Do people here unironically think Drumpf won?


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>t. delusional faggot

>thinks coughing is comparable to losing by a couple MILLION votes
Stay mad drumpfkin

I'm not mad at all. I laughed hard about the latest coughing fit.

She's totally out of her mind. This was her second chance to make a graceful exit into the sunset. It makes me excited that we can look forward to three strikes before she's out.

She's not going anywhere, drumpanzee. She won last year and she'll win again in 2020.

LOL are you mad OP? Trump won. Did you pick your nose and eat it like Hillary supporters on live tv?

Did you pee-pee your pants and cry???????

Last loser worst loser

reality check 3.2.1. Trump won

I can only hope.

Who got the most votes, drumpfkin? Say her name.

Everyone but me here must learn why the Electoral College exists

Fuck off Sup Forums user pretending to be a Shareblue shill to stir up a ruckus

you lost. get over it


It exists because of how long it takes to ride a horse all the way from Hawaii to DC.

Ah, the drumpanzee doesn't know how to count. How sad. Want a banana to cheer you up?

Not right now Shitposter, I'm not in the mood.

We'll find out soon.

Can't be president from a jail cell. MAGA!

Technically, you can't hold public office at all if you mishandle classified information, intentionally or unintentionally.


Shit bait, shit person, shit candidate, no (You) for (You).

Why not both?

>Donald Trump won the election

umm, no sweetie. Hillary WON the popular vote by 3 million votes. So, as a democratic nation, we should respect the results that Drumpfy lost by 4 million votes. we can't let the 5 million votes against Zlompf go to waste. if you're perfectly fine with a candidate being president even though he lost by 6 million votes, then honestly you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, rapist, child molesting, misogynist inbred piece of shit

>hillary won the election by 10 million votes
>stumpf only won because of russian hacking and fake news
>badumpf is the most unpopular president of all time
>hillary is running again in 2020

SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums,


Humpty Drumpty did not build a wall
Humpty Drumpty had a great fall
All of the redditards and the klansmen
couldn't put Drumpty together again

Drumpity broke his promise on wars
The lion of Syria cut off his balls
Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick
Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick

Drumpity's presidency turned to shite
America's now less than 50% white
Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top
Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?

Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water
All while a jew was fucking his daughter
And making the choices on every adventure
And you thought I suffered from dementia?

Oh little trumplets, look at you now
You were all duped and we all know how
Your IQs so low, we should just pull the cord
When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?

Burgerland's passing now into the grave
The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave
Pretty soon you will look like Brazil
And that little trumptards, is the true redpill

It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu
Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too
And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see
You're already wishing you voted for me

I don't know if she'd last long enough for even one, but whatever. I think the much more important part is to have the public trials and depositions.


He won
The world approved

Hopefully the death of Beranton J. Whisenant redpills any normies on the fence about the DNCs corruption.


>He won
No sweetie, Hillary won by millions of votes. Rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf, city people all voted for hilldawg.

When you accidentally walk into a predom Hispanic neighborhood just to get a bite to eat, and get snarled at by a bunch of kids just for being white, let's see you be in the mood too.

>Do people here unironically think Drumpf won?
That depends. Who is the President? Oh it's not
Hillary? I guess Trump won then.

That one really sparked off some higher-level concern trolling.

Whatever it might or might not mean, the public deserves an explanation.

Do I look like your shrink, drumpanzee? Go eat a banana or something.

I always like to play the Devil's Advocate, but that's just too much of a "coincidence".

You asked for it loser. Get triggered.

LOL keeping telling yourself that. And be sure to change your underwear. Stop peeing your pants its childish.

>democrats are such a pathetic cuck party that even when they win, they still lose

Isn't Hillary dead by now? I haven't see or heard from her in months. What an irrelevant person she is.

Peeing your pants is hot.



Adam Sandler started it!!

Fucking hilarious how clueless liberals really are. Also Hillary would not appreciate you portraying her as Pepe. Derpy mother fucker.

I don't care if Charles Manson won. Cheese ass isn't President, that's good enough for me.

We're a representative nation.... it's called a republic, not a democracy (not pure anyway).

>inb4 took the bait


It's gonna be a long summer

Donald Trump did.

wait hilary won?



Trump is the president, and it's hilarious. A career politician who lied and cheated her way into politics gets beaten by a reality TV star. Top KEK.

And even better, "money can buy the election" BTFO eternally too

And he just called the nailbomb guy a loser at life on international TV.

California = 23.3% of Clinton's total. Texas = 12.5% of Trumps. If you lose Florida you lose the Election.

Perfect quote for this situation. Drumpanzees need to come to terms with the fact that a woman won. Get over it.

sorry drumpfkin

Yes, that's how an election works.

Did you know her campaign cost 1.4 billion dollars. Truly BTFO

He's the yes...
Welcome to reality my little sweetie boi, enjoy your stay :)

Drumpanzees can't do math. So sad :D


And she still lost, kek.

This is a republic. Popular vote is worth less than the paper it is written on or the electricity running through Soros' rigged voting machines.

>doesn't know how to do math
Do they not have calculators in Germany?

Top kek

>more votes
>still lost

How can a person fail this hard? Other than shes a woman, its hard to find explanations

Who got the most votes, drumpfkin Say her name.

Oh sweetie, you know she's just going to win in 2020 and undo all the damage drumpf's little hands cause

Say it with me:

>thinks winning is losing
Nobody ever said drumpf supporters are intelligent

Oh no, I full heartedly believe that clinton won everything she deserves.

Doesn't know what the electoral college is or why it exists. Additionally assumes I voted for Trump. Thinks California becoming 35% of the Democratic vote in 2020 means they have a better chance of winning.


Hillary won popular vote because of California.
Hillary is president of California

Captain, we are detecting extreme faggotry is this post.

>start following a woman
>suddenly can't tell right from wrong anymore
>suddenly "winning"


Are you retarded? President Clinton is (and always will be) a MAN. (who probably has AIDS)

>literally thinks losing makes you president
Drumplets will be Drumplets

Digits detect wannabe ShillBlue fag LARPing for lulz


As much luck as Drumpf on election night lol



>One of the most blatant bait threads ive ever seen
>Still incredibly effective, gaining many responses and plenty of butthurt.

Solid 8/10. Not an original concept but it still worked flawlessly.

No but they have talented musicians, unlike the USA which has untalented liberal trash such as yourself.

It's fun to lurk in

That bit her in the diaper, didn't it?

Too stupid to know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. Allows country to be overrun by Islamic rapists.

>thinks growling is music

Shills get thrills.

I had some Wendy for dinner. Included a tossed salad


Looks tasty

Hear that, drumpanzees? It's been 17,109,575 seconds since Hilldawg won by millions of votes

rip in peace great man

The big...

>unironically from Peru