

Sup Forums will defend this

I agree. Remove colored folk from all video games.

oh my god who the fuck cares

>still fucking white but with shadows cast on face
>brown skin

Colored people don't belong in video games. If you're truly creating a fantasy world, why fill it with niggers?

But colored people are evil?


Those who don't want to be a colorist.

>stop thinking that darkness is evil and dangerous and light is good and divine

the fundamental archetypes of human consciousness are racist

Journalism was s mistake

>cherry picking

I hate how we live in an age where everything can or will be racist. Fuck these people who do this shit and leave my Vidya alone.

You gonna argue this shit with the Japanese? Doesn't have shit to do with America.

And the japs? Aren't gonna put up with your shit. They give no fucks.

Why stop at characters? We should also stop making evil areas have dark lighting.

>All characters with brown skin are evil
Racist. Ryu is just filled with power and it makes him violent. Same with Akuma. It also could be that they're outside more often, training, and got a natural tan? Have they noticed that their actual villains are almost always white? Liberals need to fuck off - especially if they don't even play games.

Stop making villains white then. Just make them wear a red and black bodysuit so we can tell they're really bad and evil.

The Japs have been very progressive regarding race, lately, too. They used to depict them as idiot savages but now they almost always are charming in some way.

But villains are almost always white? I can't actually think of 3 dark skinned villains off the top of my head.

>Atmosphere is racist
I like how you think, leaf. It should be sunny all the time. That way, we can see the monsters running at us from a distance. Zero fear, stand strong. We will shine the light on - I can't do this lol This is fucking retarded.

You can have a black villain, you just need to offset it by murdering an entire church full of white conservatives in cold blood - see Kingsmen.

Evil Ryu is the same color as Akuma and they're both Japanese.

>Colored people don't belong in video games. If you're truly creating a fantasy world, why fill it with niggers?

blanka from street fighter is brazilian and he is depicted as a monkey like figure with green skin

we are not monkeys and we are not green

please stop

Not even racist. Darkness is associated with evil because evil deeds are done under the cover of darkness, monsters lurk in the night, etc... This association stretches all the way back to when primeval humans shivered around the campfire at night and wondered what it was rustling in the woods just beyond the light.

Dark = bad light = good. This is never going to change.

>we are not monkeys
Of course not, we eat them because they are uma delícia!

>not monkeys
AHAHAHUEHUEHUEH Fucking got me giggling chimp

Video-game was made by Japs

>want to remove japs from their own games


Blanka is what I imagine is behind the screen when I see Brazilians post here.

Dark is evil faggot.
Deal with it.


>the japs aren't gonna put up with your shit
When discussing a game and using a pic related from the very same game that the japs edited because one of the women characters were too lewd for leftists. Congrats redditscum you're an idiot

Make all evil character whiter and will get no complaints
Also make their eyes glow blue, my dad has glowing red eyes and he is not evil

Japs are honorary whites.

I'm suprised that they haven't jumped on the "JAPANESE IS MAKING FEMININE MEN EVIL!" train

>white lives don't matter

>SJW's explain why the dichotomy between light and dark is racist
next we'll have to redub the old star wars movies to the 'bad' side instead of the 'dark' side

Waaa waaa Dark-skinned characters are always the baddies!




In most Jap material I see,the black guy is portrayed as simply the comic relief.

SO only give evil people white skin then,

people who write garbage "comment section argument bait" like this are the kind of autistic that needs to be euthanized.

art just reflects life

don't ask devs not to make virtual brownies evil

ask God not to make real brownies evil

>samuel l jackson in kingsmen
>denzel washington in training day
>errrrr darth vader?

>acknowledging dark skin tends to be more evil
Stupid nigger already lost

Same goes for the black emotes on Twitch. They're extremely racist. Twitch emotes should be whites only.

After seeing only white villains in just about every movie the last few years it's good to see a little diversity.

Oh, diversity is only for the good guys... Gotcha

>darth vader?

anakin is white as milk
he just has a black suit and a black robot voice to be edgy

Vader doesn't count since his face is white when they finally show it. I could only think of Kingpin from the Daredevil movie and the villain of Demolition Man.

This. You can now have dark skin many Nintendo-related games, for example, and in Pokémon S&M you can only romance the girl if you choose to be black.

I saw this posted online:
everything in this is just mind boggling wrong that i have to chronologically pinpoint every fallacy in this
first of all skin color =/= ethnicity, this is gonna be a constant through out this entire video that's just ignored, hell he doesnt even mention the only ACTUALLY black guy that's evil in sf and even his case wouldn't hold up because he's literally just mike tyson and there are a myriad of great, nonevil black characters in sf(see: Elena, Dudley, Cviper, Deejay, etc)
As for the rest, Eryu was in sf4 which just shows how little this company knows about fighting games before spilling out the first thing they can to push a PC charged artice/video to rake in them sweet sjw/blm money. And only Vken is brainwashed. Honestly the incorrect fightan gaymu lore is what upsets me the most.
All these "Brown" characters listed make SENSE though, Ganon is born in the fucking desert, and comes from a race of people aptly colored for their natural habitat being constantly exposed to the sun
Ansem literally bathes in physical blackness, and is comprised of it, and every other character that is avidly exposed to the magical and supernatural substance shares the same features
Scar is a fucking cat


It's simply color theory, simple symbolism that was conceptualized in art and life before racism was even relevant. Dark = night = cant see = unknown = possible predator = bad, this is the incredibly simple equation that is ingrained in every animal, not because that animal is secretly wishing for a re-installment of Jim Crow laws, but because that animal doesn't want to be threatened. Does that mean that people with dark skin should be naturally feared? No, of course not, we're not animals that run on base chemical reactions and nothing more, we have science that explains and details everything about why and how pigmentation in skin occurs in different regions of the world and how the human body adapts certain characteristics to live easier in whatever habitat it may be in and yadda yadda, it is no longer an unknown, it's simply a cosmetic difference that doesn't define an individual.
Does that mean that the artistic meaning, and century long simbolism behind the darker colors and black colors should be blown up to be some imaginary racial profiling instead of clever color design implemented to show how exposure to evil/dark sources can affect a character or item's physical appearance to kick start a primal fear that has existed before humans could even tell the difference between left and right? No fuck off, these people are 1 step away from kicking in a 5 year olds bedroom door and calling him racist for being afraid of the dark.
tl;dr violent ken is rad af

But how else are we supposed to know they're evil?

But that's racist.

>Dark = night = cant see = unknown = possible predator = bad

Does this hold true for nocturnal animals? If humans were night-dwellers would it be Light = day = blinding/can't see = unknown = possible danger = bad?

That'd be interesting to explore sometime when the current anti-white bullshit is removed.

What about space games that also feature other sentient races besides humans

Blanka is the perfect representation of a Brazilian.

user explains why Americans need to stop making evil French characters in their movies

Give me a break. A fuckton of villains are white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes.

They are always trying to climb the oppression ladder.

Westerners made DeeJay, japs had nothing to do with him.