Never forget the end goal of the NWO

NWO depends on several mechanisms designed to break individualism and remold people to accept and transition to new reality. Those mechanisms are embedded into society and are the backbone of the NWO power continuum. The consolidation of businesses, mainly the media, which is the propaganda arm is the most visible control method. Posters on Sup Forums are always bringing up the next sweden yes or canada yes etc. Why they are doing is is simple, the consolidation of global power and control into the hands of a few elites ensures their future plans and projects are implemented with haste and propagated world wide without objection. The dismantling of nations is upon us, the erasure of history, race, religion and ethnicity is their goal. A time will come where everything that is said and done, all transactions big or small will be monitored and scrutinized. Their vision of the future is the sanitization of human thoughts and opinions. This future is portrayed perfectly in works such as 1984 and THX1138. The muslim arabic countries have been destroyed already, their culture values family first and community and religion, so they had to be removed. The Africans have been manipulated with puppet dictators and their nations corrupted and robbed. The white middle class in america and europe has been robbed and tossed to the curb with endless outsourcing and economic terrorism by wallstreet. So whats left is to continue destroying the framework of the West and create and easily controlled docile hyper consumer. They will tweak the economy and laws to reach this goal but they will eventually succeed because it is their world and we are merely allowed to exist in it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Too complex things to me. I am just a normal guy.

>normal goy

You are talking about the "Circular Economy" and "Global Reset" :D

This is truth. Also nu-pol at its finest. Newfags trying to fit in muh natsoc threads and a fat red pill sits here undisturbed. Bump

>They will tweak the economy and laws to reach this goal but they will eventually succeed because it is their world and we are merely allowed to exist in it.

Like Mark Zugemberk's proposed universal income? Another angle into communism, this thing...

I think nobody is actively fighting globalization anymore. Maybe not even Trump wants to stop it.

While for zionists, globalization is the way to destroy humanity and please devil they worship, for competing groups, like of which Trump may very well be part of, see it as a way to unite humanity, stop wars and lead us to space faring.

Still, whether its gonna be zionists or their competitors, I feel like we are likely gonna get more then one freedoms stripped for us for the sake of collectivism.
I know for the fact that Russians agree with collectivism. Many of them still wish return of communism. They would be amongst the first to lay off their freedoms like as if they are worthless. Worthless for people without potentional maybe...



tfw we got former stormer in parliament who's had significant surge in popularity last parliament elections.
I think he is symphatetic to natsoc but so far only suggested laws that to me seem kinda natsoc. I am not political expert.

In year 2020 we got next elections and enstablishment party "socialistic democracy" is so corrupt, afraid and incompetent that they pushed through proposal to highest court to dismantle his political party.

>tfw this happened in the past and he just bought different political party and renamed it for his cause
>tfw this only further shows reasons to be discontent with enstablishment
>tfw unless some weird table turning happens, stormer now has quaranteed seats in coalition parliament in 2020 because of this misstep


tfw I have no face

>it is their world and we are merely allowed to exist in it

Nature runs this place. One day, everything they value will be dust. All their materialist trash, the childish skyscrapers, the books full of lies. They are nothing. Mother Nature will take it all.

unless we enstablish space colonization

>implying OP isn't describing Praktischer Idealismus
Go back to /x/.

>Go back to /x/.

Next you are going to say that pizzagate is speculation and attempting to solve Seth Rich murder is meaningless.

5/6 sources on the Wikipedia entry are to support the opinion of it being anti-semitic. Only one source related to the actual book.

Why would I said that? The fag is trying to dismiss anyone who names the Jew, while Jews are largely responsible for what OP is talking about.

sometimes simple saying can help redpill many times over

Like: Victor's write the history...

I like "Vae victis".


I see nobody trying to dismiss that jews are largely responsible...

Pretty much what is implying by invoking the term "stormfags" regarding NatSoc Sup Forums who pretty much exclusive name the Jew here and don't really post any actual NatSoc ideology.

Stop watching porn

Individualism is exactly what they want, because individuals don't have the power to go against them.
Look at western nations, espacially Sweden. Almost every ethinc Swede is an individualist with no connection to their own group.
Collectivism is beneficial to them only when everyone is an individualist, as that makes everyone a collective by default.
They are promoting individual consumerism world wide, and as long there are nationstates existing they will continue to do so.
That is why nationalism is being cracked down upon so harshly, they don't want people to form collectives that are not under their direct control.


bump goddamnit. Is this even Sup Forums anymore?

>Almost every ethinc Swede is an individualist with no connection to their own group.
no, just stop

Care to elaborate? Back when I was in Stockholm I didn't meet even one person who cared even in the slightest about their nation and people. And I even met two "anti-racists".
The "equality" disease has taken hold of your people, and they still seem to be like this, even when they are being grenaded and ran over by their "equals".

depressed bump

We cannot win, and we never have.

If you're here you're not normal. Not if you stay long enough anyway.

>designed to break individualism
Quite the opposite. they want everyone become so sheltered and egoistical that they only think of themselfs.

i genuinely dont even care at this point
let them do whatever the fuck they want
i've made enough money that my children and grandchildren wouldnt have to work a day in their life
fuck everyone
live and let live, it's pointless to intervene

Take a look at the politicians you get to choose from, one way or another they tow the line for the NWO. It is an illusion of choice, everyone is already bought and paid for. They will not allow their grand experiment to fail. The refugee crisis was engineered and they have already planned for what is to come decades ahead. Think about it the only goverments resisting the narrative are russia, china and japan. This is a carefully orchestrated world war for minds through mainstream propaganda. Inch by inch they take away freedoms, you cannot oppose the plan. If you voice any dissent you are thrown into jail, you are forced to be a normie while the world around you changes inch by inch and you relinquish your freedoms. They have been subverting discussion on the site through shareblue and who knows what else programs. It is in their interest to control speech. Just look at all the slide threads and b.s content thats been taking over they needed to create seperate boards to contain the spam from all the this race is better than that race, racemixing is this and that, happening threads spammers, porn spammers, etc...

Your thinking way too small mate, it's more like:

1) [Destruction of Family, Race, Sex, Sanity, Culture/History, Reproduction,etc]

2) [Ending of Religion & Physical Currency]

3) [Trans-Humanism]

4) [Global Government & Elimination of Humanity]

5) ["Battle/War of the Gods"]

6) ["Ascension to the Stars"]

Are we the bad guys by wanting culture, race,.. to be seperated ? and then ensuring an unstable world with inevitable conflicts ?

Wouldn't an homogeneous world would be more prosperous and better for humanity even if it's tasteless ?

The reason programming is so important to the NWO is that once they reach AI and full automation they can then start reducing the population rapidly, as they wont need all these people to run the entities and industries that will provide the ruling 500mil people a quality and modern life. AI will continue to advance civilization, and the automated factories will continue to produce improved ipads and gadgets for them.

They've already started to dilute and damage the populations that pose the greatest threat to the population reduction, while inducing massive uncontrolled breeding of the people who will be the easiest to dispose of.

I give it 50-75 years before it all downward spirals.


What's with the nip signage and Putin head?

This. Nationalism is a form of collectivism.

>Individualism is exactly what they want, because individuals don't have the power to go against them.
This. Whatever your biases for or against individualism are, tradition and heritage are NOT individualistic concepts.

Soon brother, soon...