Are multivitamins a scam?

Are multivitamins a scam?

does this look like /fit/ you dumb "new irish"?

it's not if you constantly eat nutritionally void foods
I never needed it growing up

i heard they were on "adam ruins everything"

definitely some of them are, not all tho... i think

For the research I've made it's clear that they are useful but it's really
Important to know what vitamins are the one you are lacking and then taking a product which provides them to you since different brands have different amounts in them.

In addition to bulk nutrients that provide the energy needed to sustain life, there are certain chemicals the body needs in small amounts that it can't make itself. These are called vitamins, and a lack can cause various health problems, some more serious than others. If your diet doesn't include food that supplies the proper vitamins, a multivitamin or specific vitamin supplements can make up for the lack. If you do eat a varied diet that provides all the vitamins you need, they don't provide a benefit. So, as is generally the case with market-supplied goods, vitamin manufacturers would prefer people to buy more of their products, and may use misleading advertising to boost demand. That doesn't undo the fact that vitamins are beneficial for some people.

I don't think so. My skin is always much healthier if I take a multi. Not sure what I'm missing in my diet but it fixes that deficiency.

The pill jew has helped me a lot, I was vitamin d deficient badly for a long time, I take niacin too for my cholesterol and now I go to the doctor and I'm god damn perfect health. Believe in dem vitamins young nigga

some are some aren't

Most of the vitamins aren't absorbed well enough to matter so you end up pissing most of them out. Also if you take too many to offset the poor absorption, you're damaging your kidneys and livers, which are reaponsible for filtering the excess unabsorbed vitamins from your blood.

Taking one per day isn't going to hurt, but it won't help much either, and it costs money.

Best thing to do is to eat a balanced meal. Calcium and vitamin D are the only ones I would reccomend taking if you don't get enough. Also biotin and/or fish oil if you never rat seafood.

I take multivitamin, fish oil, and saint johns wort

I'm dieting so they really help when I eat my one 1000 calorie meal of the day.

I just don't have the patience to do all the insufferable calorie counting throughout the day.

I take L-arginine, zinc and lecithin.

>saint johns wort

This one's a placebo/scam.

It's definitely got effects: I took it and began grinding my jaws after a day or two. I don't know if it ever did anything for my mood, though.

My physician recommends that I take a multivitamin every day.

Aren't all your doctors in the pocket of bigpharma? I heared you have a literal job of convincing doctors to give out your new meds.

no. i have a bigger cumshot when i take them.

doctors don't make shit from vitamins, they make lots of treating people who are deficient or ingest excessive amounts

take them wisely if your nutrition is lacking , they are dirt cheap

For big cums or what?

The all natural / organic ones have much more noticeable effects. Most like Centrum or other cheap bullshit ones are made with synthetic derivatives of the vitamin or mineral. Alot of these cheaper versions literally get passed out because your body doesn't process them efficiently. I like Naturelo whole food multi, but they're expensive. I only take them for a condition where I can't eat or take synthetic b12, can make me go blind. I definitely notice a difference after taking these for like 2 or 3 days. Makes ya feel good.
>inb4 Naturelo marketing team

Don't forget pygeum

a healthy diet is red pilled
40% meat or fish
40% veggies
20% carbs


That's the brew

>I take niacin too for my cholesterol
How much do you take?

No, but you have to get a good one. It should be time-released as well and taken with a meal. GNC gets a lot of hate (and deservedly so), but they do have good men's multi vitamins. There are other good brands available online - check or Amazon. If you are into weight lifting certain multivitamins help a lot with recovery time and even fat loss.