What is white culture?

Shitskin here. I hear a lot of talk of white culture and traditional values. I also hear of how the Jews have corrupted enlightenment ideals and led to to degeneracy. But whenever I ask this, people always tell me that the lifestyle I enjoy now is white culture. That all modern forms of technology and entertainment is white culture. So now I'm confused. I thought you people wanted to get rid of degeneracy caused by Jews that destroyed white culture but at the same time the technology and lifestyle I enjoy in the west is also part of white culture. I don't mean to be rude but there seems to be a contradiction here. Can you folks kindly explain it me, perhaps its because of my race's low IQ that I cant understand you guys? Thanks!

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It's the low IQ, I would explain it but you wouldn't understand

Yeah, thats fair enough.

where is your confusion?
yes, white european culture gave you everything you have. see that roof over your head?

you're injecting jews into this for no reason but misdirection. you know exactly what you're doing but you're not as smart as you think you are. jews have not destroyed white contributions.

So roofs are white culture? Thanks, never knew that really. My confusion was all this talk here about how the jews have caused degeneracy, but there doesn't seem to be a detailed explanation of what white culture is.

jews are secondary to your study - youre trying to bite of more than you are intellectually trying to chew. either examine and study whites or look at jewish influence on whites. you say you're after culture and traditional values. put the blinders on - be a real student.

>what white culture is

Homer, Aeschylus, Beowulf, Dante, Shakespeare, Blake, Goethe, Joyce.

Newton, Galileo, Darwin, Maxwell.

Michelangelo, Rafael, Donatello, Leonardo.

>what's destroying it:

Marx, Derrida, Feminism, Hollywood, MTV, international finance.

There is no white culture. It's an attempt by mainly american conservative to go back to western roots, but since the US lost a lot of its culture in favor of the melting pot they mainly see race rather than nation so that's why you hear north americans talk about white culture and why you see europeans talk about french, english, german culture and so on.

Also the technology and clothing and abundance is a result of Western values of free markets (before fiat currency), free speech and so on. What people here seek to get rid of is post modernist values that want to demonize the nuclear family, virgin marriage, small government, free enterprise. Look at the US in the 50's they still had mostly good Western values and they still had the abundance and technology capabilities of today. Technology and our current wealth isn't incompatible with traditional Western values, you're thinking of primitivist like Ted Kaczybski or Varg who want to go back to traditional values and pastoral lifestyle.

Go to a shopping mall and see the modern state of white culture today, and then jump in a time machine and go to a small town market 100 years ago. That's what we mean that white culture has degenerated, partly by jews indeed.

A culture is how people act, what values they hold and pass on, etc.

Western Values are white culture, you dum-dum.

Values are within culture but culture isn't values. Also those values have been shared among some people who aren't white like Japs and gooks or even Europeans like Spaniard, Portuguese, Italians and Greeks who many don't consider white.

North Americans have amazing culture

Honestly, that's just about as accurate as you can get. There's a few more that are destroying it but, y ah, you got it user



Based bong knows what's up

>I thought you people wanted to get rid of degeneracy caused by Jews that destroyed white culture
The world as it is today is a product of Europe but not very culturally similar, especially in America. You know medieval and fantasy stuff? That's an example of a mixture of various European cultures.

Besides that, not all of the modern world has degenerated. For example: the principles of science are the same as they ever were, despite the efforts of certain groups.

im fucking furious

Also, in a nutshell,

"What water?" said the fish.

>the principles of science are the same as they ever were

You should check out feminist glaciology if you believe that, also science has definitely changed where exploring certain topics especially about race and IQ is shunned by a lot of scientists and that's not that recent, the guy who discovered the structure of DNA and also the inventor of the modern transistor both talked about it in the 70's and have been completely ignored and ridiculed.



Dont ever refer to yourself as a shitskin. Don't kiss up to these cumskins that have no character or anything to be proud of other than their race.

>That all modern forms of technology and entertainment is white culture
White nationalists and conservatives will disagree that modern entertainment and some forms of technology is "degenerate" but white liberals will claim it's all part of "white culture"

Depends on who you talk to about it


>What is white culture?

>being this much of a geat

>white country
t. 56%

there is no such thing as white culture. "white culture' is an amalgamation of deracinated suburbanites. it's a modern invention.

Jews only exist as a theological entity in opposition to Christianity. I hope that cleared a few things up.

He said "despite the efforts of certain groups". No one believes that feminist glaciology bullshit.

I like white people. I don't like the white "Americans" on Sup Forums though. There's so many great white people out there, and the greatest of them, those with character, and the leadership skills to lead others, raise their children their children the right way, etc. are the least racist.

They're the least racist because they don't need to resort to their race to be proud of something, they're already complete people.

shame shame shame pol.
imo, culture is something that your great great great grand fathers have been doing that you still continue to do today, to them its called common sense, but to you pol is your ego.

>anything to be proud of
Apart from Faraday, Turing, von neumann, noyce and kilby, Berners-Lee etc etc. You know the guys who discovered or invented all the shit you just used to post that...

That was more of a joke, but the race and IQ denial is much much more widespread and accepted and that's a result of communist infiltration into academia and is also much more important than glaciology or gender studies.

>feminist glaciology
The vast majority of scientists would laugh at this (albeit away from their humanities colleagues).

As for race and IQ: everyone avoids it because it's modern-day heresy, not because they reject the data. They wouldn't be "credible" if they didn't support the mainstream conclusion. To me, this is because of external forces, not science itself.

Nearly all different tribes left Africa in the same period moving to Europe and Asia. Why when we got back thousands years later black people were still stuck at iron age?

also, is that still Sup Forums?

>I hear a lot of talk of white culture and traditional values.
Lots of what you are referencing are simple things MOST people hold dear.

A proper family unit. This is a pretty standard thing. It would be nice if 1 income could properly support a family but it is somewhat hard for middle class to do this. This creates situations where kids are being raised by institutions (school/sitters etc). 2 parents working is part of the downfall.

Harmonious integration is another meme. There is no such thing. People will need to integrate, or there will be conflict.

Years ago, we were worried about world population explosions.....How is it we are now being told by (((THEM))) that we need to import people to make up for deaths....Somewhere someone's math was wrong. Is it that time, or this time....or the next time?

I really do feel like the media is cramming queers, blacks and trannies in my face. I cancelled cable.

My kids are home schooled, and raised by my wife who is a stay-at-home mom.

My wife and I are on board for the most traditional family we can. We both loved our childhood....being raised by one income parents who never divorced. It is a really great thing, and I highly advise it.

Many of these people are actually extremely racist, they just hide it well.

Europe has culture, you uneducated burger or burger education

That's because you seem to define science as pure, science has been corrupted and a lot of people not only reject the data but even the validity of IQ or even of race. Those external forces can change scientific principles and they have. It's a reason why the west was so great with science compared to other cultures, because they had different scientific principles.

>thought-terminating cliche
Wow, so intellectual. Very erudite.

The guys who discovered some of the greatest things were white people, and I'm extremely thankful and proud for their accomplishments. The thing is, the people that invented these things were most likely those that had self motivation. They didn't say to themselves "my race did this in the past, so I'm already complete!", they said to themselves that they were going to do something.

I think that many of these people give character a chance first. As long as the person they're speaking to has a character that they like, they don't care. I know (white) veterans that have people of all races as some of their greatest friends. I know veterans that could go on and on and tell me stories about the people they don't like and the people they do like. The one thing they preach, if anything, is having confidence and respect for yourself, and do your fucking part. Don't be a bottom feeding loser that steals and disrespect others. I think that's the best message that anyone can preach, ever.

IDK what white culture is but pic related is part of Estonian culture.

Hello shitskin, welcome to our lounge. I'm happy to help.

You're thinking about it like a zero-sum game between Whites and Jews, but that isn't the case. For thousands of years, Jews have latched onto the security and infrastructure of the civilizations created by Whites.

Recently, perhaps in the last 100 years, the Jews have realized massive new reach via the White Man's arm. Global banks and mass media are basically the nukes of the meme war, and they are being used liberally by nepotistic forces.

>science has been corrupted and a lot of people not only reject the data but even the validity of IQ or even of race.
Their only refutation is to shut down the conversation or appeal to emotion, that's not science. These people will be discredited and disavowed as soon as the political pressure is removed.

I see your point though, their presence is a corruption. I just think it's more that they're tolerated as a necessity than truly accepted.

That's not the point. The European people civilised the world, created the modern world - gave it art, science, literature. Meanwhile Africans couldn't even invent the wheel, and still regularly starve in countries that under white rule exported food. And now after sharing all this bounty, we're the bad guys, the enslavers (in spite of fighting wars to end slavery) and under attack in our own countries? Fuck that noise.

Remember: Only those without heritage decry it.

Culture is the base. They had the base - previous knowledge and ways to understand/use it to benefit them. And genetic composition that actually made them able to understand this base.
So they furthered the cause of their predcessors and invented and discovered, electricity and internet and so on.

Don't, you'll summon that burger eesti grill enthusiast...

Thought I'm actually a lot gentler than this IRL. Asia's culture needs no defense. India - well, they've unarguably done some shit too. Even Africa has contributed - the fusion of African with European musical traditions was fucking godlike.

Ditch the thesaurus, it's only Sup Forums broheim

If that burger can survive smoke sauna and the cosmological and philosophical talks to it then he is welcome. Bonus points when he goes straight from smoke sauna into icy pond and back buttnaked.

im friends with lots of nonwhites but you can bet your ass im an extreme racist and am furious when i look at the big picture and what will happen to my grandchildren. yes there are plenty of high quality people of all races. i see averages though. and i want my grandson in a country of average white genetics. ive already seen what the average genetics of other races do and its an abomination. thats why they are fucking fleeing their countries and coming to ours. excuse me im getting sleepy.

What one generation tolerates the next welcomes. Also there's an old saying in science, scientists don't really get convinced by new data just as regular people, science moves simply when they die off and younger people are exposed to newer ideas rather than the old ones, usually that's great but in our case that means the old ones who simply hunker down to survive and keep science alive will be replaced by those with new post modernist ideas about science and truth.

>What one generation tolerates the next welcomes.
Can I have actual source of this claim.

> What one generation tolerates the next welcomes.
Our history begs to differ. We barely tolerated soviet retardation and the next generation did not welcome it at all.

It's just an old proverb (arab or persian), I'd point to gay marriage as an example though.

Keyword being barely, Soviets imposed themselves in Western Europe, they werent tolerated in the sense of "fine just don't bother me" has gays have been. The opposite is true in the US though, communism was tolerated for a while during the end of the cold water and now it's welcomed among millennials.


At some point in history public nudidity was well tolerated but then somehow next generation did not tolerate it anymore.

This proverb is full of arab shit, user. And more arab shit does not make it more tolerable.

Some here tolerated sovet rule quite well btw but then - poof.

It's a general rule, there's always exception that have external factors changing things like a new religion, government or wars and plagues. Also again keyword is "some" and considering there were plenty of defectors from the USSR I would say it wasn't that welcomed or tolerated, also being afarid of being killed by a repressive government isn't the same as tolerating.

It is not a rule. It is just a shitty arab proverb. Weak attempt at brainwashing.

White culture as a whole is primarily European enlightenment, science, capitalism/property, democracy, the white race and Christian values.

This was the largest distinction between any white nation and those considered foreigners. Just look at history and see the differences between groups. The middle east is right next to Greece while the UK is much further away but the differences are obvious. These are people that developed separately and though there may have been the concept of property among this people and some of them are relatively white, religious values, among other things, have made the two utterly different. Even as an atheist, I can't deny that religion has played a fundamental role in defining European values. And looking at Asia, you can technological advancements and scientific principles but the concept of science was one invented and embraced by white Europeans and that played the part in massive domination of the world.

The fork in this logic though is Ancient Greece. The library of Alexandria was in Egypt which makes people think this was a black invention or Muslim invention which is retarded and revisionist but people LITERALLY believe this. The Mediterranean was Greek at the time and they dominated politics and control but why isn't Egypt considered white culture today? It's because Greeks retreated back into Greece while Islam and their own values developed a culture distinct from what was practiced by the Greeks at the time. It was Greek scholarship that influenced European enlightenment when much of the middle east just skewed off into their own thoughts.

Obviously there are unique aspects of each small group that constitutes this mass but these aspects are consistent, or at least were.

Tolerating means just that - you tolerate something because you are forced to do it.
The word is embrace (or welcome) if you do it without forcing.

Shitty-shitty arab proverb, leaf. Forget it, it fucks with your free thinking.

Western culture is a culture of maintenance and sacrificing for the future. Everything we built is the infrastructure coveted by the eastern (including middle eastern), asian, and african cultures. Some learn how this shit works and have adapted, like Japan or even China now. Some don't, like most of Africa. Every time (((they))) take it by brute force (i.e. stirring up the barbarians to kill for them).

Every system you rely in the USA is built by western culture for itself, for our benefit; everything falling apart is the influence of other cultures using bureaucracy to neglect it.

>Every time (((they))) take it by brute force (i.e. stirring up the barbarians to kill for them).
Meant to finish this thought with:
EVERY TIME (((THEY))) steal our infrastructure they destroy it within a generation. Every time.

we need to go back to cultures that created WEALTH for our children
the new setup is sadistic and creates DEBT for our children


>tfw you will never live in a time where other races pretend to be white

all those faggots read books and drew inspiration from non-white culture.

white culture is barely 1000 years old. good to know faggot.

read a book

> tfw you live in time when women pretend to be men and men pretend to be women.

There's no such thing.
There's a western tradition, and individual european/american cultures, but there has literally never been a "white" culture.
It's just a boogeyman for the radical left to yell at, and for brainlets on the far right to rally behind.

>What is white culture?

There is no such thing as white people.

There is no such thing as white culture outside United States. So it is much younger than 1000 years, faggot.

There are Italian, French, English, Estonian, Russian, ... cultures and they are much older.


>European enlightenment

was revival of ancient greek thoughts, brought about by invading arabs.

greek thought was little more than ancient near east and Egyptian-Kemet thought.

white culture has its foundation in non-white culture.

btfo faggot.

OP has a sense of humor you started off right. To me, white culture is the pursuit of ideas and knowledge and preserving of that and making available to even the meekest. Even if the only one gives seeds great trees can grow from it. White culture has fought long and hard to be free from the dangers of religious brain washing. We don't seek to destroy or deny its beauty but to be free of its evils while honoring them as they are mankind's history, journey, truth, a universal measuring stick, a way to keep us together without having to fight the same fights over and over although that one we haven't worked out totally yet and lets face it, not everyone is going to be your friend & nobody is innocent.

White culture is love and the desire to be free and never be a slave. This we share and whites have fought, died, broke bread, and even become family by the 10's of millions to share that dream it isn't easy but it's better than being a slave.

You live in a strangely beautiful world of ideas. This is a whites culture whites soul take it from us or even hint at it and we march. Join the fight for your rights by protecting ours as well. Fight for States rights. Enjoy the freedom of speech while you still have it. Fight for your right to fight & keep it. Otherwise, you will just be a nigger.

All cultures have their foundations in prehistoric ape behaviour patterns. Humans BTFO.

This is just great, lets climb back to the trees.


macro-evolution is not scientific, doesn't follow scientific method, can't run experiments to prove or disprove it.

good one falling for the jew-trick faggot.

Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle.

—Marx; 16 January 1861



"macro-evolution" is only a biological term if you're Ken Ham

If you want proof learn how to read the genetic code. I recommend you get used to blast searches on ncbi

fair enough, the white/black paradigm in bs.

in grand-scheme of things those cultures are still pretty young. like ~2-3000

Why are there still 70 IQ apes around in Africa then and some of them are even able to speak?

Ben Stiller IS A JEW
Ben Stiller isn't White

Lol Good one. White people are retarded

major evolutionary change. The term applies mainly to the evolution of whole taxonomic groups over long periods of time.

point me to an experiment that reproduces jump from ape to human. or single-celled to multi-cell organism.

always open to changing mind.

They are much older but there were happenings that erased bits here and there. But the trail from the ape to the Donald Trump (or Angela Merkel or me) is still there.

fuck off faggot.

there are black jews and white jews.

these fake jews are european converts so they are white.

Greece culture especially with philosophy and stories about the gods. Artists like Michael Angelo etc. Almost ever political movement was started by a white person. Classical musicians. Yes white people helped create the Internet.

White guilt is the imgainry idea that all white people retain a burden of guilt for all the 'atrocities' committed by our ancestors over the centuries. You know things like exploration, democracy, science, infrastructure, medicine. And completely disregarding all the barbaric things that other races ACTUALLY did in the passed.


You're a fucking retard

Check the author, the company etc. Jew Jew Jew can't stress this enough Jews are not white they are neurotic, faux persecution complex, Parasitic parasitic on society that appropriate everything including genetically and steer the world into ruin because the Talmud is just as bigoted as the Quran. I have come to the realization that Islamists are just jew slaves made up of psychotic inbreed retards. what's at the door? it's the slavers pa get your gun.

I'm white. Whites hate me because I say we have barley any culture

probably right.

but first to really put europe on the map were muh greeks.

>Jewish Ben Stiller

Hitler disagrees

What is a "major evolutionary change"? Is it some number of base pair differences that result from mutation? Is it new function? Is it when two ape chromosomes merge into one and you go from 24 chromosome pairs to 23 (the number humans have)?

If you want an experiment that has "a jump" from ape to human, you'll literally have to take the direct ancestor (not modern apes) to humans, then introduce mutagens that rearrange the genetic code to arrive at a human.

If you want single- to multi-cellularity look at green algae

In other words you're baiting and you got me to reply 3/10

Generally speaking, Europeans don't refer to ourselves as "white". We are English, Scottish, German, Italian, Dutch, Portugese, French, Irish, Greek, Polish, Scandinavian etc.

Only rootless American mongrels use the term "white", because they have no other identity, culture or heritage to fall back on. I actually feel kind of sorry for them.

>One strong hint that bacteria may have prompted that ancient transition to multicellularity

key word, hint.

yeah yeah. more speculation and less experimentation. this isn't scientific proof of shit.

>Michelangelo, Rafael, Donatello, Leonardo.
lol those are just turtles you stupid chav

But my ancestors lived here since the ice age ended. And they had culture too. And their culture influenced the culture put on the map by Greeks and it all developed into European culture.

There are traces. There are influences. Culture is not something static written in Quran.

And there were sumerians.