Guy at American publicly funded community college gets kicked out of room for being white

What the fuck are they putting in the water over there? The poor guy was just voicing his opinion on training for staff, totally sympathetic, and some ugly old brown bitch yells at him and tells him he's taking up a lot of 'space'. Why is this shit allowed over there? Should I remind you that your tax dollars are going towards this sort of stuff America? Is this what they have to offer to your lower class minorities? Some left wing mob mentality race cult under the guise of 'people of color'? Have fun.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good. Let's push this mentality to all colleges. Make them eat their own monkey enabling. White men will create a new system of education and let the old corrupt one eat itself.

Maybe we return to apprenticeship and personal growth instead of listening to jews lecture us on how bad our history is.

"If he was any closer... I felt like he threatened her!"

These are not adults.

They're women.

So this is the power of leftist intellectuals...

It's quite something.

What was he even saying while pointing his finger?


reap it libs
reap it

Good. If this is what it takes for whites to wake up to what they're doing to their own countries, we should hope this is only the beginning.


What is even better is these retards are also turning their back on established curriculum. Plato, Shakespeare etc etc. Not only will White males have their own college but they will also have a superior pool of material to learn from.

>white guy speaks reasonably and calmly
>brave POC womyn starts yelling like a maniac and raising her voice
>he points his finger
>the enitre mob of students and faculty starts shrieking at him to get out, threatening him
>as soon as he leaves, i shit you not, they talk about how intimidated they felt and how he was about to kill them all

My God. Evergreen is like some sort of dystopian novel.

>he left

After hearing that chink rant like that I wouldn't have left that room unless it was on fire.

is this college for retards? I am under the impression community colleges are shit tier right?

Kek has spoken.

>community colleges are shit tier
This basically.

It's an irrelevant school that nobody knew existed until all this shit started happening. Most likely a glorified community college parading around as a "University." So yeah full of retards

Just look at their undergraduate courses.

>Western art: from cave paintings to urinals

looks like they threaten this same guy...its a long vid, but the Q+A is simply amazing...they call their dean by his first name...they yell at him for his body language...i never went to college so this is amazing

Why is he not speaking to a lawyer?

In America, public universities are garbage.

HAHAHA, this is the most pathetic "learning" institute. The USA should close this facility, order all students who are taking part in this shit to pay their up fees and cancel their grades etc.


These dumb niggers don't understand that white people basically invented art. And no Shaneequa's used tampons do not count as art.

Holy shit check this one out. Looks like the same room/group.
>students demand less homework cuz they oppressed minorities n shiiiet
>demand free gumbo and kick out professor


Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.This is just the beginning you stinky wet dog smelling cracker fucks.

Exactly, throw fuel on the fire - Sup Forums should start a fake racial safe space campaign, push campuses into actually excluding whites from campus buildings and services.

See how long all these leftist, mutliculturalist attitudes last when white students can't use any of the shit they're paying for.

Hell yeah man I'm so on it. I'll make fake social media accounts with stupid nigger names pretending to be students can for white students to be kicked out and other stupid shit.


White people need to drop out of society. Wouldn't be long until these fucks didn't have running water and electricity. Let them live in their non-white utopia.


People don't really understand the point of community colleges. They serve 4 functions:

1. To get a bachelor degree/associates degree to people that already have a job, that want a better job in that company.

2. To help bring up your GPA if you fucked up and dropped out of a real college, so you can get back into a real college.

3. To give classes over summer, such as physics, English, 'x' studies, etc that you can take for credit, so you do not have to take the harder version at a university. Usually done on classes that are not related to your major (ex: taking political science course when you are a biology major.)

4. If you are a soldier, you can take classes from them because they take less work, and can use the degree to become an officer.

If you use one as a college age kid to get a 4 year education, you are clinically retarded and your degree won't be taken seriously

I was expelled from a community college for pointing out that Muslims are not actually feminists, as my batshit crazy Anthropology teacher was ranting about how they are.

I made joke along the lines of pic related.

All the white girls in the class wrote to the college about how I 'made them uncomfortable' and was 'harassing the teacher'.

I couldn't take the blatantly anti-white rhetoric anymore. According to the communist race-mixing muslim loving teacher, the Khoisan (whom she always called 'bushmen', lel) are superior in every way to Western civilization.

We are going to have to start taking these people out

5. Get 2 years of college far cheaper than going directly to a 4 year college.

In the south we don't have any of this nigger bull shit at any of our colleges.


I went to community, I probably saved 25-30k by doing so before I transferred. Disclaimer though: If your goal is ivy league, don't take this path. Otherwise it is wayyyy better than the alternative.

You are garbage

That was such a passionate speech by that poc faculty member, white """people""" eternally btfo

>We are going to have to start taking these people out

This guy gets it.


This is a very good idea!

OMG WTF IS THIS. he is acting like the biggest cuck possible. he could not be more cuck. why would he do it? he dont need to do anything for them.

Why don't you dumb white niggers go through the list of students at this college, and find out who's illegal and who isn't.

I guarantee you'll find at least 50 students whom are illegal aliens. Report them to ICE. Justice served AND it'll make tensions grow and a happening will happen quicker.

Lazy fucks

I am in Californa, and we don't even get this kind of shit. Not even at Berkeley. I think 30% of the student body is asian though, a ton of European students as well (Disclaimer the Irish are the only ones that are garbage of them, dirty and degenerate). maybe 10% black, 10% hispanic, the rest white. Although I have to say Mexicans whom decided to get their shit together are hard working as fuck. Their culture is pretty based about work ethic.

this is your time to shine. do it

I would sue the shit out of them for infringing on my first amendment rights.

>Segregation is a bad thing

I talked to some lawyers and I can't get any to pick up the case.

Apparently, civil rights are for everyone but white males.

Meanwhile at Yale (ivy league school ranked 5th best university on earth)

This isn't a real college. They don't even give out grades. It's an "adult" day care center for white social misfits, women and other retards, and darkies.

Evergreen is probably one of the most dogshit schools in the country for higher education.
I went to a school the was similarly awful, but was private at least, the fact that tax money goes to this shit makes me livid.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Or a right to an audience.

Yale is where the snowflake meme started.

Apparently the stabber was a left wing / nihilist who had been talking about pretending to be a Trump supporter to false flag Trump supporters. Anti Hillary, Anti-Trump, PRO BERNIE lefty.
Possible false flag guys.
knife man is a left winger:

can we talk about why the leader of the school is taking all the shit? does he has something to hide and does everything to prevent spotlight? nobody would let people shit on them that much, without any reason. he calls off police , he has been standing inside the buildings together with the students for days now , doing absolutely everything to make them stop.

mutherfuck, wrong thread

>Why is this shit allowed over there?

This is a rhetorical question obviously. We all know what's up.

We need to make a few database threads full of evidence rich examples of anti-White sentiment.
Name names. Name crimes. Name sources.
Then we start circulating it like wild fire.

Additionally, a lot of this stuff ironically is in strict violation of various hate crime laws around the world.
This means that we could, in theory, turn the weapons around on our enemies and get them locked up, fired, or their organisations/courses shut down.

We need to start exploring this avenue as much as possible.

Hesitation to cooperate with us should compel us to write to politicians, law firms, papers etc to make appeals against those who do not actually uphold the laws.

Even if it turns out that the corruption is so much so that we are laughed at when we provide conclusive evidence of criminal wrongdoing, it will be a success in that we will be able to provide a justifiable grounds for the use of extreme counter measures, including armed resistance.

Even circulating the information that we have tried and been turned down will have rhetorical power if they are proven to have "given us no other choice".

In the same way Sup Forums seems to have dealt with U-lock, and destroyed the life of mouldylocks, we could easily take it to the next level and start going after anti-Whites all over the world and getting them brought to justice.

We need to make this /Our Crusade/

>demand gumbo
>in fucking washington
These coons are retarded.

I never understood who would choose to go to these schools. The are generally more expensive and not as well respected.

This is why nobody ever goes to Public Universities and this is why Public Universities have shit rep all over the world

Basically it's High School but everybody is an adult so they can do whatever the fuck they want to you

Aight, if it was now I'd talk to Jew lawyer like cernovich.

Crybullies are the worst.

Ha, the guy in charge of it all is pulling a Bernie Sanders.

We need to start a list of every student featured in these videos and start an employment blacklist.

they need to starve on the streets.

The larger ones that have a focus on research are pretty good actually. Sadly even these colleges are starting to pander to SJWs. I went to a SUNY and for my first 3 years all I heard about was research research research, then all of a sudden in my last year they start introducing non-gender bathrooms and shit. It's really sad. I'm glad I got out when I did.

So is this what happens when you reach 50+%?

What is the distribution of races in Evergreen? I want to know what the tipping point is that makes it ok for blacks to be racists towards whites.

tl;dr: Tipping point when?


stickman needs to visit

americans need to be exterminated

I don't understand why can't a larger group come in there and tell them to shut the fuck up? Whites need a fucking student union there to push back on shit like this

It's apparently some liberal arts "experimental" college shit. The community college I went to had lots of minorities but everyone was too focused on trying to get a job/transfer and getting the fuck out of there to protest like these whiny babies.

>>Western art: from cave paintings to urinals
Not understanding that DADA redefined what art could be and that, yes, Hans, a urinal in the gallery could be art. 'Fountain' is as strong or stronger of a dividing line than Cubism.
Evergreen is still full of regards, though.


evergreen has a 99% acceptance rate and a more lenient non standard grading system

people go to schools like that when nowhere else will take them

These people have plenty of lebensraum where they come from. Why do they insist on fucking up this one as well?

My wife teaches at an American college. She has already simplified the course to make it accessible to those not in the field. The school asked her (in so many words) to dumb it down some more. She balked, and they said that her expectations of students at the school were perhaps too high.

At present, students aren't required to attend class. They certainly aren't required to turn in work on time. Each term, she gets several emails at the end of course explaining that a student had some social issue causing them to miss most of the work, and could they do extra credit to make up for it? This typically involves my wife going in over break or the summer to help them with their classwork as they are inept and have zero drive to expand their knowledge themselves.

Finally, a student expects to understand the material simply from having attended the class-- without reading, experimentation, or classwork. They approach my wife with non-specific questions like, "I just don't get it" or "I'm having trouble with all this" because they haven't read or worked enough to know what they want to ask.

At the end, they'll all get degrees from a reasonably well-known college in the U.S. that by now must mean absolutely zero.

what is happening in Evergreen, is this a protest or some other gay shit?

pls, we'll bring back segregation without them even realizing it

your wife needs to resign, this shit will catch up to her when the govt auditors arrive.

I found this, don't know for sure it's up to date but seems ok.

Amazing, when whites go to ~65% is the moment minorities feel like they can take over. Will take this information to my King

Holy fuck its basically American population tier lol.
This is them right?

This, they throw the professors and teachers under the bus after pressuring them to lower standards.

time to file a lawsuit

It really depends on what community college and what you're going for. Some community college feels like an extension of highschool but they're not going to pass you just to get you out of class so alot more people take it serious. There were alot of foreign people and older people so it wasnt the type of place to fuck around.

This is the racial distribution of the faculty itself

this. peterson shows that you can life on youtube as a educator. I wouldnt be surprise if more will follow and they will come together to build some sort of "internet university".

I know that feel.
I was chased out of my college's Sociology department with torches and pitchforks when I started to go against the grain and challenge the teachers.
One prof literally told me not to participate in class anymore because I was deriding his lesson plan, another told me to just drop her class because she was going to fail me no matter what.

Tenured teachers are the most vile, worthless scum on the planet.

yfw 'subscribed to peterson for four years' becomes the new masters degree.

i'd hire a guy who was subbed to peterson that long. he can't be unsorted after all that.

Yeah i got the same site, see and Of course the racial distribution being the cause of this behavior is just a theory. There's million other reasons why the blacks are being so aggressive towards whites. BLM for example or all the nice articles about whites on BuzzCancer. Or the nice lectures from leftist kikes. etc etc.

This is correct. It is nothing to brag about but i got my assosciates degree from ITT Tech a few years ago. I did not earn this degree. I didnt go to a single class my final quarter and they still let me come in and take an open book finals test. I'm no dummy and i learned alot from their but i know i didnt earn this degree and I am sure I am not the first for this to happen from there. And I can imagine if employers have hired others like me and ended up getting a retard, I'm sure they will think before hiring someone with a degree from there. Now im $60,000 in debt with a degree that prob ably is worthless.

I would have thought being openly racist to faculty and students would get you expelled.

Old news, but apparently still triggering

amazing thread ID friend. also, great point too

They need to purge classes and majors like "african american studies" and "women's studies" or anything like it.

It's cheaper.

You can get an AA degree from a community college for $20,000 cheaper than a uni, and then transfer to any uni to get your bachelors in 2 years. Your degree will still be from the uni you end up at, only at half the cost.

There's really no reason not to do that except pride. It's just getting irrelevant gen eds out of the way for cheap.

You are referring to pre-BLM America with your ablist, patriarchal version of what racism truly means. "Racism" now means, in post-BLM America, "white people." Any deviations will result in all nearby electronics stores begging looted by niggers.

>another told me to just drop her class because she was going to fail me no matter what.

That can't be legal.

Isn't there some kind of government agency we can report these evil cunts to?

The second he leaves the room you can feel the only semblance of a non echo chamber mentality leave the room.
What a disgrace, democracy is supposed to allow everyone equal opportunities at voicing opinions and having rational discussion for discourse. For liberals to want to segregate they will get a lot more "safe space" but lose more integrity and power. They're digging themselves a pretty deep hole here and it just goes to show you that Jared Taylor is right in the studied hypotheses indicating group preference by race. They're going to eat each other alive for preference over minute footholds and the white man will be left unchallenged and able to stabilize. Fine by me and other rational thinkers, we're tired of being discredited just because we don't play the PC game even when we just wish everyone well, yet alienating people who are different from you is going to yield disaster.

>your wife needs to resign, this shit will catch up to her when the govt auditors arrive.

The school is accredited, but it isn't a state school. I don't know that gov't auditors would have any business there.

The Wall Street Journal had a somewhat recent article about what value employers see in new college graduates. You can imagine what the employers thought. I'll see if I can dig it up.

>person of color
Why does she use that term like it's something of pride? That was insulting years ago and is still insulting today. Like does she know what the word 'color' means? Do they think 'white people' are #ffffff or something?

That college is in Washington state. They literally have entire towns of illegals in the eastern part of the state. The state attorney general is the one who filed the first challenge to Trump's refusal to admit aliens from hostile states where the US is currently conducting military operations or applying sanctions and cannot fully vet visa-seekers (the falsely named "Muslim Ban"), and he's very much in favor of "undocumented" illegals. He's a Jesuit SJW. ICE won't be able to touch any of the students at Evergreen.