Eric Clanton: the bike lock attacker official charges

All four felonies have upped to California statute PC1170(h)(3)-F, meaning that EACH requires a jail sentence.

He's looking at 40 years


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holy fuck he's legit going to get killed by a real nazi

I'm so proud of you guys. I never thought this would really happen. I'm still skeptical until sentencing

He will get a plea deal for under 5 years.

Guys... you should be writing to the AB and NLR members that will share his prison to warn them that a violent antifascist will be arriving and that they should be very careful that they do not get bashed by him.

We must keep the vulnerable prison nazis safe from Clanton by making them aware of who he is and what he looks like, they could be at real risk of attack from little skinny Clanton.

fucking statist nazi fascists. this is a farce!

this isn't over NAZIS. you'll all pay in the coming revolution.

he get a kike lawyer and do 10 years probation

So am I but this is still a victory, quite glad that formal charges are being brought against this piece of shit.

Usually I'm not for this kind of shit, but fuck this coward, he should be afraid every single day of his sentence.

Given the shit state of the legal system they are racking up the charges to convince him to plead down. I would be surprised if this even made it to trial.

Expect him to get a few years max.


wait until he's convicted to do that

I hope they redpill him instead

I hope a nigger fucks him in the ass before biting his ear off

>queer anarchist
This fag knows he's going to get killed in an anarchist state right? I mean, nobody actually considers fags to be humans we're just tolerating it in modern society because life is too comfortable right?

This is true, also no human wants to be around niggers either

Nope, I'm preparing a letter right now to keep him company.

Dear Comrade Eric,
Thank you so much for being so brave to go undercover and snitch out those Aryan Brotherhood Nazi scumsuckers! We'll be waiting for you to get out and throw you the biggest bash ever!
Courtney and all your antifa comrades

Even if this happens it still gives him enough time to get visciously raped and beaten by niggers and nazis alike, the punish he truly deserves.


good fucking show chaps

I'm so hard right now

Haven't you guys done enough? He's already fucked and will get 20 years, gang raped daily, and AIDs MINIMUM. pol must have mercy.

He's not going to jail, and if he does, he's going straight in protective custody so forget about him being raped to death by the AB.

yo.. when this boy gets sentenced to hard time i'm going to bake a cake and celebrate our dear comrad. everyone should post pics of how they celebrated. it will be better than alex jones on election night. PRAISE KEK

no. mercy. for. commies.


His lawyer wont let him his lawyer is a strange kike.

It's a pro-bono cases though. He's getting nothing out of it. Won't save him.

You think he can last two years in prison?

People need to file civil suits against eric clanton if he pleads guilty for a deal people will win automatic financial judgements against eric clanton.


We should write him a letter from Pepe


Reporter: "Why are you doing it for free?..."
Clanton's Lawyer: " represent people who are facing criminal charges because of their engagement in political activity."

According to Wikipedia: Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. "

No tears in heaven for him now.

Whether he survives or not, I guarantee he'll hate non whites by the end of his sentence.

That Antifaggot will have to spend his entire sentence in protective custody.
Aryan Nation and other white supremacist prison gangs are salivating at getting a shot at him.

Apral fhalls

The system works. This time.

>pretend to be snarky commie lawyer
>just let clanton hang in court
>Sup Forums has a moment to figure out why we were not wrong and then rejoice our new lowlyer hero