What is the best pollitical idea and why?

What is the best pollitical idea and why?

In terms of what? A whole political system or a measure?


That all Aryans must be removed from the face of the Earth for world peace.

A nationalist minarchy.

Da li je ova slika iz Srbije brate?


How can nationalism be maintained in a minarchist society? It seems like, in the modern era, it would need government input to maintain.

>What is the best pollitical idea and why?
"Uproot the jews"

Second best political idea: all policies based on numerical ouija.

Not having a government or central bank or taxes or roads

You confuse "nation" with "state".

Communist Marxist.
Makes it so you can never fail and never succeed.

Seconded, old chap

I understand that there is a difference, but I think that nationalism would only be preserved with a government that encourages it.

Fascism because it's the only one that works.

care to elaborate?

Both capitalism and Marxism never worked

The truth is no political system will ever be sustained. All that can be preserved is force.

Give me one (1) fascist country that died of natural reasons.

They haven't had the longevity to fully be tested out yet.

No, not yet.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

None of them. Political ideologies are a crippled, barely functional replacement for divine law.

The most tolerable is an absolute monarchy with a state religion.