Do you guys really want war with 1.5billion people? how do you expect it to go...

do you guys really want war with 1.5billion people? how do you expect it to go? (this is theoretical as we all know as long as saudi keep paying us nothing will happen) pic unrelated

That depends, what 1.5 million are you talking about?

i should mention im more towards the right, but not as extreme as most of you

......i meant billion.

It's 6 gorillion lad

Fucking holocaust denier

everyone knows what 1.5 billion im referring to?

I expect the blood of 1.5 billion people to soak the desert and make it bloom.

How hard is it to actually say which group, in fact it takes less typing to say which group.

So which fucking group idiot?

I want war with all 7 billion. My genocide crusade begins...after I get done with this tasty craft beer.

fucking muslims what the fuck did you think

Yea i do

But that war will never happen
But if it happens it will be the same as before

You have a bunch of people with real INTERNAL motives, that dont care about dying.

In the meantime you have go-to-war-or-to-jail John Johnson who had a 6 week training/101 in desert fighting in the battlefield, scared to face someone who doesnt care if he lives or dies

That number can be brought down by 99% in about 15-20 minutes if we do try.

I just want to kill all the Browns and Jews.

please don't call them people

so how do you win vs someone who doesnt care if he lives or dies?

whats wrong with jews?

Muslims think they have actual military force compared to the combined west and their allies.. LMFAO. yeah we're totally gonna get conquered by a bunch of sri lankans and unorganised sand nigger groups that infight. you couldnt even take out india if you tried, and they don't even know how to use a toilet. Get it through your thick skull you sub human filth.

In you or your parents short lives you have never witnessed the true masters and conquerors of this planet mobilized. Just try push us and you will learn. If you awaken the fascist west again, your entire continent will be turned to glass with a press of a button. Now shut the fuck up and make me some kebab.

Based upon the responses and threads I've seen on this board in only the last 3 months, you could've been talking about Chinese, Indian, Niggers in a future tense, etc.etc.

Now that you have actually responded: yes.

The west has all of the technology, Islamic countries have nothing. Even with nukes being discounted, we have massive centers housing thousands of diseases and we have even manufactured superbugs.

Not to mention air superiority.

you dip your bullets in bacon grease and send them to their mudshit hell

that's what we did in iraq until some faggot soldier told the reporter on our fob and the 1SG ate us up and fired our psg

1. bomb the airports so they cant get to america
2. glass them


Gee I don't know?

Most muslims are peaceful you fucking bigot. It would only be against a small minority who have hijacked the religion.

>Most muslims are peaceful you fucking bigot.

fuck off, cuck.

Shit bait but I don't care

this image is fucking spot-on

shadala brothrs

nothings is out of our reach

lol prais kek dank memes