You don't honestly think Poland and Hungary can stand up to the EU do you Sup Forums. At least they tried

You don't honestly think Poland and Hungary can stand up to the EU do you Sup Forums. At least they tried.


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You can do it, Slavbros!

Yeah, shame though that no migrants actually want to live here, at least our stance would make some merit,

Our goverment already said that any sanctions will be still better than taking muslims... so yeah, they can set any deadlines they want.

Okay so tell me what EU can do to us?

>Inb4 muh money

>EU un-elected officials send ultimatum to allies and constituents

stop posting this exact same thread every fucking day you nigger

Is that because that gibs for refugees are minimal to non-existent in Poland? As far as I know Poland isn't necessarily a shit hole, just not as nice to live.

Seeing how Poland deals with the refugees makes me want to be a refugee and live in Poland

Isnt auswitz in poland?

>Is that because that gibs for refugees are minimal to non-existent in Poland?
Yup, Germany has a crazy welfare system. If you don't want to, you basically don't have to work. Schulz wants to make it even more generous.

I might be wrong but I think you cannot even get gibs if you've not been employed for some time or seriously sick.

if you're white and you do speak polish u'll be fine
if not it will be a nightmare

>POLAND AND HUNGARY MUST ACCEPT REFUGEES: Says angry jew for 500th time this year

dont you have anything more interesting to do than reposting same shit every day?

It is tactical shilling for the preservation of my ethnic homelands. The threads have been getting 300+ replies and bringing attention to the issue.

I'm only ironically defeatist about this.

no way faggot

Not on you don't have to work, but by not working in Germany you have a better life than in Poland working a shitty job in Ianushpol, Ltd. And if you crap out kids, it's even better. Basically a paradise for a 3rd world sandnigger.

Just send all refugees to Ukraine and pay them for keeping.

We will paint our hohols brown and put towels on their heads

problem solved

I don't see the problem, they can just accommodate them in Auschwitz, put it to some use

Ukraine is destabilised enough, thanks to certain separatists
We won't take them at all

There is no welfare unless you've worked for 5 years straight, and even then it doesnt even cover half the minimum wage.

I have thousands of hohols in my town, they are awful, middle Asia muslims are gentlemen compared to them.

Some of the hohols are quite supreme gentlemen too.

What are they gonna do kick us out of the EU?
Check some fucking trade and export data and ask yourself who's going to suffer more economically.

Well that's what you get by combining the worst characteristics of poles and russians. You get the niggers of Europe.

The fun part is they won't do shit to us. Macron wanted to sanction the shit out of us and Merkel stopped him xD

Love mutti Kaźmierczak. She's our gal, she'd never hurt us.

>Taking in migrants

You wot? No fucking way.

Stay based poland bros!

lost poles in america rooting for you

>Hungary vetoes sanctions against Poland
>Poland vetoes sanctions against Hungary

Checkmate, Mutti.

Holy shit I love that.

Only Poles with many children deserve gibs.

Hey Tyron Goldberg, they won't take any!
If the EU will bring them there with Buses and trains, the people of Hungary and Poland will wait with black market Guns and Knifes!
I am in contact with the Hungarian Betyarsereg, who murder Gypsies for fun on the weekends!
They are prepared with alot of guns!
The Polish people also wait!
You see Tyron they kind of want to make an example, they really want to kill some Mohameds and Mbongos!
At the end this action of the EU and the reaction of the Hungarians and Polish will hurt the EU very badly, and could even start the fall of the union!

So yeah tick tock!

LOL what are a bunch of slavs going to do when the germanics demand their participation? Leave the EU? xd

>what are a bunch of slavs going to do
They will just not let them in.


It's like a CSGO stack that just won't get kicked.


>existing in the current year

That true Austriabro

>TFW had to be born here
>TFW only one Hungarian parent
>TFW can't kill gypsies, niggers and sand niggers with Betyársereg

Why even live :(

For uneployment, you have to work for 12months to get it for 12 months (6 months are bit below minmal wage, last 6 months are even lower).
Its bit better if you were employed for 5+ years and sudennly lost work but nothing close to Germany welfare. Not to mention they will try to put you into some shit tier jobs to cross you out of list. Thing is we have quite low uneployment rate and considering over 50% of them is just working in grey area and register as uneplotyed to get social insurance.

They will obviosuly pick Germany with "superior" welfare system.

Even our Tatars dont want refuges.

what are they going to do? start WW3 over bunch of sandniggers who don't even want to come here?

EU sanctions require a unanimous vote. Poland vetoes Hungarian sanctions, Hungary vetoes Polish sanctions.

It will be funny either way

No we will piss on their faces and they will take it as good cucks they are. Poland leaving EU would hurt Germany v badly as we buy tons of shit from them, we are more important trading partner for them than Russia. So in the end we will laugh in their faces and mutti Merkel will stop any sanctions (like she stoped Macron) because she will not want to lose money.

I'd like to do lewd things with her

How's the migrant status in Czech Republic/ Slovakia?

Slightly worse than in Hun/pol

Come on, even I would not rape such a troll.

Would you lick her arse for 6 hours straight if it would save Europe?

Take the sanctions once they get a foot in the door you are fucked. one refugee is one too many

you are sick


Tv show idea:
Show title: put your money where your mouth is
Celebrity guest: katy Perry
Question time: how to respond to terror
Answer: no borders, "love on each other"
Spin the wheel: katy gets... locked in a room with 15 Muslims who proceed to gang rape and kill her in front of the cameras as the audience laughs and snaps fingers.
Prizes: muslim rapists get extra gibs and key to the city for their efforts towards creating a multi kulti society
Next week katies parents are required to submit to sodomy by migrants because katies cries for help were perceived as islamophobic.

Poland cannot into brown immigrants

what happened to these poor fellas?

>Entire Visegrad group
GDP (PPP) estimate
• Total
$1.767 trillion

>Single Germany
GDP (PPP) 2015 estimate
• Total
$3.842 trillion

Tbhq,the Krauts are quite merciful with these parasites.If i was them i would sanction instantly.

Things like that are hardcore white pills.

As soon as welfare dries up and liberalism dies more and more, half of these rootless "refugees'' will just pack up and leave for greener grass.

Keep that shit up.

Try "The last white man" on youtube

This is extortion.

The EU isn't going to crap about it. Germany and France would look like EU bullies and split the EU apart.

Can Poland afford a wall like Hungary to keep shitskins out?

t. Analityk ekonomiczny z Wykop pl

Germany is an economic powerhouse, they'd have no problem finding a replacement.

You guys are a strong economy, right?

I hope you guys push through. With Brexit and now Merkel distancing herself from the US; If the EU also boots Poland and Hungary the EU is just getting smaller and smaller, potentially causing new alliances and motivating others to also resist or eveb leave the EU.

>EU threats
this image should say "Poland watch out"

how come Poland, being a nation of emigrants, cannot accept immigrants?

t. gnida lewak, nieustanny ból dupska

EU dies without Poland, especially after Brexit.

Why should we?

They ain't immigrants though, they're invaders.

You have absolutely nothing to offer lmao
Just accept these shitskins, theyre parasites just like you live off the EU gibs

at which border exactly? lol

We don't need a wall since we are not in the way of the shortest route from Greece to Germany

Czech MOFA said they prefer taking financial penalty. They want 0 refuges in.

No idea about slovakia.

>Islamic occupying force
pick one

Suck my jewish dick without foreskin, nigger xD


Don´t listen to em, Poland. Stay strong

we would actually need walls to keep them in
none of those shitskins want to stay here, they are all about german or swedish gibs
EU wants Poland to hold rapefugees in camps, like it's 1940 again

We are accepting Ukrainians you faggot

Yes in fact I do. Now that Britain left and they don't have the support of America the EU is a joke. It's Germany and France with a bunch of dead weight dragging them down like Greece and Spain. What the fuck are they going to do?

Suck my Slavo-Jewish cock

And what's wrong with absorbing EU gibs? Why are you a Morrocan colony? No white nation is under any obligation to take immigrants. Also, if the EU has money to offer, they might as well take it, and then tell the EU to fuck off (because they're faggots, like you)

The EU is the enemy and they want nothing less than the destruction of Europeans.

EU is going to push them back into Russia. Russia will team up with UK again to fight central Europe. And again, thank (((them))) for it, white nations fighting white nations.

this Wegier bro

Explain yourself Germoney

>Emergency services thought German man was JOKING when he called to say his girlfriend, 23, was being raped at knifepoint by Ghanaian asylum seeker during camping trip

i hope this unironically ends the EU. once East EU stops receiving gibsmedat, they will pull out

Even paying sanctions is kind of beta. Countries need to start withdrawing from the postwar treaties. These are the legal basis by which our nations are being invaded and extorted.

You wot? Why americans think it's either EU or Russia, we have V4 to fall back to.

I never said the EU is good or anything like that retarded nigger.
The hypocrisy of the Poles is annoying since they dont have ANYTHING to complain about. We are the ones who have the right to complain, the countries that are actually paying.

Hungary, I do not think you can do it, but do your best nonetheless.


Then vote and kick us out of your gay club, you fucking nigger faggot. No one asked me if I want to join.

Why do I have this feeling that when shit really hits the fan and both us and Magyars decide to bail out of the EU czechs will fuck us over and stay in?

Germanics dont exist. Every european is at least half or more celtic r1b, germans got anal raped because they couldnt into iron age.

What? They've already given them the finger.

No backzies

Kek I can see the headline now
>Polish Gov't runs out of room for refugees; Uses Aushwitz as a tent city

Sanctions in Europe is kind of an empty threat anyway because it will affect them just as hard. It's ok to sanction an isolated country like Iran and NK without any repercussions but that is different.

> take in these refugees, slavs
> we don't want to, it's your problem
Quite a nice little "alliance" you have there, mates.

fuck Russia m8, they deserve to be taken over by semi-civilized Slavs like Poles and Czechs. Just raze the entirety of the commie bloc abominations into the ground, genocide all mongoloid drunks, take their women and their oil and rule supreme from Finland to Japan. Russia is the most underutilized country on earth due to their retarded population (Putin is semi-decent but he's just 1 guy and apparently Finnish)

You don't urge other white countries to take immigrants then. That's exactly what the EU wants you to do. They're courageous and are just looking for their own interests. You start trying to do something yourself, in your own nation.

Low income poles get equivalent to $125 per month per child, and other families get $125 per month after either their first or second child, I don't remember, poles feel free to correct me