White people can't refute this

>Black people never accomplished anyth-

Well white people? What do you have to say?

Fuck niggers

You cherrypicked the worst black people. I've seen better arguments than this, shitskin

You intentionally chose blacks who never actually accomplished anything other than becoming famous, didn't you?

Fun fact.

Most of those negroes were backed by jews (who were the ones who did most of their shit because negroes are incompetent)

Is that Lenin in top left?


>8 years and did literally nothing

>health care that fines poor people

worst president

>none of these people did anything

Notice how all of the important blacks clearly have some heavy European admixture. You'll never find a pitch black nigger that's done anything of note

Yes. His real appearance. White devil hated that a black man started world revolution.

His real name was Lenintravius Jones Washington Jr

who are you quoting

Fun fact:Jews reap the rewards of what niggers blame white people for while they are still flat broke.

It's W. E. B. Du Bois, someone who accomplished nothing but became famous doing it.

>literal who
>uppity nigger
>uppity nigger
>literal who
>literal who
>uppity nigger
>lol famous for sitting on a bus?
>muh first black president

There, I finished it for you.

Wtf did Morgan freeman do?

mandela was a terrorist

so thats all of them?

The ones that do accomplish shit the nigs hate.

You niggies are so insecure!! Hahhahahaha!!!!! How come nigs never even invent the wheel for thousands of years? How come black inventors only come from western society? You're so-called accomplishments don't exist without white people.
Niggies are inferior.

>W.E.B. Dubois


Winning in the "demand shit from whitey" contest isn't the kind of accomplishment we're talking about

>Obama accomplishing anything

Are you taking credit for the 8 darkies you have there? I now understand ghetto math. 1 cop does something bad, blame all cops. 300k Irish Slaves equals no white slaves. With the other darkies saying get rid of science because it is too white, no witch doctors. Aren't you lucky you weren't born in Africa, sipping on goat milk and dying of aids, while being attacked, beheaded and raped by war lords. But saying nigger is oppressive.

W.E.B. Debois was a national socialist sympathizer

>Mandela turned a minor power into a third world shithole.
>MLK was just a salesman
>Bessie Coleman just flew a plane
>Malcom X was a militant philosopher
>Rosa Parks was just a political pawn.
>Obama was a placeholder president.

Surely there are some better examples than that.

Non-whites succeeded only when they were allowed to.

Slavery? They become a commodity unless white people liberated them and then we decided we should see what if we pretend they're people too in the 60s.

We gave them their freedom and we'll take it from them once they go too far.

plus aren't all those people Americans? Brit? What did you darkies do on the other side of the pond?

They've done nothing good for humanity.
Niggers have only ever done good for niggers and niggers alone.

half of them are mixed lol

>Picking W. E.B. Du Bois
>not picking based Frederic Douglas

Lynch yourself ya sheep shagging welsh nigger

Korea got overran by US & USSR
Japan got overran by US