The attack on Manchester is the exact result of racism towards Muslims as well as intolerance of Islam...

The attack on Manchester is the exact result of racism towards Muslims as well as intolerance of Islam. If Trump hadn't launched missiles into Syria, or banned Muslims from entering the US, this would never had happened.

No theyre fucking savages, thats why you cunt.


Do you even read your owns religion book

Is that you Justin?



Agreed, the slut asked for it by dressing like that.

Here we go again

good goy, listen to jews you are a good dog, there are 72 virgins in heaven for you goy now go and hate and kill infidels

Such shit.

It's the muslims. Their entire ideology is racist and just downright crude and outdated.

I don't know why Europe is so fucking stupid. No terroist attacks would happen if these dumb sandniggers weren't here.


They are Losers, the Scum of humanity in the two thausends.

>usa hasses collateral attacking militants who commit genocide
>they get mad and attack the wrong country 19 times
Lmfao, i wonder why they are attacking the EU and not the usa.

No its not.
it's all written.


>1 post by this id
>a fucking leaf
its like your not even trying these days /pol

I actually enjoy shitposts alot, trolling was always a great part of Sup Forums. Too bad nu-pol has made Sup Forums the easiest group to troll.

In response to your picture, there's nothing wrong with responding as long as you sage.

ahahaha. so if you dont get what you want it is acceptable to go blow up a bunch of teenage girls. not even the government or something . no A BUNCH OF TEENAGERS. get lost and kill yourselves. muslims need to take responsibility for their shitty religion

okay dude look, what you're saying is EXACTLY what (((they))) want you to say and think. You've literally fallen for the intended brainwashing. If you have any self-awareness at all take a step back and really think it through. Try to save yourself before it's too late. If you can think back to a time in the last year or so where you might have felt differently compared to how you do right now, there's a chance you might be able to undo the brainwash. Best of luck.

Who's they?

It is clearly the west's fault for creating these terrorists.

no he did it because of western degeneracy, so not hatred of islam, but rather his own hatred of the west

I feel compelled to point out, "a fucking leaf!". Also, most likely a shitskin.

>if the US didn't respond to obvious war we would have never attack the UK
die in a fire

>a fucking leaf


no, it's the result of years and years of inbreeding. Something like 40% of arabs are inbred. Mix that with radical ideologies and this it what happens. Arabs aren't progressing with the times, they are going backwards.

If you stop slaughtering westerners you'll find out what happens when we've had enough.

You fags blow up when your pissed.

We raise entire countries to the ground.

Another retarded leaf, nothing new under the sun

look a fucking leaf