Is this what it's like to be red-pilled?

I never used to support Trump or ever leaned right before, but hearing the news in the past few days is the last straw.

Over the past few days, I've noticed everybody who ever appears to represent anything in the mainstream media is weak, spineless, and unable to defend themselves. Every single fucking thing is an outrage and 'problematic'. These bastions of 'intelligence' look for every excuse to avoid conflict or directly address any problem. They just hold hands and sing kumbaya and sing songs about how LOVE and HUGS will conquer all. Not to mention the subtle 'paternal' racism on the left is starting to become really obvious.

Here in Canada they played that clip of Trump pushing his way to the front of the NATO crowd over and over and over. You could have sworn that he murdered somebody. Poor poor Montenegro! He totally fell to the ground! Victim!

Is this what the red pill feels like?
Will I ever be able to go back?

Other urls found in this thread:

>These bastions of 'intelligence'

Why would you think journalists as a group are more intelligent than any other group?

We need to build a Northern Border Wall.

You're a fucking leaf, you'll never be red pilled

Take it and see

le trolls are always first.

Being red-pilled feels good to know whats going on and feels bad to know whats going on.

This is like baby's first red-pill.
You're on the right path now and there's no going back.
The MSM and the Left are pushing absurd narratives of condemnation and hate, particularly against white men, whilst also vitrue signalling and acting like they are the apex of morality.
When you confront them with facts they label you racist or xenophobic or islamophobic to shut down any and all discussion.

Alao, Canada is particularly fucked with Bill C16 passing and now you are legally required to use certain pronouns and refusing to do so can result in your life being ruined.

T_D just linked this thread.

Post actual redpills

You've taken the first step. Next, you will notice that the majority of people pushing this crap are Jewish.

b-b-but civic nationalism is the way to go.

if we can just keep doing our 'based black dude of the week' raffle, they're sure to join our side!


why are you there?

This is not even a red pill. If you thought the media wasn't biased towards an established DC mindset you're a fucking lost cause.

DC hasn't represented the people for a loooong long time. Reagan was the only real President in a long time.

The red pill comes at a later stage when you realize the real significance of Trump.

You can go back, but you will feel slimy and disgusted with yourself, and if you have a conscience you will stay with the red pill basically.


>Here in Canada they played that clip of Trump pushing his way to the front of the NATO crowd over and over and over.
What is the problem, its a great clip.

They are women, or follow the lead of women. Women do not engage in confrontation, but instead rely on social manipulation.

So, do not be misled to believe that the left is weak or naively peace-loving. It's all a show to surreptitiously garner attention and craft a narrative.

What makes Donald Trump so based is that he plays this game while not being afraid to BTFO any cunt who crosses him.

This. It's going to take user months before they can enjoy normie life again.

Welcome to decline. And you can't go back. You can just change further. The direction is for you to decide.


That at least reminded me of the good old days when I still had hope.

I don't.
I meant that they are 'educated' in the sense that they shelled out a bunch of money to appear more informed than others.

I'm welcome to it!
When America sends its people, they aren't sending their best.

Oh I was sort of aware, it just hasn't been this in my face before. Keep in mind that my family watches CNN every day, and I used to take faggots like Anderson Cooper seriously.

Yeah lads, c'est la vie.
Bien sûr.
I believe I'm starting on the 4th path in that pic.

I don't have a problem with the clip running over and over, it was the way it was framed. CTV and CBC pundits embellished it to make it seem like Trump fucking massacred the PM.

I hope our media gets an ass-kicking like yours very soon. The problem is ours is mostly paid for with our taxes.


That bitch stepped on his foot. What did you expect Trump to do? Stand there and get stamped on?

And why is so Canada so enamored by it? Are they a bunch of betas who can't fathom someone walking to the front?

There are men of action and men of appearance. Men of action don't care how they appear to others, they just do what they need to do.


MSM is giving way too much attention to the prime minister shove.
That said, you have to admit it was pretty awkward, and just weird. Adults respect personal space of people they don't know well.

More evidence of what an insecure guy Trump is, kind of embarrassing actually, he's always playing 4d alpha-male chess with himself.

I hope next time he tells a Leader to shut the fuck up on tv.

he's fucking right, if Trump shot someone I wouldn't care, I bet the mother fucker deserved it.

I'd argue against Trump should MSM praise him without real reason, but at the moment Trump fear is totally overblown. Trump can now get away with really bad stuff like the arms deal with SA and missile strike against Assad and bringing NATO into Syrian invasion force and it will just register as
> kind of embarrassing actually

Wasn't that the same failed coup attempt Hitler himself was involved in and jailed for?

No completly seperate coup done by communist jews. A few years before hitler created the national socialist movement.

Hm. I'm looking for more information on this and not really coming up with anything. I mean, I know about what was called Judeo-Bolshivism, but I'm not finding anything about it in terms of post-WW1 Germany.

congrats on reaching level 4.5 faggot

Thee Beerhall Putsch came later

He's doing the same horrible shit all presidents do from Reagan to Obama.
Sell weapons to/prop up people in foreign countries, they turn on us and use those weapons to fight the U.S, rinse, repeat.

People only care now because it's an ugly loudmouth in bed with S.A instead of a nice-looking neo-liberal.
It's hilarious the only time Trump and the MSM got along was when he bombed Syria for 'humanitarian reasons'. America First my ass.

>Over the past few days,
It has been subconscious building for a while and you are only now articulating your emotional rejection of propaganda.
Intellectually however, you are still unable to break free. The chains of propaganda are tightly wound.

Your experience is similar to many who are slowly waking, as the media's hysteria and cognitive dissonance grows too extreme. But as yet, there is no articulated intellectual core of opposition to the media. It is difficult, maybe impossible for it to form under present conditions.

if you can still enjoy normie life then you aren't redpilled in the slightest.
your reddit spacing in your previous comment confirms this

>tfw you're level 8 and might not ever get any higher.

wording this. leafs are pompous retards


The_Donald , I know you are in here.
Fuck off and never return, this site isn't for you.

>Oy vey I survived so many death camps goy they couldn't kill me! Remember the 6 gorillion but I won!

> Is this what it's like to be red-pilled?

No no it is not.

You don't think it's a little cool to be that guy?

1) Red Pilled is when you repeat the 14 words

2) You're barely woke yet, but keep going.

Better to be on a spike than live as a kike.

This is just how it starts.

You have no idea how fucked we all are and all have been.

But perhaps you're getting there.

like what the fuck, how did these death camps work? alphabetical?

maybe his name is Max Wyvern, they kept getting to the T's in the alphabetical execution list, before they got defunded and had to ship out the remaining?!

Obvious fucking normie detected. Holocaust is a lie. Isnt that obvious?

Look up videos where they shoved the lamp shades, shrunken heads,and soap on German citizens. All have been proven fake. Lurk more or go back.

>LeafBlue working in HR
Noticable increase in the number of mudslims from New-York looking for work in Montréal
>leapfrog to next profile

foolish burger

>Here in Canada they played that clip of Trump pushing his way to the front of the NATO crowd over and over and over. You could have sworn that he murdered somebody. Poor poor Montenegro! He totally fell to the ground! Victim!

He looked like a fucking chode pushing his way to the front. Thats why its on repeat. The man is deeply insecure.

>Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study

just google that fucking system think url is spam and im too lazy to short it

He didn't push anyone lol. Stop being a dramatic cunt.

I think that's it. The Nazis were so efficient they couldn't bring themselves to skip ahead alphabetically! They also used zykon B instead of sarin to gas because they wanted to hide that they were gassing but everyone in the stories know lol. Also fucking wooden doors for "sealing" and shower heads for distribution of gas.

I just realized that Ben Jacobs is the boyfriend of Michelle Fields. They literally tried repeating the same failed attack from last year. What a bunch of clowns.

never trust a leaf. just sayin.

Again. Adults respect personal space unless they know that person well, it's not playful, it's childish behavior that abuses the politeness of others.
Also looks a hell of a lot like insecurity given the other alpha-male social shit he's pulled.

The 14 words?

I disagree.
I don't think he's insecure at all anymore.
The man has unwavering confidence that is almost contagious.
He knows how to come in first, I'll give him that.

Oh wow... I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. What a bunch of frauds.

Also just realized that The_Donald linked to this thread directly.... Wow


It was literally another Shoa. The news needs to keep playing it 24/7 until every angle is examined and all the retards comment on why they think hes a big meanie.

where do you people come from

Love that chart.
Fuck though... I've been stuck at 8.75~9.0 for a looooooong time. Gotta tackle those foreign languages and work out more and get my ass to 10 before I turn gray.
Thank god I skipped 2 and 3.

I honestly think Red Pills should be separated by types, rather than levels.

Basically they can lead you to Monarchism, National Socialism or some kind of Libertarian Minarchism, which as far as "the red pill" is concerned are adequate, yet they are completely different from each other.

looks like this thread could use some aerial assistance

go home and eat a burger, amerifags. LOL BTFO.

I'm not talking about the way it's being covered, i agree they should focus on more important shit.

I'm talking about the incident itself, and what Trump is showing about himself. You can tell a lot about people by how they present themselves.
Like yanking peoples arms during handshakes, very interesting and retarded thing to do.

10 is just libertarianism plus racism. It doesn't represent authentic western values.

>14 words

No, the three pillars.

How hard is it to click the names on the right and see if they're Jews or not? Why do you need to be spoon fed?

eating less moose cum is redpilled

He shows that he is dominant even if it looks dumb to outsiders. Have you not worked with executives? Some are like that. Id also rather have that than a limp wristed Kenyan who can barely lift 10 lbs or a corrupt and murdering grandma that tells white people they need to listen to niggers. Youre wasting time on something super gay and almost meaningless.

Guessing you make dinner at your house? Your kids tell you to fuck off and you go fuck off?
It's called asserting dominance, and it requires balls and it is how the world has always worked and how it will always work.
I'm fucking proud of Trump. He had the world leaders looking like a bunch of beta puppies following Alpha-President Trump, leader of the free world, the most powerful man on the planet.

I openly say that Obamas peaceprice was a sham and remind people how much fucking bombing he did; I'm not partisan on that issue at all

I can imagine this guy drunkenly starting this story trying to one-up someone in a bar.

"Aw yea?? I went to 6 concentration camps"

But no one tried to disprove it and he couldn't really back off it.

I'm also starting to understand why Sup Forums likes Hitler so much too.

I'm not surprised T_D doesn't, but hey, you have to dive deep I guess.

I would hope he shoots another person, after the first.

Keep the Croatian Prez and Viktor Oberan

Look at the gains assad is making. I'd understand this horrible assessment around when it happened but it was clearly a show of force and not an actual retaliation. It barely did shit.

> He who controls the bread factory controls the universe

Do you even syria my friend?

good point, I hope part of the 3D chess meme is true, at least in regards to RUSSIA and Syria

Your picture is a perfect example of someone who immediately dismisses things without thinking about them. I hate communism but I know why it appeals to people because I learned about it. People should do the same for everything.

No, it doesn't show you're dominant, it shows you are insecure. insecurity 101 is over-compensating.

It also shows you have no respect for common social courtesy.
It's not a sustainable way to behave, because if everyone tried to act 'dominant' we'd be back to beating the shit out of each other to get what we want, instead of through civil discourse as equals.
But sure let's go with an alpha-beta social system, because egalitarianism is just pussy shit right?

There was no shove. Watch the whole video (2 minutes). The truth is libtards like you don't know how to act like men.

Welcome OP. You're here forever.

Pro tip: don't take all of the red pills at once.

again with the alpha-beta shit. that mindset screams insecurity, gotta show you're a tough guy.
please see
You know people who actually kick ass, marines/martial arts masters tend to be extremely friendly and laid-back, because they have nothing to prove about their masculinity or superiority.

What? There is no way that's possible.

Imagine there's this guy everyone hates, they've told you to hate him and knowing no better you have, convincingly, unquestionably, complied.
Now picture discovering this man was nothing they told you he was, he wasn't the oppressive old guard of decadence and domination, but a rebel underdog on a struggle with a seemingly invincible centuries old subversive global power that quite literally wanted and still wants to this day to enslave the world through financial, political and pretty much any means available.

Imagine uncovering the lies and realizing this devil's only crime was to stand up to a common enemy, to our common enemy. Opening your eyes to the fact they've fooled you into believing your saviour, the only person willing and able to have a chance at dismantling your oppressors, is actually 'literally hitler'.
Oh it would piss you off, it would piss you off to no end. And you'd be grateful for this man's martyrdom, for giving you eyes to see.

When someone controls all the information, they know everything you do and everything you dont, so they seem smarter.

Assad didn't even do the chemical attacks, he's winning the war in his country and knew what the ramifications would be with the west if he used them.
There's not even a civil war in Syria, the people of Syria don't want U.S intervention because they know we wreck everything we touch.
What are we going to do, overthrow Assad and have Iraq shitshow 2.0? Or are we going to scare him into submission?
Get real.

Welcome to generation Babyboom.
The parents that couldn't care about responsibility and all they did was enjoy themselves and have a good time.
Modern marxism has put this ideology in their brain cells.

You aren't able to go back. You'll see the hypocrisy and propganda in everything now.


Fucking leaf strikes again

Did I say they were real? They were obviously fake.

>Is this what the red pill feels like?
pretty much

>Will I ever be able to go back?
you can try but then when you start arguing that far left idea X isn't feasible or practical or even logical, they will turn on you. insult you, call you names, and never really prove their argument.

the far left is a cult. I'm glad I left it, but I still consider myself a moderate.

Terrible resolution but accurate. I wish I had a better copy on hand. Pic related is almost every time. I hope you're looking into this stuff I'm posting OP.

don't worry hans, America will save europe again.

Wou will never ever be able to go back OP. Once you have seen reality for what it is you won't be able to go back to liberal la-la land. And it will only get worse. You will start to uncover more and more ugly truths.

Get used to it. You are now one. of . us.

At some point you just stop believing anything the media or the liberal education system puts out, outside of STEM stuff.

>outside of STEM stuff.
going to university for STEM is asinine at this point, literally everything is available online unless you want to get a PhD

Why the fuck do people care if T_D comes here? I think some just want to act all edgey because Sup Forums is so chaotic and free and therefore t_d is inferior with their decorum and civility. Back in my day the kids who wanted to be edgey were goth fags. When I read 'omg gtfo t_d' I picture you with a shopping bag from Hot Topic in your hand.

Yeah, I'm from t_d but I'm also level 7.5 red pilled so back the fuck off!

P.S. this was my first Sup Forums post. I hope it was sufficiently aggressive enough.

TOPKEK I do not watch (((msm))) so this is the first I've seen of this.

How could one man be so fucking based?