Protestant Work Ethic

Is this actually a thing? As a general rule Protestant countries tend to be nicer and wealthier than Catholic ones, and productivity is certainly tied to work ethic. Is there something unique to Protestants that makes them different from Catholics?

Other urls found in this thread:

Protestants aren't as restrained by morality.

How can one person make so many logical fallacies? Mind boggling.
>Every sperm is sacred
>Every sperm is great
Don't you have a black baby to abort?

Protestant? That includes revival Baptist, eh? All those (((disgusting))) Catholics?

king became the ruler of the church aswell n stuff
>regular stuff
the pope boi in the vatican rules the religion

Jesus I knew Wales was bad but I didn't think it was 2nd world.
Also the parts of Germany that have blue development and are richest are the ones with Catholics. Pretty sure it's just meds being lazy from all that sun and was co-opted by protestants to shill their meme religion.

>what is puritanism?
burger education

>northern italy

No, Japan and Korea both have great work ethinc and they'r not even christian.

The Lombards aka german blood.

It's just the further north, the better human

Well obviously Protestantism isn't the only thing related to a work ethic, but among white Christians or their cultures there seems to be some variance within it and Protestantism is related to it in some way. Also I've worked with Japanese and South Koreans before in engineering firms, they may work long hours but their productivity is only okay, I've found that Germans, Dutch people, and Americans from the Midwest actually put in the most meaningful and intense hours into their work, even if they don't work as many hours.

Austria is the only functioning Catholic country


Ireland is miles better than it used to be but it has one motorway, which they built around a tree they thought had fairies in it, and no sewage system. The roads are atrocious and the education system is a joke.

>german blood
>thread is about religion

Catholic Empires were just a race to the bottom in an attempt to out-savage the natives.

I never said that Protestantism itself was the cause, but it is an interesting correlation that Protestant countries have ended up the way they have. What specific factors made the countries which are traditionally protestant that way, why is it pretty much only Germanic countries that are protestant, why do they seem more productive, etc.

What is the red color? We arent catholics or protestants.

the Tories harp on about working all the time, Labour are the gibs party. Prots vote for the former, cathcucks the latter.

>can't read file name

>Is there something unique to Protestants that makes them different from Catholics?
Yeah, they don't believe in god.

to be fair the areas in red are fairly depopulated... iberia in general is an empty place

It's a regional development map based on mostly economic indicators, not related to religion at all. Red is less developed, yellow is transition region, blue is more/most developed.
Also Czech Republic is traditionally Catholic, so for something like this it would be considered a Catholic country I guess, but it's not anymore, probably one of the least religious countries in the world.

Yes this is a thing and there has been a lot of research on it. Protestantism lead to capitalism and a better work ethic. Weber started researching this subject.

What about the russians and natives who live in the north?
Bavaria is catholic and is one of the richest german regions. Not to mention Austria. Besides, you sample size is too small, those countries have other things in common except religion.

Bavaria is catholic
Northern Italy is catholic
Austria is catholic

>all protestants are puritan

Ok then

There are actually more catholic then protestant people in Germany.

>Spain, France, Austria, Italy, Bavaria
Your own chart proves you wrong

Lol no, Roman Blood.

Northern Italy has a higher standard of living than Germany with much, much less Germanic genetic influence.

Yeah I know about Bavaria and Austria, hence I said general rule and not absolute rule. Of course for those two you also have the Protestant Netherlands, the traditionally protestant and still wealthy regions of Germany (again, traditionally speaking, communism possibly fucked things up), England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and America, and on the Catholic side you have Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Latin America. Not sure where I'd class France because they're like still pretty wealthy but after the Revolution I'm not sure I'd at all consider them a Catholic country even if traditionally they were.

This may not be always true, but I'm pretty sure general protestant culture does make people better motivated, organized and industrious. I'm pretty sure if it was beaten into our heads like catholic propaganda is, it would greatly improve our lot.

The only downside to Protestantism is that they're cucked to the state, and more subject to subversion. Catholics are more spergy, more likely to protest and overthrow the state. Protestants just sit in the corner and take it, like a little bitch.



catholicism became a different religion after the invention of pornography.


>tfw I'm in the blue part of Slovenia

If it weren't for the Eastern and Northern parts of Slovenia dragging us down, we Western Slovenians would be like Germans now in terms of productivity

Is that the case only now? Was that always the case? What about in, say, 1870? 1930? The question isn't completely concrete or easy to define because most people IMO don't even take religion seriously now anyway, especially in most Protestant countries, which are protestant in name only, technically by tradition the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway are Protestant but I doubt most of the population is religious or takes religion very seriously.

Eastern Europe is less developed largely because of communism. Estonia and parts of Latvia are Protestant for example. Austria, Ireland, Italy, most of Germany and France are catholic.

Depends on what you mean by "nicer". Calvinists see hard work as a godly thing that God's predestined elect practice in their day to day life, compared to NEETs destined for Hell.

If that's your kinda thing go for it. I do admire Pope Francis calling out hypocriticial "Christians" who don't act very Christ-like.

You know, like Christian Trump voters. I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics they go through to rationalize voting for an obvious playboy sinner who said "grab 'em by the pussy" and "kill terrorists' families". I gave up on religion long before Trump even announced.

Also why are Catholic countries so irrelevant and boring? Even France, Spain, Italy are less relevant these days than UK, Germany. There's something to it, Catholic countries are very passive, they're very niggerized and can't get anything done.

Protestant countries tend to be wealthier because they are northern european countries and northerners are more intelligent due to harsher winters. Protestantism has nothing to do with it.

can i post yet?

most of the blue regions are catholic. What exactly is your point?

>Bavaria and Austria

Both areas actually had a very sizeable protestant community until counter-reformation kicked in.

>education system is a joke

What did you mean by this?

>i want a bike
>i will work to get one
>my honest labour is pleasing to the lord

>i want a bike
>i will steal one and then go fuck a prostitute and take some drugs
>i can just confess to the priest and say a hail mary to get forgiven for my sins. stealing is no big thing. rape is not big thing. murder is no big thing. in fact i think i'll join a cartel, deal drugs and behead people because i'm a catholic and i can always get more absolution

Pretty much. Don't forget gigantic Jesus statues, giant temples etc..

Huh, then how come Ireland, a catholic country is wealthier than any protestant country?

They're a tax haven. Plus a small country, next to economic powerhouse.

it's literally nu-marxist frankfruth school meme

This is what we spend our gibs money on. Jelly?

religion doesn't matter, blood it what creates the human

It isn't. Firstly, Ireland's GDP per capita figure is inflated by international companies using it essentially as a tax haven, their wealth doesn't benefit most people. If you actually go by purchasing power, a better measure of mean/median wealth, then multiple Protestant regions/countries outperform it.

Giv more shekels so I can be blue too.

Not really there's quite a lot of blue catholic regions. I circled in greens all the "developed area that are to my knowledge majority catholic.

Also that map is a complete EU fuck-up. France and Germany only got yellow part to get some EU monies. Same with the red in Wales it should probably only be yellow.

At the opposite eastern europe capitals are all blue while they should be yellow.

Max Weber argued that capitalism was born out of protestant work ethics:

But general protestant work ethics is just good tier, Prussian ethics and doctrine was god tier.

Historically, protestantism gives the 'right' to make money, catholicism considers making money a 'bad thing'.
Read The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
And stop masturbating

Blood may be some factor, especially when talking about separate races, but isn't the only one and absolutely doesn't explain European countries.

According to the world bank Ireland's GDP per capita PPP is still higher than any protestant country, as is that of Luxembourgh (also Catholic). Their average wage is also higher that that of Germany or the UK.

But anyway, if you still think there is a difference betwen economies because of religion after looking at the statistic, if can only mean you'r a moron.

underdeveloped monkey

Primorska should be separate state

Its a fucking meme. Its about race (pure white Nordic) not culture or religion.

Remember user you are replying to a stormnigger.

I got nothing against the Irish, but I'm sorry they're Catholic niggers, trust me because I'm one of them (Catholic niggers).
It's a lot of the same culture, turbo Catholic countries share a lot, in things like abortion for example (other than blue is restricted, pic rel)

>Is there something unique to Protestants that makes them different from Catholics

Not really - for sure they do not go door to door in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan to try to convert folks, but both they love muslim dick in their ass. Check Merkel father.

Remember the oft-cited quotation from Calvin that the masses of workers and assmen must be kept poor and fukt so that they will be obedient to their master, and will work only when they are driven to it by necessity. This is a central theme of the capitalist economy, resulting in the theory of the “productivity” of lower wages. The misuse of the concept of sex, love, freedom, happiness runs like a red thread through English history.

According to Century Magazine of July 1910: “American lawlessness begins in children’s rooms and schools and ends in courthouses and lawmaking bodies.” The legal uncertainly is called a “national burden,” which is made even worse by the fact that cooperation is also lacking in the police system. It is not surprising that crime rates are higher in the USA than anywhere else in the world. The following figures from 1939 demonstrate the fact.

developed in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries either through land speculation, railroad enterprises, or big industry. The Vanderbilts, Morgans, Carnegies, and so on were typical of those who amassed their wealth with bribery, plundering, swindles, extortion....

I don't mind abortions anymore to be honest. It keeps society free of white liberal trash and mongrels. Not to mention it curbs the reproduction rate of niggers.

If fake conservatives had their way in regards to abortion by 2050 American would be 10% white.

Don't buy the jewish lie, making abortion illegal is the guaranteed death of the West.

The first great fortune was Vanderbilt’s, which grew out of the railways. Vanderbilt, born in 1794, at age twelve could hardly write his own name, but he was greedy, ruthless, and power-hungry. He began with passengers and freight. He was never particularly creative, though he was presented as such in books. He was certainly the leading merchant pirate and scoundrel of his day. His first millions were primarily the result of extortion, cheating, and theft. The mail his steam ships carried won not only foreign postage payments, but also substantial government subsidies. The postal subsidies were the real foundation of his wealth. The War put an end to his shipping career. He began a railroad enterprise at the age of 69, though he knew nothing at all about the technology and administration of this branch of transportation. Vanderbilt knew how to present himself as a leading patriot during the Civil War. When the Union government decided to send a fleet to Orleans in 1862, it bought the very ships from Vanderbilt that government subsidies had built. He even lent one of his unused ships to the government. By means of manipulation Vanderbilt succeeded in driving down the stocks of the NY Harlem railroad at the end of 1863, and bought the majority of the shares, which rose from $9 a share in the middle of 1863 to $50. It was also the usual practice to bribe the city council to secure certain railroad lines.

They are all the same, Dillinger,Capone, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan, and so on: gangsters, pirates, stock traders, businessmen. They have a single ideal: money-making, and still more money-making. American lawlessness and the double morality of Calvinism and Puritanism conceals it all.

Hard to say, I don't wan to give women too much freedom. I'd rather restrict it. I think our current laws are good:

"Restricted to cases of maternal life, mental health, health, rape, and/or fetal defects"

Then how come Finland is so rich?

As a Catholic, I do recognize that PWE is definetely a thing.

Catholic countries are very family based, nepotism and lazyness are rampant.

In Anglo protestant countries, the familial model is the ANF (Absolute Nuclear Family), which promotes individualism and entrepeneurship.

Probably. In here, people don't feel the moral obligation to do the work and earn money fairly. A shit ton of them are in public institutions and they do half-assed work, fuck private sector over and drink coffee all day because they're financially secure no matter what. Plebs work really hard for shit wage but honestly they'd be as same as those they resent if they were on the same spot. Our culture glorifies high class society but not actual work.

see pic related

That works for your country for now. If you ever get a great influx of non-europeans, you should relax abortions laws. If the country is like 99,9% white, sure, keep abortion restricted.

Morality in the west is falling user, don't count on the plebs to make good moral judgements. Treat the pleb like the sub-humans they are and reduce the risks by playing to their own prejudices, make them think its freedom, when in reality its a very subtle ploy to keep the unwashed hordes in check.

Swallow the black pill friendo.

We're Catholic. What retard made that map?

Also the rich parts of Belgium, France and Spain, Cyprus, and the whole of Ireland

Welsh fag here, wow we are doing great . the only red in the west apart from Portugal.

Shabbat shalom!

Theres something to be said for this. Anglos and germanics have absolute nuclear family structures, while mediterannean and iberian families often lived with extended family, giving them more of a collectivist view on the world. I think this is why fascism took more of a foothold in Spain and Italy, and though it had a strong chance in the UK it never took power.

What's that blue blob in Easter Europe? Romania?!

Hungarians, seems like Genghis Attila's blood is still making a trick on them

"Development" = multicultural shit shows

The "less developed" areas are the whitest and most traditional. Fuck off.

>Protestants aren't as restrained by morality.

that MIGHT be true for prot countries in general, but prot churches and prot churchgoers are far more radical than catholics

I cant explain the work ethic phenomennon, and Weber did a meh explanation.

Exactly. Anglo-Saxon countries are more prone to commercialism and capitalism, while both the right and the left wing of Latin countries is collectivist and statist.

Germany is also a weird mix, because they have(had) Catholicism in the South, Protestantism in the North, capitalism in the West and socialism in the East, and Prussian military values on top of all that.

Cyprus is Catholic? When did that happen? Has anyone told the Greek Cypriots that?

Did Weber account for the Northern Italian free cities? They were the first ones to develop capitalism, and they were pretty damn Catholic.

Hungary. Why does a burger know that and not a paella?

Europe isn't Protestant. Europe isn't Catholic. Europe isn't Christian.

>Don't forget gigantic Jesus statues

whats wrong with it? protties have those weird statues also

>Did Weber account for the Northern Italian free cities

Italy on average was/is still a poor country compared to Germany. But Webers explanation goes primarily around calvinism and predestination which makes no sense, I think its more about the protestant pro-secular idea that "work is pleasing to the Lord"

Lol, this map is ass backwards, unless by individualism you just mean economic independence, and by collectivism not throwing your grandparents in an elderly home. Places like Scandinavia are known for being conformist and politically correct, they even have the Law of Jante, wich is a totally alien concept in Romania.

That was a brain fart, I was just listing the christian-but-not-protestant countries with a decent portion of highly developed regions

Really, where? I didn't see giant Jesus statues in Germany.

Nothing would be wrong, if we didn't lag in other areas. You don't spend money on giant churches when you're a developing shithole.

Like I've said earlier, it's a regional development map based on economic indicators, not a religious map.
> France
> Catholic
traditionally maybe, not anymore.

It's from a business/economical perspective.

Is Northern Italy actually poor compared to Germany? From what I've heard Northern Italy is almost comparable to Switzerland and extremely wealthy.

Damn the East Germany divide is still strong.

>Northern Italy has a higher standard of living than Germany with much, much less Germanic genetic influence.

plenty of north Italians are white af.

>Nothing would be wrong, if we didn't lag in other areas. You don't spend money on giant churches when you're a developing shithole.

I agree, same problem here. southern pentacostals have some rediculous Jesus statue also, but I think that Rio statue is absolutly beautiful.

>Is Northern Italy actually poor compared to Germany?

no, but Italy ias a whole is. Northern Italy is Swiss level.

Oh and law of Jante is one of the most pathetic thing about Nordics. What's the point in being rich/successful/powerful if you can't show off?