Well, drumpfats?

What do you have to say for yourselves?

What about a private server for said communications?

set up secret server contained copies of info so topsecret its a crime to remove it from the room its housed in, destroyed the server after being subpoenaed had husband meet with lead prosecutor.

youre falling for a meme investigtion when you got spoon fed the real one.

SAGE and kyfs

I don't understand... Kushner wasn't a CIA agent. He just wanted to talk privately with the Russians. Doesn't seem so ridiculous now that it's becoming obvious the NSA has every Russian wiretapped



Trump went to Mexico to meet with peña Nieto while running for president, better check up on that too.

In the US Navy if I had disseminated classified materials to a person without the proper clearance and need to know in an unsecure area I would have been charged with espionage and given 20 years hard labor in Leavenworth.

Suck it, shill.

If I lied to Congress, under oath. I'd be charged with perjury. Funny that Clinton faces no charges.
>wake up and smell the concrete


>going to jail for breaking law

Pick one

If you ever wanted to see what shilling looks like, look no further than these posts.

This entire board is filled with right wing shills. You're all brainwashed retards.


2 shekels has been deposited into your account.

Telling the truth is shilling?

No, you collecting pay from David "kids on muh penis" Brock, is shilling.

Please tell me why they're reporting Kushner isn't a suspect then. "Oh hey press, this guy isn't a target of our investigation but he might have broke the law! Top Secret!"

Trump is fucking with you lugenpresse.

Oh vey!

I hope (((KUSHNER))) is sent to the Supermax for espionage. Too bad they don't hang communist jew spies like in the 50s.

I eat ass for brunch and din-din

Isn't that literally what JFK did right after the missile crises because their communications kept getting (((relayed))) by (((middlemen))) who kept fucking it up?

Keep trying fucker. He's right and you know it. If you don't know it you're too uninformed, or stupid, to mouth an opinion. These reports will be walked back in a day or two, just like all the rest.

Um in case you haven't noticed, none of the stories have gotten rolled back. Instead, it's been the administration's credibility that's been shredded. Swear to God, fucking Mensch has more credibility than POTUS himself right now. And that's before Comey goes and lays out the lies, systematically, step by step, for the American people.