Finished: The entire blueprint of the Alt-right movement

How does it feel to see your entire playbook right before your eyes? I have been building a visual representation of every single cog in the machine of the so-called Alt-right movement.

One of the features of the Alt-right that has made the movement so elusive is the fact that its elements are highly decentralized, they often come from anonymous sources, and they are weaved deep within the complex webs of the internet. Once you begin chipping away at its vague mystique, however, the key players and components begin to emerge. Granted, some facets of the Alt-right are nearly impossible to drill down. For example, the millions of Twitter Nazis blending into the unsuspecting public could never be catalogued en masse, and they can only be identified individually with a keen eye for certain Alt-right dog whistles. However, as you begin to focus on the de-facto Generals of the Alt-right, along with certain cluster points frequented by Nazis on the internet, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place.

So, I ask you again, how does it feel to know you can no longer pull the wool over our eyes? I’d be willing to bet that some of you are such small pieces in this larger machine, that seeing this blueprint may even come as a shock to you. Sup Forums BTFO.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the millions of Twitter Nazis blending into the unsuspecting public could never be catalogued en masse
For that reason, the Alt-right Twitter fascist armies are represented as the Twitter profile pictures containing Alt-right dog whistles (if you can't spot them, you're in over your head already) amongst several other innocent, non-suspecting Twitter profile pictures. For the sake of room, I represented this phenomenon with groups of just 8 Twitter profile pictures, but suffice it to say, the numbers are far, far larger.

Umm, okay. But knowing that strategy doesn't help you defeat it. Precisely because it is so decentralized and nebulous, you really can't take down one column without another existing to perform the same function.

Stop larping. Sage

>this is what David Brock has been working on for the past month

Bump, I want everybody to laugh at this. Do you even have autism? Get vaccinated then come back

This. Pretty sad

Is this supposed to be shocking? This is exactly what we're doing and we know it. Besides the unproven claim of Russians running a conspiracy out of ebaumsworld there is nothing new here.

>thinks he's a master investigator
>hasn't even discovered the ties to Israel

Seriously what the fuck is this? What the hell is wrong with these people?

Nice disinfo. Close but a lot of inconsistencies that give yourself away.

wasting time 101

>Implying this is even the complete blueprint
>Implying their are not copious amounts of errors in this blueprint
Are you retarded?

There is no alt right. It's an umbrella term used to put a label on the left's political opponents.

>being this much of a shillfag

back to faking planes flying into buildings cia

fbi gets the oven too

I am soo shocked..i will cut my dick off and sell my girlfriend to the next muzzie so that he can have some fun.You totally got under my skin.Feelz so good man.

Nah i was just kidding you.Its flamethrowers with bayonets time.

You'll never understand the individual 11.
Only they can make themselves fail.

This. Who do they think they are convincing?

wew lad ebaumsworld.
haven't heard of that in years.

Damn. I NEW ebaumsworld was behind this!

>central HQ
>ebaums world
I know this is bait bit come on

fugg they found out about ebaumsworld



>larger machine

we take ideas on their own merit, at our own peril, that is what happens when you have free speech

thanks but no thanks for offering to "protect" us from the evil people that we have completely legal discussions with online

Alt right isn't real faggot

>Kek nowhere to be found
2/10, try harder next time.

Can you elaborate? I'm pretty curious.

pretty sure this graphic isn't real either. then again that was a real msnbc report i saw so it's not too far fetched that they could be this stupid.

How does it feel knowing you've wasted dozens of hours sleuthing a supposed "shadow network" of the alt-right and creating an autistic diagram to display your achievement, but in reality you're chasing a bunch of autists shitposting memes and triggering libs.

Fucking Faggot

You could cut out all that bullshit if you could simply silence me


>doesn't know about the ytmnd death squads
Are you even trying OP?

wtf i love communism now

How does it feel to know that your side, the leftfag side, is for women and weak, effeminate, physically and sexually harmless men?
Pic related

You can believe this is you want. Doesn't matter. You are on the wrong side of history and cannot stop what is coming. It is inevitable.

>silk road
>being a thing since like 2015

How retarded are these people and are they so computer illiterate that they can't just go to the deep web and check themselves? My mom could literally figure out how to go their if she had to, it's not rocket surgery.

Don't tell dad I hide my weed inside the speaker

Kill yourself Op

Bump this is accurate af

The sole fact that these assholes created the whole kekistan spergfest is enough reason to nuke Russia to the ground

Hi sasha


Boy I too was confused about the alt right. But now? Thanks to this! I can find ALL that shit! Wooo!

Look! Daily stormer! LAWLZ! And all the conservative talking heads?

Yea this is great for normies to help get acclimated into the alt right!

Thanks mother fucker!

Topkek haven't seen this meme around in a while

>tfw ebaumsworld was the first website I ever visited as a kid back in 2001

>Sup Forums BTFO.
you started the whole concept on an unknown...which renders the rest of your "cogs" complete conjecture.

this is projectionism imo, that question mark should be globalists/occult


we're fucked shut it down

I hit blacksheep and ytmnd before ebaums

Behold, king of the faggots

>muh Russia

>Ben Shapiro


>Being so retarde to believe this is true
>Making a grand cospiracy out of literally T H I N A I R with 0.00 evidance
Listen, I understand this is bait, but ffs, are you even trying?
>even if it were true and it wan't bait
So fuckung what? How are you gonna stop it moron?

Good god there's a lot of fake ads shills in this thread it's crazy you sad fucks for real get paid to spew bullshit all day you're never going to make us believe yalls stupid ass narrative so go waste your time somewhere else desu


Name one bad thing that has come from Fascism
Don't post it here though since the internet was developed by Nazi scientists.

Lol this is wonderful!!!!!

Do the Jews next!!!!!

Let me give you a hint dipshit. It's white men. There is no conspiracy it is innate. Just like Jews want degeneracy ignorance and war and are subconsciously drawn to its production

White men value virtue, Gnosticism, and peace. We are drawn to it. It is spontaneous not the product of some meme machine.

You think we pay bots? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH we do it for free faggot.

nice work. won't help you.
who controls the press? (that's you BTFO!)
you're on the wrong side, nigger. we're trying to free humanity from slavery and you're fucking fighting for the slavers to keep it in place.

Your autism is quite entertaining. Post more

I'll take:

>What do you do when your massive social engineering starts letting your mortal enemy into countries you live in en masse?

For 1000 Alex

I completely agree with you.

>eBaums's world

The truth that you can't accept is that we are real american citizens who hated hillary clinton and had way too much time on our hands. We simply posted memes from our own accounts to campaign for Trump. There is no convoluted conspiracy, we are not russian bots, you just lost in a completely normal way.

I unironically agree with you OP. Add more Russians and bitter insecure white virgins and you've solved the puzzle.

Memes with no significant truth are like unfunny jokes and bad music. They don't work and it's obvious to everyone, even the faggiest fanfags of the left/jews/etc.

You can't even compete in the meme war, but keep trying.

Literally all of your "alt-right generals" are alt lite controlled opposition cunts employed by Ezra Levant.

Go be a pede somewhere else.

shoo shoo D&C shill

I have no idea what you are talking about, but I got the sense you wanted something about Jews. Pic related.

>who controls the press
See >you're on the wrong side
How do you know what side I'm on?

> to consider fascism

the only map you need, fuck off now

Awww did somebody point out all your (((generals))) really have no interest in addressing the source of our (((problems)))?

>Ben Shapiro is altright

You're (((overusing))) the (((((()))))) cringe lord.

>people post on 4cham and then the msm picks it up

Wow so groundbreaking. I bet youre a certified member of MENSA

Maximum Autism

I really hope you didn't make this.

>Russian hackers

Top b8 m8

Here's a (((you))), kike.

He's right though, most of them are alt-lite.
(((Civic Nationalists)))


Nigger faggot commie spotted


>Hitler did nothing wrong

As someone who works in the media. This is totally crap. No one gets their stories from Sup Forums or daily stormer. They report on stuff we cover first.

Nah, they're just popular non-basement dwellers and you have a problem with them not being a cringe lord like you guys.

So this is what weaponised autism looks like.

Yup. Liberals are definitely retarded still.

Alt-right is a meme

Whatever man, they have no intellectual or worldly foundation on which to stand on, good for them most people are engrossed in neurosis so they can't see past the smog.
Read this and get back to me

>Everyone who disagrees with my Israel-first alt-lightism is a basement dweller

Not an argument. Go be a zionist somewhere else.

kek you are a pathetic faggot user. Nobody on here considers themselves 'alt-right'. You lose, again, liberals

Nice work larping faggot

Ebaum's world is a nice touch

Can confirm this flowchart is 100% factual. Very nice.

>(((everyone))) who (((disagrees))) with me is a (((zionist))) ((civic nationalist)))


get off my board newfag

I didn't even look at it close enough to see ebaumsworld on there. Fucking Hilarious

>As someone who works in the media. This is totally crap. No one gets their stories from Sup Forums or daily stormer. They report on stuff we cover first.

Bullshit. You fucks get your stories from here. Why else would you rats end up making bullshit stories about pepe? You ignore all other edits in the internet because your only exposure of the green frog is on Sup Forums.

>eBaums world

>using big words like "mystique" and pretentious sentence structure to reinforce the idea to everybody on this thread that OP is a try hard pseudo-intellectual

I don't write about Pepe. I've been on Sup Forums for like 10 years newfag. I only use Sup Forums for work during happenings.

I get my info from my sources and from my own investigations.

Most retarded pic I've seen here in fucking years, and even though i lost an important amount of neurons I still can't stop laughing knowing that there are people actually believing it

To add to this, I wholeheartedly believe that Russians infiltrate these communities (both white nationalists and groups like black lives matter) to stir up people who wouldn't normally be inclined to believe certain things. A1 levels of trolling and social engineering that all these fucking dumbasses eat up because it's easier to hate and segregate than love and unite. And it's going to rip our nation apart before 2100 - Unless we get a string of great politicians and Presidents.

It makes perfect sense for Russia to do things like this. They can't hurt the west from the outside so they use our greatest advantages - freedom of expression and access to information - to destroy us from the inside. They can't really fight the US/West aside from in Syria.

Look at /ptg/. Look at T_D. Look at the SJW's. Look at BLM. Make a post online where any of these types (extremists) are and you will either get ignored or have a horde of people on your ass. I simply will not believe that we are all so hateful towards each other out of no where without some sort of outside influence. Race relations are the foundation for this divide, and the door was opened when Obama was elected, because white people weren't ready for a black President.

This is really what I think.

That's what the alt right do, what are you talking about?

Top kek

The Finance $ branch is just some losers that started some organization that is totally irrelevant. It makes the image look like some out of touch shill trying to figure out what is going on but being wrong. It makes you look clueless.


>Deep Web branch