Jews on suicide watch

/ourguy/ (before redditfags flooded this place) has fucking DONE IT!

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I miss old Sup Forums so goddamn much

Arizona is pretty cool

Me too damn it

I miss the even older Sup Forums. I felt better at home with stormfront :(

>gold and silver treated as money
what does it mean? Isn't that the case already?
How does it have anything to do with waht the FED does?

I miss even older Sup Forums. I was here for the legendary WWII happenings. We'll never see anything like it on Sup Forums again

Ok am not that well familiar with the fed and how it work and why it's bad can someone explain

Ron Paul is unironically one of the greatest political thinker of the modern age. But /nu-pol/ would rather suck Trump and Milo Kikeopolis cock. FeelsBadMan.

desu i understand this. But Ron Paul even if he has a genuine belief in libertarianism is wrong. I used to be into it like many here, listened to peter schiff a lot, max keiser and many others yet i then realised libertarianism and isolationism is untenable. True conservatism is monarchism and that's where its at.

I would vote for Ron Paul if it wasn't throwing away my vote. Trump > Hillary and that's all there was to it.

Libertarianism is a utopian ideal similar to how communism is. Neither would work properly in action

>inb4 arizona needs some more democracy

i honestly cant believe they didnt prevent this

Why wouldn't Libertarianism work?

its utopian because its a temporary existing phase at the beginning of the decline going from monarchy to a republic. The start is libertarian in many ways, and it doesn't last.

sadly. so far trump is at least not fucking us over directly. he is kissing some jewass, but i would too until i got steadfast with my power so i dont get JFKd. i dont trust trump one bit, but so far he is still at least worthy of support to keep (((certain people))) from taking direct controll

Human nature

People like being told what to do.
See: religion

Just imagine if he was elected president.

A private corporation controls the supply of US dollars.

The fed was created in 1913 in order to give a safety net to banks by creating a supreme bank that has the power to print (create) US dollars out of thin air. The fed is the largest buyer of US government debt. The fed is a secretive organization that has never been audited. The public has no idea what is on the Fed's balance sheet.

I'm not an expert on the fed, someone else can surely give a better rundown

>Just imagine if he was elected president.
We'd have Mexicans being paid in gold to take your country

I miss the even older older Sup Forums. The south will rise again and Ulysses Grant is a fag!

They control the us money supply, regulating interest rates. Not good

Asteroid mining will cause massive gold and silver inflation and make them near worthless as currency.

You're retarded, open border is not a Libertarian concept. Just because Gay Johnson liked that shit doesn't mean all Libertarians do.


what's that, the second Carthaginian wars? Oh yeah those were epic times. When the two biggerst world powers fought for world domination and the loser got absolutely irreversibly and permanently BTFO.

Back then when you called the losers salty, it was not because of their tears, but because we burned their cities and crops and spread salt all over to make sure nothing grows there ever again.

aaah, those were the days.

see pic of

Asteroid mining will just replace gold and silver with platinum and palladium


The dream is if there's enough plutonium out there we can make a massive number of devices powered by Sterling engine radioactive batteries.

>Rand Paul was pro immigration

>m-muh gold

Ya fuckin ruined it.

>open border is not a Libertarian concept
When your land is overrun with shitskins, but that's okay because it wasn't real Libertarianism, so you move to somewhere with a stronger network of anti-immigration contracts, then your land is overrun shitskins, but that's okay because it wasn't real Libertarianism, so you move to somewhere with a stronger network of anti-immigration contracts, then your land is overrun shitskins, but that's okay because it wasn't real Libertarianism, so you move to somewhere with a stronger network of anti-immigration contracts, then your land is overrun shitskins, but that's okay because it wasn't real Libertarianism, so you move to somewhere with a stronger network of anti-immigration contracts, but then your land is overrun shitskins, BUT ITS NOT OKAY BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE WHITES

People, generally speaking, like surviving... do they not?


The poor guy is around 80 yrs old now. At least he has his humble youtube channel and small yet effective victories in politics. May we never forget the man who dared to kill the bank.

It is illegal to use gold or silver for barter in the US (It challenges the Feds monopoly of the money supply)

No, our money is what is called fiat money. This means it is not tied to a gold/silver/whatever standard. The only reason a US dollar has value is because the gov says it does.

The bill makes the following change:

HB 2014 defines gold, silver, and other precious metals as legal tender and exempts them from capital gains taxes, thus allowing Arizona residents to use precious metals instead of Federal Reserve notes.

This basically removes AZ residents reliance on the fed in the realm of legal tender. Most people will probably still use dollars, but now in AZ businesses are required to accept precious metals in exchange for goods and services.

Isn't most of the gold in the world kidnapped by different governments?

Am I the only one who remembers the epic shitposting during the trojan war?

>mfw you will never be some nymphs concubine on a paradise island

Ah I see, so it's directly usable in transactions rather than having to be sold first


I don't know how Libertarian society would be functionally different than current society. It has to the same problem as Communism, where there is no failsafe provided for hostile takeover

Cash is King.

>fingol ousting himself as a troglodyte

like primordial pottery

glad to see another monarchist

I miss even older Sup Forums, where there was no Sup Forums.

They won't let us have it, socialists, communists. So we turn to fascism.

Yes. Previously (and in other states currently) if you sold a precious metal, you could legally be taxed if you made a profit from when you bought it. Removing the capital gains tax in this case is a huge win for the people, and a huge slap in the face for the government jew. More info available here if you're interested:

he literally named his son after a female jew

that line of dollar infusions is steady all the way back to 1792...


Ron Paul is such a good dude.

I miss even older Sup Forums. Felt better during the Jesus lynching happenings

Government issues and sells bonds to Big Bank.
Big Bank sell bonds to Fed for slightly higher price.
Fed writes Big Bank a check for the bonds.
The Fed checking account has a zero balance.
The Fed check clears anyways.
The Government sells issues and sells more bonds to Big Bank.
Big Bank sells bonds to Fed for slightly higher price.
The Fed pays Big Bank with a check.
The Fed checking account has a zero balance.
The Fed check clears anyways.

ad infinitum

You're retarded. Human nature isn't good or evil. It is programmable.

So many newfags, god damn it

what happened in 2009?

It's evil, and programmable to be evil. Or more evil.

Solution: Kill people that like being told what to do. Either that or turn them into slaves while the matters live under a libertarian government.

Burger on point

World Financial Crash in '08. People fled real estate backed derivatives in favor of gold/silver.

we all do

More legal drugs, less welfare

Sup Forums's best era was the Planck Era. They were simpler times. Everything got along

the 10^-43 seconds after the big bang were GOAT

You can get assrammed in a libertarian society for all I care.But if you try to step on my snek I'll fucking murder you

The same way income tax was implemented (((temporarily))) during the USA civil war.

bitcoin is the new gold standard

I understand the premise, but I don't follow on how Libertarians propose to enforce rules preventing people banding together as a force, leading to federalism all over again.

>m-mu-muh toilet paper kike currency

Look at Ron, he doesn't want to forcibly end government, the fed, etc. He just wants them not to be a monopoly. This would probably lead to the fed ending because people would use less retarded currencies instead, but if retards want to stick with it, let them, nothing wrong with that

A fucking leaf.

fuarrrk, imagine being on Sup Forums during ww2. Coming here every evening after the battle for that day is over, telling stories of how many Jews you took out and praising Fuhrer together

just a reminder

it seems more like bartering, which has never fully left the market anyway. Don't mistake me, I'm not saying the gold standard is bad. I think some Libertarian policies are sensible, like some Socialist policies. But a full-fledged Libertarian society is the meme I don't understand because it appears to have the same fatal flaw as other utopian models


nah, One Coin is.


USA is no democracy.

Aren't the Jews just the worst.

To answer your question more directly, you don't enforce libertarianism. It does not need to be global, or even a proper 'system' the way socialism or nationalism are. Libertarianism is the substitution of the pieces that constitute those systems for non-monopolistic, privately owned counterparts. You don't really need to enforce non-monopolies because they happen naturally, it's the monopoly that needs to be enforced, so you simply don't do that and shoot any competitors trying to force your service to close down.
Now this does not mean that all libertarian societies would resemble ancap memes, they would vary greatly in shape and some would resemble what we have today. Not all, however, and the fact that people have alternatives would put massive pressure on those services not to be corrupt. In a libertarian society, it would be a lot harder to tax you or draft you so that jews can bomb sandniggers, for example.
So, libertarianism is completely distinct from socialism and other utopias in that it is not a system that must be enforced, rather, a system which must not be enforced. It also doesn't promise the greater good of society (however you define it), it simply promises freedom. The degenerate, the lazy, the corrupt would be worse off.


RP 2008

what is the legal/economic mechanism which Libertarianism utilizes? If we're talking about prohibiting monopolies, what will prevent people from selling out their businesses and services?

It's Jews all the way down.

What should not be allowed is forcibly imposed monopolies. If a company is so good that it can't be undercut by anyone else, then it is fair that it remains the only one in the market, however this would be very rare. Keep in mind that it is not enough to buy out all the competition to establish a monopoly, you also have to hold it by being so competitive that no other person or investment group thinks that they can enter the market by undercutting you or offering a better service, depending on what the market dictates. It certainly could happen that companies abuse their power, let's say a highway might charge retarded amounts in their tolls, however this would lead to an investment group (which could be some rich dude, an investment group, a kickstarter, etc) making a new highway of their own, a highway that is most likely going to stick around forever, so the abusive company now has to lower prices or go out of business, and also now has to deal with a permanent competitor.


Not being able to understand how money works and why it has value is literally autistic

He should have ran in a relevant party then.

but wal-mart was not imposed?

this so much

I don't know the specifics, but if you want to start a competing supermarket, you usually can do it. If the reason you can't is that they prices are unbeatable, maybe they are just that good. Or maybe their prices are that good because they get government subsidies or permits that you can't easily get access to, in that case it would be the wrong kind of monopoly

Also you could regulate that if you wanted, in fact a libertarian society could have even more regulation than what we have now. Some regulations would be obvious and prevalent, for example, no loud, polluting factories in residential neighbors. Town services could be co-owned by the people living in said town, and in the statutes of the town you could limit what kind of resident you would welcome (or who can use the town roads, which would dramatically affect the kind of resident/businesses that you welcome). Maybe your community wants to keep the town looking like the Shire, so you would go a step further and prohibit things like wal-marts, too. Maybe some other community doesn't care and their town ends up becoming one dystopian looking, massive mall. The important thing is that the regulation is localized, and that the people involved in the decision making are you and your immediate community. It makes no sense that you have to argue with someone from Vancouver about whether to restrict the installation of a mall in a rural town in Ontario.

Ah, I see. But it sounds sometimes like the nationalist socialist Hitler produced, in that the chief motivation for economic development served second to society. The key distinction seems to be the localization, which even Canada already has. But federal law is still superior to provincial law.
But I think what nationalists and libertarians have to tackle is our countries' economic systems. Specifically banking, debt, and currency. Our laws and restrictions always get sidewinded by exterior interests because of poor debt management.

Are you being retarded on purpose?

I agree with you, and I think that this is solved by localization. Right now it's very easy for a corporation to hire a lobbyist, send him to Ottawa or DC and influence an entire country. If they had to go town by town and persuade hundreds of communities, they wouldn't be able to do it.
This happens every day. Walmart itselfgets easier funding that your local grocery store, funding which comes from fractional reserve loans that inflate and make it even harder for the grocery store to get by.

As for Hitler, maybe he was correct in some ways, the problem is that strongly centralized systems are a double edged sword. They can work in your favor, but as soon as you lose control of it, lobbyists and banksters use the same system you created against you. The same office that once gave your people jobs can be used to take them from you and give them to homosexuals. I'm also not too sure about what his economic proficiency was, booming is easy, especially right after a bust; what's hard for centralized systems is long, sustainable growth that doesn't end up with the enemy owning half of your country.

A decentralized system would allow for all sorts of degenerates at first, yes, but in the long run, a tidier, hard working, family oriented society would outproduce a town full of lazy faggots and meth-heads, to the point they would be no threat. In this way, society would be allowed to evolve, not by punishing degenerates using government entities that can later be used to reward them (like it happened to us already), but by simply letting them starve.

So you support arbitrary restrictions on free trade?

Sup Forums is like this

>40% center-left fucktards like Sargon who are here for satire. Maybe voted Trump, but aren't anywhere near conservative or NatSoc.
>20% MAGApedes: "HWNDU" "BASED BLACK MAN" /ourgal/ 4dchess, Kekistan, etc
>15% NatSoc proper
>15% Libertarian/AnCap, leaning towards Christopher Cantwell territory mostly.
>10% other/shills

what if I just don't trust the msm?

>A private corporation controls the supply of US dollars.
the fed is owned by all the big banks in the us.
it's also required by law to pay out 10% in dividends every year.

this is a shop yeah?

Shill thread

Where are my based MAGA pedes at?