It's All About Trump's Contempt®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0&referer=

Trump is betting his base will still support him even though he's betrayed his working class base

Why do republicans vote againist their own interests?

His base don't want to pay for other people's healthcare which is a bit of cognitive dissonance as that's exactly what INSURANCE is You're always paying for someone else, always.

Ending private and public health insurance isn't on the table here though. Under this scheme you keep paying what you paid before, but instead of people getting healthcare, it goes right into the pockets of billionaires.

>Want smaller government and less spending.
>Trump actually does it.
>Everyone chimps out.

Why do Americans do this?

Trump's base will continue to support him because they can tell that it pains the media and entertainment industry elites to have him as president. They realize (correctly) that Trump horrifies the people who look down on them.

Exactly this. They'd support giving everyone aids if it pissed off libruls.

He's probably right. Trump's base consists mainly of brainwashed cultists who are gonna support him because they view him as some sort of messianic figure who can do now wrong.

Rare seeing some sense in amerifats on this board but you're absolutely right.

What I fear is that americunts will see how bad Trump has been doing then turn around and vote (((blue))). Why not have a third candidate? That would shatter the paradigm


Why are Americans so dumb and divided they can't demand corruption reform?

>muh elites

Cool, except that they won't be affected by anything that Trump ever does, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank while the peasants take a hit on every possible standard of living while circlejerking about how they sure showed those pesky (((elites))).

>His base don't want to pay for other people's healthcare which is a bit of cognitive dissonance as that's exactly what INSURANCE is You're always paying for someone else, always.

t. communist

No, you're wrong. You're paying to mitigate your own risk.
Insurance is about risk management.... Not forcing the greater populace to pay for nigger healthcare.

This board is not at all representative of America or even Trump voters. A lot of them are low-information voters and are only just catching on.

This board, on the other hand, is mostly a safe space for right-wing hatred. There's not many of them left as reddit, facebook and others crack down on hate speech. Sup Forums's unique approach to free speech allows this place to continue.

>republican voters dont know whats good for them, dem voters do and dem politicians play it straight, "for the people"

dems have been beating this drum forever, I used to believe it, WHEN I WAS A CHILD. Soe people never graduate to adult politics don't be one of them.

There are lots of teenagers here but this is a board for adult politics and critical thinking.

It's paying for other people's healthcare. Slice it however you like, but insurance isn't a personal savings account.

go back to redit kike.

This is a board where truth comes first.

Sorry I'm late guys. Fucking traffic. So what are we shilling tonight and who has the record so far?

And someone tell that fat fuck Tom to stop eating at the computer on his shift. I'm fucking tired of grease keys!!!

Fuck drumpf!!!

>this is a board for adult politics and critical thinking.

Almost got me.

Go back to the_donald.

They're affected because it legitimately pains them that they spent all their time and money trying to stop him and failed. They put actual effort into beating Trump and lost, and they were made to feel as small as the middle America people they despise. They can pretend to not be affected and humiliated, but they give themselves away every time they bitch about Trump--they actually feel small again, despite their money and influence.

Trump winning makes them feel weaker than they did before, and that's all his base will need to keep supporting him.

no it isn't. The premium you pay should correspond exactly to your risk of needing medical care. People with higher risk should pay more. You're paying for the person who is on average just like you.

Commies don't understand what risk means.

And you very clearly don't have foggiest idea how insurance works. Where does the money for insurance payouts come from? Ether?

Nope, other people's money.

Because free speech and gunz are more important to them?

The premium you pay to cover your own risk belongs to the insurance company.

They pay out to you when you fall ill. In other words, they lose the bet.

>Commies don't understand what risk means.

You mean every other developed capitalist nation on earth outside burgerstan? The commie stuff doesn't work, this isn't the Cold War grandpa

>Because free speech and gunz are more important to them?

You forgot muh bible

>You mean every other developed capitalist nation on earth outside burgerstan?

No I mean commies. "Countries" don't have beliefs.

I now know quite a few trumpgretters. Fact is he promised explicitly that there'd be no cuts to medicaid, medicare or social security. His massive flip flop on that is where his support is crumbling.

Fact is they were conned. Should have known better? Well, not everyone pays that much attention to politics.

The wall has zero budget too. The con is complete for all stripes of Trump voters. From ordinary people who liked the sound of bringing back jobs and healthcare for all, to the white nationalists who are never getting their wall or their muslim ban.


And the money comes from what other people pay in instead of being profit. Keep chasing your tail on this one and hope I get bored, I guess.

Pay out of pocket for all medical expenses or give it a rest.

I wanted a supreme Court Justice, so I am pretty happy overall. To be fair, he did try with the travel ban, twice, but was stopped due to liberal court justices. Would be nice if he would stop fucking around so much and slow his jimmy rustling

>Pay out of pocket for all medical expenses or give it a rest.

Because you don't understand what insurance means?
Lol take a helicopter ride you stupid ass.

>And the money comes from what other people pay in instead of being profit.

It doesn't matter where it "comes from". If you win a bet at the casino, it doesn't matter where the pay out comes from... Gambling ISN'T about "paying for other people's winnings". It's a stupid thing that only a commie would say because they don't understand the idea of risk. The meaning of a bet is independent of how either party pays for it.

My, that's a hell of a link...

And to NY TIMES no less....

Congress could pass a law to the effect of banning muslims from entering the US. As an executive order it doesn't fly because the president is trying to rewrite laws congress passed. He knows it wouldn't pass.

>It doesn't matter where it "comes from".

You seemed to like arguing this point before. That it comes from other people doesn't matter. So why argue against one way of taking your money and redistributing it vs another? Because one way makes a lot of money for a select few at the top of insurance companies? Someone is taking your money and spending it on other people either way.

Though I find the casino analogy amusing. Perhaps we can have a healthcare system based on blackjack and hookers.

It's not redistribution you stupid twat. It's a bet on yourself. That's what insurance is. It's a hedge.

The only way it's a fair bet is if I'm only paying for my own risk. I.e., the odds that a person just like me will fall ill. Otherwise, in order to turn a profit (and stay in business), the insurance company will have to charge me more money.

Your commie bullshit isn't insurance, it's wealth redistribution, as you say. At least you finally admit that you don't understand the difference though.

Just checked my watch and Trump is still not Hillary, so that is a good enough justification for most people who voted Trump.

Grandma Clinton showed how fucked up in the head she is in her recent commencement address ("Yeah, but I totally won guy"), fucking delusional old cunt.

If somebody more acceptable comes along in 2020 then it's possible that Trump could be a one term president, but based upon the current Democratic line up, I doubt it.

Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren as the Democratic nominee in 2020 versus The Donald?

Sure, it's better than arch-criminal Hillary, but not by much.

His executive order was almost an exact copy of the one Obama passed right down to the using the same exact countries. Suddenly now that Trump did it, it is a bad thing though. He didn't even target muslims explicitly, just people travelling from countries deemed a threat for 90 days. We can argue all we want about whether it should have been legal when Obama did it or not, but at the end of the day the only reason it was struck down was because of partisanship.

As for whether Trump knew it would pass or not, I can not say and neither can you. That is something only he would know.

>this is a board for adult politics and critical thinking.

>His executive order was almost an exact copy of the one Obama passed right down to the using the same exact countries.

You pretending to be retarded or is this seriously how stupid trump fucktards are?

>The "seven countries" targeted by President Trump's 27 January 2017 executive order pertaining to immigration were not mentioned by name and instead originated with "countr[ies] or area[s] of concern" first identified in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 (expanded to all seven countries "of concern" in February 2016)

So I suppose you are right and the countries were not explicitly named and only had visas blocked. I only knew that the countries affected were the same and made uninformed assumptions from there.

Still, from what I read while looking further into this it sounds like a major reason for striking down his order was extrapolation of intent from claims he made while campaigning. Sure it can provide insight, but it sets a pretty bad precedent of striking down laws that you don't agree with simply because you disagree with what the guy said at some point.

You're just not grasping the core concept, purposefully. Your money goes to other people either way. Healthcare availability being a rare jackpot to you is a bit telling. Just like a casino, the house always wins. Unless it's a Trump casino, obviously.

It's just contrarianism. That's all they got. They hate liberals because fox told them to and it follows they hate all liberal ideas when told those ideas are liberal, and believe the alt-facts that back that up. Look at the stunning lack of a GOP agenda. Under Obama the only answer they had was a unified "no." They now have no agenda at all beyond the same old tax cuts for the very wealthy and Trump seems unwilling or unable to articulate his own agenda outside those boundaries.

The right wing is intellectually bankrupt and I mean this in a serious way. There's no actual policy at all, either in the party or from outside think tanks. People who are paid a lot of money to write policy papers and studies are collectively scratching their heads now.

There is 30 year's worth of psychological research into this question. Google "Altemeyer" "authoritarians" and read his book summarizing it.

Basically, right-wing authoritarians hate niggers, liberals, and women way more than the care about their own economic interests.