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Next major terrorist attack in United States will be in 2018

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Sounds like a threat desu...

>Next major terrorist attack in United States will be in 2018
OP, why you will be waiting till 2018
What's your reason?

>Sounds like a threat desu...
stop acting like some snowflake sensitive pussy,
you turning everything into threat,
fuck you desu wimp


another sensitive cunt

Attack will occur Aug or September and will be multi City simultaneous attack


why in 2018, why not this year

>Attack will occur Aug or September
>why in 2018, why not this year
Why not this year, 2017?

September 23, 2017? What's going to happen?

A great sign said to appear in the heavens as the year of Mercy closes. September.23.2017

What Will Happen on September 23, 2017?

thing on earth will be on date screencap

it will occurr in september 23 was was ordained in a previous thread

>This Thread

who's funding it now?
should we do anything to stop it?

>who's funding it now?
it's free I think.
see this

This year.Las Vegas.Massive Happening.

>Massive Happening.
Huge jackpot will be won?

victoryofthelight said they will release unreleased technology september 23.

>Next major terrorist attack in United States will be in 2018

So, where is all of the CIA drug money going today?

Some terrorists using CIA assets to set up a terrorist attack in 2018?

Hey, CIA, could you go ahead and stop this terrorist act that you just "predicted"?