Mediterraneans actually believe they are white

>Mediterraneans actually believe they are white
Fucking delusional

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Well the pixels of their skin on that picture is brown.


>Nordcucks think they are white.

>Actually Arab rapebaby

Mein Freund, we will say the same by 2100

Nothing is lost brother

>google german team m....
first result: multicultural

pic related

6 players, 1 actual german

top cuck

and tell your fucking NGOs to stop shipping migrants from Lybia to Italy

you can't even contain your cuckoldry within your borders, you have to export it

t. christianized Arab

t. Ahmed from Syria

Divide and conquer: the thread

t. literally Syrian genetics

D&C so obviouussssssssss

I know exactly who is behind this.

Post Germany now

Why is team France all niggers? I don't think there's an actual Frenchman on there.

Only ones are Giroud, Koscielny, Lloris and Greizmann

Whiter than yours, Moorspawn

>says the north African

>Mediterraneans actually believe they are white
White doesn't exist and we don't consider ourselves "white". Only Americans without identity call themselves white.

It's not a matter of being White you cunt, it's a matter of being european.

I have lived both in Germany and Italy and I can tell you Italy is a far better place

Salty, salty, I bet you are a mongol-roach subhuman.

nice cherrypick autistic sandnigger

t.mehmet al-iraqi ibn al-congo

At least they qualify for the WC and EC.

Did I state that I am Spaniard ?


none of those beak nosed savages are white.

>not a single beak nose

pajeet/chink subhuman try to open your retarded slanted eyes

You lie, you are a thing that we will see in its moment

>Frankenheimers actually believe they are white


I'm ayran as fuck. My nazi grandparents come over after the war nice try poo in the pizzeria mamma mia

Am I the only one getting homo vibes from these kind of discussions? It's literally men assessing the qualities of other men. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you were jerking off while banting.

If anything, it's what women think that matters.

this was posted unironically by an American


>the one white guy in the pic converted to islam anyways

>Implying med countries in general would ever be considered some Germanic bastardization known as 'white'
Stay mad barbarians

were greeks not white?

It's obvious you are not white m8

Wow that last sentence made this the worst post in years there bud! The fuck is wrong witb you? Anyways. I just got back from Italy and they are white. They are so white nobody cares about any other white countries except for maybe UK. And "nobody ever picks Italy". In a good way

hah number 6

Are any of these players even from the countries they play for? Lol. But decent photo

Kek at all this buttblasted and delusional wogs ITT
What else you want to tell me, maybe that Slavs can be considered as white, let alone human ?

not uniting with all people of "white" european non-muslim origins will be Germany's downfall. unless you're not one of those, then you're pleased as punch.

Fuck off with this cucked globalist bullshit
The only countries I consider as bro-tier are fellow Germanic ones chang pajeet

Culture creators (European/Mediterranean/some Asian)
Culture parasites (Jews)
Incapable of culture (blacks)

>It's obvious
>From the Greater Sharia Republic of Swedistan


How the german shitskin arabs can compete with this?

>Actually Arab rapebaby

Germany pls

black ethiopians were the first civilized men on the planet.

the faggot greeks knew this. learn some history leaf.


Gonna source that one? Not interested in reading all the works of Siculus just because you want WE WUZ KINGZ

Looks Arab as fuck, yuck

>When civilized meant not being nomadic

So niggers were the first lazy people? Seems legit.

>b-but they have brown eyes they are not white XD

Italy + Spain > Germany + France desu

I don't. I consider myself Levantine.