority-white countries.
The lower level feminist types can't admit that their little gremlins are bad because it'd blow up (haha) their oppression pyramid. These brown oppressed people cant be bad!!! it's all whiteys faut!!!

>No one is deluded, we've been at war with Islam itself since 9/11

We've been at war for much longer than that son

Will never happen. Generations birthed decades from now will want to kill all the old people that allowed it to happen, but in all stubbornness they will still claim to be in the right. No ragrets.


>No one is deluded, we've been at war with Islam itself since 9/11

More like since the year 634

The right needs to start framing the left as just as dangerous as the bombers. The bombers kill, but the left lets them in so they can kill. They are both just as much part of the problem, and dealing with them both is the solution.

time to take the ball away from the children.

At least they finally realized something.

Beautiful. I would weep.

Bro we won't BE HERE when that happens!! Look how the left (elites) behaves in Europe with their control of the media,spying on le pen, femininists attacking rape victims to keep them silent on muslims, obviously the brown horde, and calling anyone who opposes them "white racists".
The only thing that'll cure this is a complete takedown of the elites and a purging of these college indoctrination centers. That's just the beginning of it,I'm not even getting into our fiat monetary systems and money out of thin air.


Literally just don't talk about Islam and if you do it should be in some way that promotes moderate Islam.

Kraut and tea is especially bad at this. Good work, you've identified the real number one enemy, but you still haven't realised why the left is islamophillic.

For our purposes, we can simply spread this. The appeasement of Islam is about winning a war that the powers who've agreed to this have realised will take hundreds of years. Islam is ideologically poised against the west and has been since Christianity.

But if we try to simply end the war, this means concentration camps and this means a full invasion, it will become a generational war lasting at least 50 years and the resulting animosity will, if westerners follow their precedents, mean kissing Arab ass until 2400. This is not going to happen.

Instead we take the Christian tactic, turn the other cheek and kiss Arab ass now and stop when the Arab people realise the middle eastern royal families are trying to destroy the west completely unprovoked. No, owning oil fields is not provocation.

Be more bluepilled if you think the highest lefties don't know this. Islam wants to hang all the homosexuals, the left obviously does not want this.

No, I'm seeking the truth by understanding the mindset of my enemy: those who want massive hordes of clones for true "equality" (of outcome).

What do you want humans to look like thousands of years from now? Personally, I want true diversity which a melting pot makes impossible. Creating an intergenerational war and then flooding your enemy's country with your own countrymen is probably the best way to replicate the protected classes of the west. This literally even assures the media will convince white girls to date your boys. Did you think the Arab world wouldn't notice?

Longer, the real question is do you believe Islam would be anti west if the Byzantine and Persian empires were not at war?

I want the world to be totally white. Diversity is simply a weapon. Why the fuck would I want more crazy ass arabs and mud-hut apes in the world? Just because we should have "true diversity"? Who the hell even says that's a good idea?
Having more tribal warfare,rape,pillaging,starvation etc is a good thing? FUCK DIVERSITY!!

>terrorists dont represent all muslims!!!
>one klansmen doesnt represent all of the kkk!!!

Do Leftists believe that? HAHAHHAHAHAH!! No. Plus, most muslims support sharia law as a form of government and all that bullshit.
Moderate islam is a myth.

>not keeping a few million alive for Zoos and genetic experiments

You evil monster

I think you are severely overestimating how many people think about shit

nice, once you've ruined UK you just leave it to the savages you advocated for.
fucking faggots.

will they finally break the conditioning

>Moderate islam is a myth
Maybe, but so is Christianity, we still do it and believe it because that is all a religion is (at least the theological side of religion).

What we're really shedding is the legislative side of Islam, Islam has a legal code and tradition written into it and therefore it is natural for it to not work with the west, especially if communities also exercise the Islamic punishments.

When we say "moderate" Islam we mean all the beliefs, all the stuff about angels and absolutely none of the stuff about laws. As a purely theological religion, like what Christianity has become, then it is completely neutered and cannot negatively impact our society. Christianity did this to itself when it realised it was more harm than good!

right on man

Whenever a terrorist attack happens, the liberals/leftists "think" it's a goverment false flag. Thus they increase their efforts to be even more pro-immigration and pro-muslim. The main problem from my perspective is they do have a very deeply rooted death wish and cannot be scared by actual danger. They can show various stages of fear (including shaking) however it does translate into excitement to some point as they're mental disturbed fucks. Ironically they fall into desperation by imaginary threats like someone not embracing diversity would invalidate their "identity" in their "choosen group".

This is my personal observation, feel free to discuss.


No no no, what you fail to understand is that their enemy is the Western culture. Islam is therefore the natural ally.

>in 100 years history

It'll be all over by the 2060 and it's not possible to win by playing any kind of long game

No leftist can survives contact with reality.

One redpill delivered hot and fresh.

>men shaking and crying
>women want to invite more muslims
I must be dreaming

Are you German?
