If you don't PAY for boogie's healthcare, he will DIE

If you don't PAY for boogie's healthcare, he will DIE.

Think about it. Would you really want to see him die because you were too selfish to help?


>Would you really want to see him die because you were too selfish to help?


I don't know boogie, would you want to see yourself die because you were too selfish to help yourself

I'd pay to see him die

He will die

>would you really like to see him die cause you were too selfish to help?
I wanna see a live stream of him getting a heart attack from the pure lard choking out his heart


Fucking fatphobic fuck, I'm gonna make you choke on my dirty period panties

I remember like 3 years ago he said he was on a weight loss program, and he still looks like a human blimp.

>>Think about it. Would you really want to see him die because you were too selfish to help?
Yes, I would love to see this weak pig make an example out of himself. He had enough chances to fix his current way of living, but he doesn't care at all.

I'll pay for a bullet to speed him along, if he wants.

Isnt it selfish for him to be a fat fuck? Its not even like hes 280 and has to run it off he could just eat 2000 calories a day and he'd still lose weight


Selfish? That's what I call people who intentionally get into situations requiring help. If he wants to eat like a pig then he should face consequences which is either death or paying for his own healthcare. Sage


Everyone dies eventually...

not me faggot, just you wait and see

he just keeps getting fatter. by the way he wont die any time soon, he has so much fat. my grandmother is 72 and fat as fuck, she is somehow still alive. i don't fucking get it.

Mate his is practically immobile and his legs are rotting off. He has very little time left.

fine with that



>Can't have massive medical bills if you don't eat yourself to death

Yes. I would rather spend the money elsewhere like books.

Is he the guy that draws the shortstack porn?

>guy eats himself to death
>i'm supposed to care

Let's change one unhealthy habit with another. Let's say this guy is sick with lung cancer because he's a lifelong smoker. Ever since he was 10, he was puffing away. Despite being told every day of his life that smoking was bad for him, despite all the cartoon specials and assemblies at schools and taking health classes, he smoked. He smoked two or three packs a day, and even when he got diagnosed with lung cancer, he didn't stop. He even sneaks smokes when he's in the hospital. Every once and a while, he'll make a weak effort to quit, sometimes congratulating himself for "cutting back to just one pack a day," but eventually, he's back to two to three packs.

Would you be willing to pay for his health care then? Most people wouldn't. Most people would say "you were warned and are still being warned and yet you persisted because it 'felt good' and now you have to pay the price."

So why is overeating any different than any other unhealthy habit? Why should I feel pity? Why should I pick up the tab because he wanted to be a piggy?

you are a yellow chink monkey. what you think is not important to white people. go post on your own forum, and stop shitting up white people places.

Stop making these threads and go on a diet

Ooooooohhhhhhhh shiiiiiitttteeee nigga that was so fucking smart I think you turned me into a nigger from snow nigger.

Fuck you. Asian power!