"Connections With Isis"

now before you fags start accusing the jew for "protecting" Isis, i dont. they are vile shit to me like all muslims.
but your governments are hopeless with your desperate attempts to prove that every muslim terrorist in your countries has "connections with Isis".

it's a form of DENIAL, because Isis is this exterior evil, far away in the middle east, somehow "penetrating" europa, when in actuality, your muslims dont need Isis to murder. they are second and third generation, grew inside you and radicalized inside you, and no amount of bombs on the middle east will help you in your countries.

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And then suddenly they claim a city on an island in the Pacific.


Why do you kikes keep sending them to Europe?

>either JIDF or retarded Jewish burger


Was it not confirmed that Israel has high level operatives within ISIS with this last White House leak concerning Trumps conversation with Russian foreign minister?

I wonder if those Israeli operatives are directing ISIS in some way or the other. Maybe using them to attack their enemies instead of trying to destroy them?

To be popular... Nobody cares if IS takes back Iraq that was destroyed for 10 years for no reason.

IS attacks Al Qaeda shit in Syria? Good.

IS attacking Israel? What...? How are you going to do that?

>this screencap triggers the juice

>so sorry israel

Always archive clickbaiters.

did you even read what i wrote?
i heard the whole "Israel control isis" a million times. i dont care.
what i said is about your governments always accusing and connecting Isis with your domestic terror. read what i wrote and address that, of just gtfu. there are plenty of "Israel control isis" threads out there to enjoy.

If your point of muslims are bad even if they were born there - why not instead make a thread about water being wet or a bear shitting in the woods?

Yeah but your thread is mostly pointless. Sup Forums is fully fully aware that the people committing terrorism in the Europe/America are not actually connected with isis, but just normal everyday Muslims.

>did you even read what I wrote

>they are vile shit to me like all muslims.
are they muslims? They're mossad agents. Kikes are masters in disguise

>your governments are hopeless with your desperate attempts to prove that every muslim terrorist in your countries has "connections with Isis"
exactly the opposite like says. We want to prove it's NOT isis related but every day retarded muslim chance.
The governments and other retards yes, they do try to pin it on ''it's just extremism''

>it's a form of DENIAL, because zog is this exterior evil, far away in the middle east, somehow "penetrating" europa

>no amount of bombs on the middle east will help you in your countries
yea, I guess I agree with that. That's why muzzies have infiltrated anyway. We can't bomb our own neighborhoods. Gonna be good ol' melee again soon eh eh eh

False. It's ISIS. All of it. Either explicit or implied. And fuck you for claiming that all muslims are terrorists. There are plenty of hard-core christians that would love to start a crusade if the opportunity presented itself. Nobody ever says that christians are terrorists.

>it's a form of DENIAL, because Isis is this exterior evil, far away in the middle east, somehow "penetrating" europa, when in actuality, your muslims dont need Isis to murder
jewbro is spot on tbqh

>Be muslim
>Identify with the ideology of Islamic state
>Swear allegiance to ISIS
>Kill infidels
>ISIS claims responsibility
>Glorifies the brave IS martyrs in the west

Its pretty easy

False. It's your every day ''good normal'' muzzie who snapped for whatever reason. ISIS claims responsibility only to support the
>it's just extremists, not real muslims!
agenda that the left is trying to push, by taking all the blame on them

Then the random muslims go public and deny that the terrorist was a real muslim. Rince and repeat.

>Nobody ever says that christians are terrorists
I wonder why, wasn't every religion the same?

t.state sponsored netIDFag

Snapped for whatever reason. That's denial. They snap because of ISIS sponsored terrorism.

>Snapped for whatever reason. That's denial.
...It has nothing to do with denial. Whatever reason declares it can be anything from being bad mouthed by a girl and feel insulted to someone throwing pig shit on your Quran.

Take away the ISIS terrorism, these people don't snap.

>your muslims dont need Isis to murder. they are second and third generation, grew inside you and radicalized inside you
Fucking duh?

Why do you think we want ALL of them out?