>Brought to you by Slovakbro

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.

>PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/vriBmd6A

>Do you support open borders?
No. The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy. Seeing as 90% of immigration is harmful to the country, by default a vetting system is essential to protect the rights of the citizens.
>Whom'st'd'll've builds the roads?
The people who are going to use them will pay the road crews, and maintenance is provided by the toll money.
>Do you support drug use/other degenerate behaviour?
No, we strongly discourage it as it damages a society built on non-aggression. Most covenants would be built around family (to fill the void after the government is largely/completely gone), and family life is vulnerable to these socio-pathological behaviours. If degenerates want to form their own communities, they are welcome to choke on their own filth or clean up and become productive members of the society.
>Are you Jewish?
No, our Jews are better than their Jews. Few movements (apart from NatSocs, duh) have been accused of anti-Semitism as much as we have, and that's including our more moderate/mainstream figureheads, such as Ron Paul. We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown) and we strongly support cutting all foreign aid to Israel (and to pretty much everyone). The international financiers would be significantly set back by freeing the currency system and implementing an actual standard for money to prevent over-printing and inflation. Also we don't trade with our enemies, what the fuck.
>What will you do when governments take over you/reform?
Toss them out of helicopters again. Our crusade is eternal. Liberty or Death!

>The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
>A Treatise on Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
>The Law by Fréderic Bastiat
>The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
>Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
>For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard
>Against the State by Llewellyn Rockwell

>facebook com/MinarchyMemes - sometimes posts edgy stuff
>facebook com/LibertyHangout - adamant fighters against communism
>facebook com/theliveshowtv - The Jason Stapleton Program - right-libertarian podcast
>youtube com/user/ThatLibertarianT - That Guy T
>facebook com/HoppeanSnakeMemes - the source of the snake memes we keep posting - keep up, nerd
>youtube com/user/FreedomFighter631 - Chris Cantwell - host of the Radical Agenda
>youtube com/channel/UCRr7mGBwURyRGM2BRPV3hNQ - Augustus Sol Invictus' ramblings and other content
>youtube com/channel/UCIwnY7Ee4Kfn8g6tz9tjfzA - 1st Irregulars - former Cantwell's supporters, decided to go even further right
>1stirregulars com - 1st Irregulars' main site
>youtube com/user/stefbot - Stefan Molyneux

>Christopher Cantwell - How I started hanging out with Nazis - youtube.com/watch?v=2RdnvahTAnU
>Christopher Cantwell with Mike Enoch - youtube.com/watch?v=aSz_L1WZS7w
>Christopher Cantwell with That Guy T - youtube.com/watch?v=7QYL4w3V_mo
>Christopher Cantwell with Jared Howe - youtube.com/watch?v=szqxmnMfB8U
>Augustus Sol Invictus - Becoming a Reactionary - youtube.com/watch?v=HPQ9yh0gWoE
>Augustus Sol Invictus - The War on Terror - youtube.com/watch?v=wy2O7CPNmqI
>Hans-Hermann Hoppe - What Must Be Done - youtube.com/watch?v=d_ybi1MeC3c
>1st Irregulars - 1433: National Capitalism and the Correct View - youtube.com/watch?v=eVnDAa1LWpw
>That Guy T - The Case for Libertarian Fascism - youtube.com/watch?v=l2-jH1vFrW8

>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.1 - youtube.com/watch?v=pGuj-Z3PNg8
>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.2 - youtube.com/watch?v=zqV4RXLX1Hc
>I Need a Pinochet - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Ain't I Right - youtube.com/watch?v=XxIbq7HkalQ
>Metallica - Don't Tread On Me - youtube.com/watch?v=fh-TKJTCtnw
>Dixie's Land - youtube.com/watch?v=IUjLE_N1Cuc
>Yankee Doodle - youtube.com/watch?v=IzRhFH5OyHo
>Battle of New Orleans (if you counter-signal Jackson I swear on me mum I'll skullfuck you - plus it's a good song so fuck you) - youtube.com/watch?v=50_iRIcxsz0
>Mi General Augusto Pinochet - youtube.com/watch?v=R9R4zPTpS9w
>Adios Mi General - youtube.com/watch?v=5rsb7dT6sEM
>Rhodesians Never Die - youtube.com/watch?v=r1J8F6YQjBg
>Hammer Of The Right - youtube.com/watch?v=5WzAFG0Wntc
>Start Up The Rotors - youtube.com/watch?v=Ptw41GUKLpc

>Hoppewave - Physical Removal - youtube.com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
>Cato's Speech - Let's get Physical - youtube.com/watch?v=XMqPWqOCGJU
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Let The Commies Hit The Floor - youtube.com/watch?v=yy9VvAuCCEg
>Stefan Molyneux - In-Depth Analysis of Marxism - youtube.com/watch?v=SGunPi4G2Ns
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Shadilay (Meme War against Agoristball) - youtube.com/watch?v=8xBsJUYySNo
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Snekintosh 420 - youtube.com/watch?v=JJMdttBmtsY
>That Guy T shitposting about the Alt-Right - youtube.com/watch?v=77CdqY4IdgU

Bls resbond

I'm here slavbro, just watching some of the vids you posted. I've never heard of Chris Cantwell before he seems like a guy worth listening to

Based Slovak. Thanks for all the links.

Rest of Sunday taken care of.

Lolbertjewianism is fucking gay

I propose renaming this thread:

>Based Slovakian holds Right Libertarian Masterclass


>We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown)
Thank you for being a competent person and not a fucking faggot. For once OP is not a faggot.

Fuck off kike shill

>Timothy McVeigh Approved

I haven't heard this one. Are we alright with using violence to achieve our goals? Or do just include him because of what motivated him?

Wassap Slovakia. Its founding father GW
check this propaganda out.

This is the response to;
>Freedom is degenerate, The state must enforce morality.

Enforcing traditional morality goes against the interest of the state. The state betters itself by taking away the average citizen's right to defend himself, his right to put the needs of his family above the needs of the state, and his right to associate or disassociate with whom he pleases. How does the state achieve this without retaliation from the people?

"Progressivism", "Cultural-Marxism", "Degeneracy", and to finish the job; Radical Socialism and ultimately Communism.

Degeneracy is supported and protected by the state. Corporations are pressured by the state as well as leftist interest groups to promote leftist social agendas such as "transgender rights", diversity quotas, and anti-discrimination. ALL of which are ploys designed to destroy our communities, our families and to take power away from citizens. All under the guise of "progress" "freedom" and "equality".

Degeneracy is enslavement to a self-destructive leftist ideology. It has invented a culture that fetishizes drug abuse, homosexuality and most recently genital mutilation and hormone alteration directed primarily at young children. A population afflicted with this mental illness, this nihilistic anti-moral ideology is not natural, and cannot be considered the result of an untampered people, laissez-faire, or the libertarian philosophy. This ideology is precisely; a parasite imposed upon us by leftists with the help of the state to create an ever expanding totalitarian global empire.

In short, If you honestly believe the natural state of a free man is to mutilate their genitals, abuse drugs or otherwise self-destruct you are dead wrong.

>Are we alright with using violence to achieve our goals?

We should be, if we are the party of freedom and the rest are aggressors then we must defend ourselves by destroying them.

Not all libertarians follow NAP.

Sums up the rationale for physical removal perfectly.

I would agree a violent response to the Waco massacre was justified.
I'll assume that he did not realize there was a daycare center in the building.
Is it a practical means to achieve our objectives? As opposed to the Randian idea of "going Galt?"

pls r8

I 100% agree if state agents are just state agents.

Insofar as they have alleigance to something they believe is of greater importance than the state (Religion or family), than they will act against this trend toward degeneracy.

Also, insofar as they're lazy (policeman not wanting to deal with another tranny trying to commit suicide) they will not promote degeneracy.

I agree 100% though that a state agent qua state agent would promote degeneracy.

Yes they do, otherwise they're not libertarian.
This isn't really accurate. For some communists maybe, but libertarian communists/anarcho-communists don't hold that position. They define 'private property' differently and have no objection to personal property; rather, they hold that you can't own, for example, a forest or a mountain (or similarly any large chunk of land that's beyond the scope of personal use, etc) because that is infringing on the rights of others to use/dwell in that land. Anarcho-communists and anarcho-capitalists/libertarians are basically the same and hold the same values (freedom, liberty, liberation), they just misunderstand each other's positions.

The "left" versus "right" is a false dichotomy created by the globalist kikes to keep you gullible idiots fighting and hating each other instead of standing together against the (((real enemy))).

I don't give a fuck if you're a capitalist or a socialist. It doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. What does matter is valuing freedom and standing against the globalist statists.

Yeah, he's a great goy.

th-thank you

It's always okay to act violently against the government, as long as you're not a leftist.

>as long as you're not a leftist.
>believing in the left vs right meme
Good goy


A leftist is the one who after total polarisation will side with the communists rather than with free men.

Unity among all who value liberty is the only path to victory against the (((globalists))).

Whats happens if a company wants to import cheap 3rd world labor?

(((They))) are too powerful for "right-wing" libertarians to defeat alone. We can work out the trivial differences like capitalism versus socialism later. First we need to unite with everyone who shares our love of freedom and hatred of the zionist globalist statists to defeat our enemy. Capitalism versus socialism is a triviality. A truly free society will have aspects of both.

gtfo anti property commie.

this violates the NAP by harming my ability to sell labor. the law should always favor the rights of the seller of goods and services

hi, is this going the serious rational-arguments route that is failing, or the meme-filled ironic-and-then-sincere that elected donald with meme magick ?
is there any chance for the libertarian party, or for sneaking libertarianism into the republican party ? i head the LP's >1% score may help them financially.

basically, the ideas are cool, what's the plan to get them into reality and take the boot off the snake ?

When did I claim to be anti-property or communist, dumbass? I am neither. (((They))) seek to divide their enemies. You are playing right into (((their))) hand. Either that or you are a shill.

fuck on outta here. using ((())) and words like shill doesn't rule you out as a /leftypol/ shill.

We need to get a libertarian (such as Rand Paul) to take a Donald Trump approach. Aggressive. Non-compromising. Controversial. We need to put everything we have into getting that person elected. It will probably be most easily accomplished through one of the two major parties because most people are afraid to "throw away" their vote on a third party. One potential method would be to get someone similar to Rand Paul to run Democrat, tear the Democrat party apart (like Trump almost did to the Republicans). This would work well because it would eliminate threat from other Democrat candidates once our guy wins the primaries, and since Trump is not very well-liked by more than half of people in the country, people will vote for the opposition (whether in 2020 running against Trump, or in 2024 running against another Republican) just because of the 'Democrat' label. So basically, the key is to infiltrate the Democrat party with one of our own, bring it down from within, and have the candidate give a unifying message that will appeal to Republicans and Democrats, while ultimately holding libertarian ideals. We could use Rand Paul, but his affiliation with the Republican party would make things more difficult (and things will be swayed back to Democrat soon; we don't want to wait another full cycle for things to sway back toward Republican), so it may be best to get someone from outside the two major parties, such as a member of the Libertarian Party (McAfee?) to join/infiltrate the DNC.

>The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy.
>So anyway, as I was saying, we'll have the government enforce vetting to get into the country.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

You calling me a shill doesn't rule you out as a shill either, faggot. The globalists use divide and conquer tactics against their adversaries. That is exactly what you are doing: Using divide and conquer tactics against the adversaries of the globalists. Come to think of it, you're probably Shareblue. Fuck off.

Are you retarded? He didn't say that a government will enforce it.

>buy some land on the border
>let a shitload of 3rd world labourers in
Wow... really solid """vetting process""" you've got there.

Doesn't it violate the NAP if you restrict a companies right to hire who they want to hire?

Naw but seriously you Hoppean faggots are not even libertarian. has the right idea. Nat-Soc is cancer twice over.

>getting cucked by christfags and statists
>liking it

lol, gtfo of here. we are not nazis and we're not gonna pal around with left libertarians.

No, seriously, you get the chopper.

They can bloody well move to the niggers if they like them so much and don't mind the property values going down.

Get out, leftypol. If God is what prevents degeneracy among the simple folk, I will support Him.

>>That Guy T - The Case for Libertarian Fascism - youtube.com/watch?v=l2-jH1vFrW8

Jesus fucking Christ, I payed no heed to Amazing Atheist for YEARS until I watched this.
How does this faggot still have an audience?





I have started Man Economy and State. I love that there is a book to actually teaching me the whole of economics at the highest level.

Bump again because that is what I want.

What would you guys say is the best way to remove every non-white in this country?

I was thinking paying them to leave, would that work?

Just cut the gibs we're already paying them.

Don't feed the squirrels, they just come back with their friends looking for more.

well /lrg/?

As fast and as hard as possible.



Do you own property? Do you allow violent niggers on your property? Thought so you absolute retard. That's how private property rules work.

>Good goy
>supporting leftist
The jews have adopted.


Sup fellas. Any libertarian right movements in the UK I can get into?


N.A.P. is an unnecessary absolutist principle that results in misunderstanding or degeneracy of libertarian ism (see "what if the child consents tho? memes) and constant purity tests. It is mostly used to alienate people who aren't full ancap mode and it drives small government people away from us. Thoughts?

libertarian book club

discord /ufGw8s

Going to start in a few days reading through the reccomended list and a few others. I know most of you fuckers are too lazy or unmotivated to read hopefully this might help some of you.


I disagree, non-agression as a concept is fine, just make it clear that libertarianism has nothing to do with anyones faggot social agenda.

The Nap is simply one of multiple law frames within Anarcho Capitalism. Most likely the cheapest you could buy, as it offers minimal protection compared to other potential insurances.



Is there a snek-chan cute anime grill ?

found the buzzfeed article slamming him from reverse image search and found this in the article.

Wonder if they will edit it in a few months when SA goes under.


Please post, I've been looking for info, it's mostly been wiped from the internet.