There should be an equality tax that redistributes a portion of white men's earnings to marginalized groups...

There should be an equality tax that redistributes a portion of white men's earnings to marginalized groups. It's only fair.

As soon as we pull all white people out of poverty we can talk. Until then do something productive for your neighborhood Tyrone.

equality tax? go fuck yourself. how about be equal first shit skin faggot

why is that white guy portrait straight out of the 1700s

There already is

>productivity tax

Compared to white men, all children make even less: it's $1.00 vs $0.05. You know what you should do.

Really makes you think

Oh you guys dont rock the powdered wig anymore or what?

>completely wrong numbers

Really makes you think

well actually..

Young women are already earning more money than young men. Even in real jobs I mean, not by whoring.

Gonna need to see the rest of that infographic first and it better include Ping and Pajeet.

Propose the Jew tax as well. It's the logical conclusion. Those damn Jews are too damn rich, influencing and privileged. Let's tax the shit out of them.

Hispanic women earn 87c for every dollar an African American woman earns. We should tax African American women to redistribute their wealth to the more oppressed Hispanic women.

Then I will work illegaly, no idea why should I receive less just because subhumans perform worse. Be glad I pay taxes in the first place. Saged

>redistributes a portion of white men's earnings to marginalized groups

Already happening buddy, the marginalized groups are called 'dairy farmers'.

Why should a non-white earn the same amount as the white person?

This map is complete bullshit
I've never met a person that is lactose intolerant

How much white men earn compared to Jew men?

so just like the current tax system works here?

There should be a "work tax" that forces marginalized groups to work as long and as hard as white people. Perhaps work camps can be built for this purpose to "concentrate" their labour.

>I've never met a person that is lactose intolerant
of course not, you live near white people.

Where's Jewish Man?

>tfw not even Wilbur Ross can break the Chinese milk market

well of course he's making more it's george fucking washington

my country is 99% white
the only lactose intolerant people are gypos and they make 0.5% of the population

Complaining about Hispanics being poorly paid? I thought the whole point of letting them in en mass was so they could do the underpaying jobs

Because it's meant to imitate a coin

The scary thing is that men are only making 1 dollar and not 15

It's only fair to me that you lie down and die.

clearly, it's not equally distributed through all countries. Did you even read that map? Drinking Milk is a European thing, or at least relating to some gene that Europeans tend to have.

China would have a much higher lactose intolerance level than your country.

I work for a fairly large construction company.

I've seen one female driver.
I have yet to meet any non white employees, yet we have loads of Europeans.

They can have more money when they work the same jobs.

This really got my noggin joggin'.
This really gave my head cred.
This really made my noodle skedoodle.
This really made my gray matter clatter.
This really made my brain strain.
This really got my mind to unwind.

And through all that contemplation, I've reached the conclusion that you should immigrate to The People's Republic of Shut the Fuck Up.


>The white guy is Washington


So, me being nonwhite entitles me to benefit from others doing jobs what i cannot even comprehend, and me being too lazy to study also entitles me to leech everyone elses work just because...

Funny how this will never go the other way. As soon as it's white men making less, the headline will be
>Why Are White Men Lazy?
It's like how you can find dozens of stories about how black women are now the most likely demographic to go to college, but not a single one arguing that this means it's time to end affirmative action.

Better yet, they can be repatriated to where they came from.

>The only reason that UK, Europe and the USA are so dark is because of minorities

The US and other countries already do, it's called welfare, public housing and food assistance. When you factor in the amount of money made with the low wages poor people make and the subsidies they recieve a person making 12$ an hour has as much after taxes/living costs spending money as someone making 36$ an hour. Thats the problem with welfare, it makes being poor more beneficial than being wealthy through hard work. That's why you never see people on welfare get off it or take better jobs or work hard, they've got no incentive to. And the only way to pay for this growing mass of non-productive people is to tax the shit of the productive citizens.

I would refuse to earn money to be taxed, become a crack dealer.

They've given the white, human female a man chin - but the negress and pocahontas have more feminine faces.

Surely the negress should have a prominent, ape-like protruding muzzle and a flat, ape-like nose.

Someone want to make a direct comparison picture.

Another problem this creates is that the productive citezens become motivated to leave to places with lower taxation, which means your tax bases decreases meaning you have to either raise taxes and lose more taxpayers or cut back the welfare programs.

What about left handed people compared to right handed people? Or people who are allergic to tomatoes compared to people who wipe their ass standing up?

Sup Forums is losing its autistic superpowers if I'm the only one who has noticed.

Do jews fall under the category white men?

Jews don't fall under the category of human.

The low taxed states out West have no infrastructure though. Businesses actually like having that since it can get people to move around like their employees and customers.

More like made up. Can we please see these statistics? I am sure the white lawyer makes far more than the black waitress or hispanic maid. It is very unlikely the white male maid makes the same as other cleaning people.

>Like white women, black and hispanic women dont go to college to study a useful major and are less aggressive in salary negotiations
>like white women, black and hispanic women enter career fields with lower hours and safer working conditions
>White men should be punished financially because of this

So basically taxes as they exist right now?

When you factor race into this, what more or less is happening is economically the black and Hispanic populations in the US are living off the white population. High taxe areas bleed money from whites to sustain population of Blacks and hispanics in those states, which over time leads to the whites leaving as the high tax rate closes businesses, increases overall living costs, etc. The populations of said Blacks and Hispanics became more lazy and non-productive generation after generation, leading to both their dumbing down and entitlement. As the amount of money in terms of subsidizing increases the amount of children they can produce with their income is higher, while the white population while producing more money keeps less of what they make and so cannot have as many kids. When you factor this in ass well you've got a growing parasite population reproducing at higher numbers proportional to the amount whites are decreasing in their birthrate.
This whole picture of the race pay gap is dishonest because it leave out how little these groups actually contribute or work and how much they receive in government assistance.
Were the assistance to stop, most of these people would die, starve, or seek employment. The low level of income they produce would not allow them to have children until they take steps to produce more wealth through business, labour, etc. Prior to the adoption of the welfare state in the 1960's this was the case, Blacks were entering the middle class at a rate faster than whites. But the because some were poor and 'muh civil rights' became a thing, the poor people were 'helped' by a welfare program that retards them and makes everyone poorer for it.

As a Maryland resident, I'm actually quite surprised how low our sales tax is compared to alot of the country
I can also take comfort knowing that no matter how cucked my state becomes, we still have the best state flag.

The source of this whole "pay gap" meme and other perceptions of 'inequality' is a misunderstanding of the fundamental truth of poverty. The leftist/Marxist understanding of poverty is that is a form of oppression by one group to another and that is never the poor people fault that they are poor, and so because of this they need to be helped, which then keeps them poor so you keep helping them.
The reality of poverty is that it is the state of nature. All humans start at poverty in terms of either wealth, knowledge, productivity or job skills. Steps must be taken to produce wealth to escape poverty otherwise one shall always remain poor. Understanding that wealth must be created by the individual and poverty a result of inaction means that when you see a gap in pay in wages the question you then ask is not 'are they oppressed' but "what are they doing that keeps them poor?" When you start from that framework you end up with more answers and a far better understanding of the situation, which then leads one to understanding that there is no solution to be implemented as there is no problem present.

The problem with most of these Marxists is that their bleeding heart mentality of feeling sorry for these lesser groups lead them to perceiving them in the wrong way which keeps them looking from the marxist lens. This incorrect view of reality means worse and worse policy that actually hurts who you help and detriments everyone else. What is being produced via this whole system is a mass of easily segragatable, low IQ, low skill masses. These people are exaclty what the marxists want for their revolution as it will be easy to use them for their purposes. Ideally once they get their Marxist state programs like work and death camps will likely decimate these same populations, but you reap what you sow. On the other hand should they entice these populations too early before their population isn't large enough and that will start a race war, which will lead to the genocide of the less productive races. Neither side wants this but this is becoming a more likely outcome as whites realize what is going on.
At this point there are three futures.

>1:Government economically collapses, welfare stops. Non-productive groups are diminished and productivity begins to rebirth the economy.

>2: Dependant populations reach critical mass and Marxists instigate their revolution against the wealthier white population, resulting in a marxist system. From here on in the outcome will be like Romania, Venezuala, etc

>3: RACE WAR. Violence and revolution is enticed before dependent population reaches critical mass and an outbreak of violence occurs. Initially whites are attacked but the reaction is much more brutal, a campaign of slaughter combined with the shutoff of any welfare/logistics to the dependent population leads to internal famine in their communities while the RACE WAR leads to their purposeful genocide. Eventually military or foriegn interventions stops it, but the dependants are decimated.

Why did they give the white woman a nigger skull and the nigger a human skull?

I that were true everybody would be hiring hispanic women