Europe Doesn't Have Enough Immigrants


Other urls found in this thread: synchronicity ritual

By 2050, fully 28 percent of the European Union's population will have reached retirement age -- or more likely approached it, because issues of sheer affordability will surely have forced it to be raised everywhere by then. In Germany, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain the proportion of potential retirees will approach a third of the population, rising from current levels of 20 percent and below.

According to the European Commission's 2015 aging report, the dependency ratio of over-65s to the economically active 15-64 age group will increase to 50.1 percent, from 27.8 percent by 2060. That means there will be just two potential workers per retiree, down from almost four. The aging of the population shaves 0.2 percent a year off European economic growth, but it hasn't become a full-blown crisis yet; that will happen when pension systems grow unsustainable, long after current political leaders have left the stage.

There's no way to organically increase the EU's population so as to get an extra 42 million people by 2020, let alone 257 million by 2060: You can't force people to make more babies. Increased immigration is therefore Europe's only salvation from an approaching fiscal disaster. Europe needed that Syrian boy, just as it needs, and should cherish, everyone taking a leaky boat to Lampedusa, or a rusty minibus to Berlin, Lisbon or Madrid. These are almost exclusively young people, sometimes unaccompanied children, who if integrated will pay for -- and care for -- Europe's retirees.

Immigrants are actually working

Economic activity rates are sometimes lower among Europe's immigrant populations than among local-born ones. For example, in France, 78 percent of the locally born working-age people and only 68.7 percent of residents born outside the EU have jobs or are self-employed. Activity rates depend on lots of factors, ranging from the difficulty of learning the local language, to the restrictiveness of labor laws and the xenophobia of employers. In Italy, 72 percent of non-EU immigrants and just 67.1 percent of locals are money-earners. For Europe as a whole, all of these influences even out and activity rates are almost the same for those born locally and for non-EU immigrants, at 76.6 percent and 73.5 percent.

Sadly Europeans are xenophobes:

Anti-immigrant sentiment is especially high in eastern European countries. At the same time, some of these are in the gravest danger from aging. Slovakia's ratio of senior citizens to the general population, for example, is now just 13.9 percent, one of the lowest in the EU; that's projected to rise to 31 percent by 2050. Hungary's social system will also struggle to cope, as the proportion of retirees in the population rises from 17.9 percent to 27.5 percent. In these countries, which have seen very little immigration until now, irrational xenophobia helps irresponsible politicians win popularity points. The children of today's voters, however, are likely to face higher taxes and decreased pension benefits if these countries manage to keep immigrants out.

These people may not realize that their compassion makes good economic sense, but it does. Xenophobia doesn't.

Tell you what, I'll agree to open borders right after Israel does
>scroll down


"Money is the god of the Jews"

> Give away your country to hostile foreigners who will take over any and all institutions when numbers are sufficient while your children are crushed under their boot
> all for more shackles
I hope all of this ends in a nuclear war and destroys life on earth for everyone.

>unbeknownst to the goyim masses, the elite planned a flood of afro-asiatics
>hire PR firm to quell native rebelion
>goyim, we are empty, we dont have enough shitskins, we need more

if you even had to look you're a newfag

i dont understand what exactly jews could gain from their only alleys becomming muslim shitholes.

Even "atheist" muslims i know hate your people with a passion. I refuse to believe some scheming merchant somewere is actually plotting their own destruction by proxy with all of this immigration crap.

>makes good economic sense
Not really, if you check the data, just the legal immigration make sense.
The tolerated illegal immigration just go to pressure welfare and cause social problems.

Even if immigrants weren't doing low-wage jobs (meaning they don't benefit that much to the pension system).
Even if immigrants offspring weren't way more unemployed than natives of the same generation.
Even if immigrants were all working legally (many are undeclared and don't pay taxes).

The pension system is just a fucking Ponzi scheme. Boomers knew that, still they did not make enough kids and did not save money for their retirement. Fuck them.

>These are almost exclusively young people, sometimes unaccompanied children, who if integrated will pay for -- and care for -- Europe's retirees.
People from third world shit holes are of course interested in supporting other peoples elders.

The replacement program requires the arrival of 257 million immigrants in EU before 2060. Current EU population is 510 million



yeah totally unbiased, not racist media corperation

Actually I'm throwing up a caution sign early in the thread for newfags.
>warning! Shylock trickery ahead and/or bait

It's to destroy all races and religions so they can establish a mass of nihilist atheists for global communism.

Most of europe is cucked beyond measure but id like to know what situation in Italy is?
is the left wing narrative being pushed as hard as it is in France and Germany there?
I dont hear too much in the news about italy and their stance on this.

its more about occult prophecy and occult ritual slaughter. chaos, sacrifice is the central theme

the messianic age is brought about through the collapse of earth civilization aka apacolipto

its our messianic duty to create chaos for that shall of which you do to usher the messianic age

the post-aftermath new world will be ruled by 1 messiah for 1k years


What happens when they get a majority and vote their own sandnigger party in to remove all social security nets? Not much point inviting the horde in to pay for your retirement when they're almost certainly going to vote against aged pension plans anyway.

>over population, goyim!
>you're having too many babies, goyim!
>*pushes anti child propaganda and policies that destroy the nuclear family*
>why aren't you having more babies, goyim!
>how is our economy going to function if there's no people to run it, goyim!
>*imports millions of brown people*
>goy, can't you see that the real issue is climate change and that it's our obligation to support these migrants that are fleeing from their climate change ravaged countries
>*imports millions more brown people*

the president of the usa pulling out of your paris climate change agreement is the best thing we ever did for your cucked country. sort yourself out and stop blaming the usa. your own politicians are using us as a scapegoat

In Italy the narrative is that all the problems are caused by other European countries who refuse to take their "fair share" of refugees.

So, if there is only 2.something working immigrant to one nonworking (and that's after "integration"), who pays for the integration of immigrants and the social welfare of nonworking immigrants?

Why don't you post more

>Whine about declining population
>Whine about automation/AI taking over jobs

Almost 60% left.
Every day 400+ new immigrants coming with the fucking boats (huge thanks to the ONG).
In the future you'll see the Vatican die, no kidding. synchronicity

It's genetic warfare against antisemitic Nazis (white people) who've "oppressed" the oy vey's since they entered Europe and against whom their ancestors swore vengeance for every transgression

Don't even give these propaganda outlets any attention.

Europe is not xenophobic. We are redistributing wealth, providing housing, medical care, unemployment benefits and schooling to hostile invaders.

What do we get in return? Some of them find subsidized jobs requiring the lowest skillset possible, and a vague promise that they will some day pay taxes.

Why do we 'need' them? Previous generations who did not have enough children to support the system have indebted us as if they did and are now realising this scam will soon collapse.

The elites are building segregated communities protected by private security firms. They're gaining power and influence, and in turn money, and they're buying the lowest class and immigrants votes by handing out the middle classes wealth that has been built over generations.

The fuck are you on about burger

Go back to plebbit

Cheers mate

>Shitaly will die in your lifetime
feels fucking great. You are basically niggers anyway

1st generation immigrant, from economic migration, have a lower reservation wage, meaning they'll do shit jobs for shit wages. Most natives will only do shit jobs for decent wages, i.e. 1st generation immigrant have an easy time finding jobs.

Their children on the other hand have the same reservation wage that native population. They compete with them for decent/shit jobs with decent wages, further increasing national unemployment rates.

In addition, they tend to under-perform on the job market and have a higher unemployment rate that native population.

So you're basically accepting one immigrant that will work and have many unemployed kids. Which makes no sense at all.

torna a votare PD, coglione, perché dovrebbe? mi sembra che la situazione non migliori lo stesso visto che oltre a rubare lavoro si fanno esplodere ad ogni manifestazione abbastanza di rilievo.

telling me to go back to plebbit? it's you yurocancer newfag migrants that are responsible for the death of Sup Forums. get off my fucking site you hypocrite mudshit

Europe needs immigrants
But the only immigrants we have in stock are young men with no skills and a barbaric religion.

Maybe if they didnt try to fuck over europe the actuall young and skilled population would actually have kids instead of trying to get out of europe. ritual

Oh no, the population is declining
Who will get in debt to serve us? We need to import more slaves

We have tens of million youth unemployment in the EU if it was really about working force we already have more as enough
This is a planned genocide and many people don't even realise it

You live in a further sud zone than me, and i'm probably whiter too. Fuck off nigger ;)

Accogligli tutti a casa tua, no?
Se gli europei negli ultimi dieci anni sono diventati tutti razzisti, un motivo c'è.

>only salvation from an approaching fiscal disaster.
See here. THis is where the argument breaks down.

>Basically Ruml is making the same case that the Modern Monetary Theorists (MMTers) make: a country that issues its own sovereign currency and is unconstrained by a gold standard does not require tax revenue in order to fund spending. This is because the central bank always stands by ready and able to buy any sovereign debt issued that might lead to the interest rate rising. Indeed, it does this automatically in the way that it conducts its interest rate policy. Ruml then outlines what taxation is really for in such a country.

This 'disaster' is a purely manufactured issue. Brussels and ECB want austerity and financial trouble. Part of it is to extract money for their banker buddies. Of course, immigration is also in their plans, and by destroying Europes economy its easier to push for it:

>Western elites have their needs. Journalists and politicians work to convince us those are our needs as well, even if they are against our wishes and inimical to our interests. The past generation has seen uninterrupted successes for the 1%, as libertarian values have taken hold in society — paralyzing us before the 1%’s concentration of wealth and power, and their dismantling of valuable institutions that took generations to construct (e.g., schools, universities, labor wage and safety regulations, social safety nets).

This and trips, it's genetic warfare and liberalism taken to its fullest extent, rooted in the philosophy that the white bloodline mist be eradicated or mongrolized. Set in motion by our loss in ww2.

>wanting immigrants because old people need social aid
>implying the immigrants are able to pay taxes and arent just coming here to collect welfare

>and i'm probably whiter too.
Your children won't be, lmao

>First, their immigrant swarms were temporary guest workers. Then it was a multiracial experiment. Then they were refugees. Then the answer to a shrinking population. Different excuses, different lies. And asylum is just another one.

>For the real aim stays the same — the biggest genocide in human history. The final solution of the Christian European problem.

>This crime demands a new set of Nuremberg trials. And you people will be in the dock!

>—Nick Griffin

I understand now, pretty cool, looking forward to the messianic age, I will not be anti refugee anymore, at last, I truly see

Source? She's thicc

Europe isn't a factory, fuck off.

What sort of a person might be posting...

We have had an aging population forever, what about the obvious migrants getting older factor so dumb obviously a bait thread

>yfw you destroy civilization and then realize that your sky fairy tales were not actually real


>The replacement program requires the arrival of 257 million immigrants in EU before 2060. Current EU population is 510 million

I screencapped your post in case you delete it, you kike.

Okay, let's imagine Europe needs people. Why don't they engage in competition and actually hire people in their home countries? Commericalice the whole thing so you can reject criminals and fanatical muslims and actually get people whith skills who are willing to work, as opposed to social leeches, muslim extremists and black cavemen.

Why does Europe have no agency when it comes to these things?

I really don't want to be antisemitic, but they are making it pretty hard.

Yea, I'm jewish so what?
>m-muh white genocide
get a life

>having a retirement system based on the fact population must grow infinitely

What meme shit is this? It made sense after world wars when we needed to repopulate the continent. But now we need to drop that shit, get back to a patriarchal society and individually take care of our elders.

These immigrants don't want to come here they prefer Germany where they will get the best benefits so they can stay unemployed.

90% of them will never work and be a drain on society as much as the elderly

Just pointing out you are factually mentally retarded if you believe even 20% of this and aren't just trolling.

There are already way too many people in europe. It does not need more and there isnt a problem with birth rates either. As soon as the baby boomers fuck off into their graves all graphs eould look excellent.

The immigrants don't work (if only 1 in 5/6 are employed, you're even worst off).

It makes zero economic sense.

sorry cunt, i forget. she doesn't have nudes tho

>Why does Europe have no agency

Because Europe is in an existential crisis about what it actually is and wants to become while not having grown out of ome utopist ideals whose moreal fabric is now used as a compensation for national pride and achievment.

It doesn't matter they work or not. Jews want big consumers market with universal income to compete with china

You know the reason. It's the same why they push for your country to take in "refugee" instead of targetting well educated and suited people and giving them work visa.

Why is nobody doing anything? Why is nobody stopping this? This is clear genocide and we are just letting it happen. We are not organized. We are just letting ourselves get invaded. Y the fuck are we this fucking pathetic?

she's obese, not thicc

I believe that the governments are forcing immigration on Europe because of their belief that immigration will be good for the economy.
Who would be interested in destroying the Christian European population? And who would have, at the same time, the power to implement this destruction?

>amazing racial transformation
>minority majority milestone

migrant refugees = genocide via boats

Controversial opinion but I'm wondering if you guys agree

State pensions need to be done away with entirely. The age of retirement should be abolished.

Decades of jewish propaganda and indoctrination have turned the west into a self-destructive mindless entity, content with letting the world around them burn as long as they get their daily bread.

I've been thinking this for a long time. It's obvious that these promises cannot always be upheld.

A small social safety net for unemployed, sick, elderly, etc. And if we're going to have public schools then mandate education about managing one's finances.

Neither does the middle east. We should flood it with white people.

>Why is nobody doing anything?
Mass surveillance was designed to keep us from organizing. It's not even a new invention.

In the 19th century Austria-Hungary went through it's Biedermeier phase. There were liberal student movements trying to throw off the Habsburg rule and unite their people.

Chancellor Metternich devised a system of suppression by spying on people and reading their letters in order to save the goverments power, until this culminated in the failed revolution of 1848.

Spread awareness. There are many like us, but few show it out of fear of being ostracised or ratted out.

>unemployment hits record

It just delays the crash and makes it way worse

Jewish? Good, you are alive because Hitler had better things to think about. STUPID JEWISH YOU DESTROY THE EUROPE


I do? Never noticed that I'm trying to destroy the continent I live in

My country doesn't have natality problems, if germs can't fuck I don't see why we should import sandniggers. It's easy to pretend the problem is people, but look, when the systems doesn't force legit people to go bankrupt for having kids, people do have kids.

>Just pointing out you are factually mentally retarded if you believe even 20% of this and aren't just trolling
I believe that, government are accepting refugees, encouraging them to come, because they want these cheap workers, the taxpayers of the future.

But I don't like that, I think life would be better with less people in Europe. The ageing will be compensated by automation.

You know, in days past this would just be the time where the shitty older generation would start starving to death and dying of like the useless shit bags they are.

Instead the boomers get to ruin our countries just one more time on the way out, who cares if we get left with a Mexican and nigger ridden hell hole, someone has to pay for muh retirement you useless millennial!

They should all just die, they have lived too long past their usefulness.

Not you but you race YES

I don't see why more people don't think like this. How many times have you heard somebody say that they want to have kids but can't afford it? Those kids are the cheap workers you need for whatever doesn't get automated away.

>my race
I'm white though, probably whiter than you even.

Europe needs young eager working hands to keep its economy going and the migrants will be providing that. Plus, a lot of the current wave of migration is formed of the middle class and professionals. They will also be quite handy - and less picky - than the stale unionised work forces in Europe. Without mass immigration, Europe will not survive.

Yes, there are issues with assimilating such a large number of migrants but Europe is not in danger of being taken over by them. Arguments about the migrants having more children are unconvincing as hell - good luck having 20 kids in Europe. They simply won't be able to afford them - children are expensive in a civilized world.

You shouldn't believe ultra-right wing propaganda and panic mongering. When you are the majority and are still somehow fearful of minorities "taking over", that makes you an abject coward.

how strong is the push to leave the EU? Do you guys have a chance? i really hate seeing once great cultures destroyed. (except for Germany who can be used as an example to the rest of you)


>You can't force people to make more babies.
Why not?

>Automation putting increased strain on the job market and it's only going to get worse
Who the fuck buys this drivel any more?