Timothy McVeigh

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

3-3-3.org/docs/Kaczynski's comments on McVeigh.htm

I think he's dead. And rightfully so.

FBI patsy.

His pure rage plus the Unabombers intellect would be unstoppable

Yep, Patsy for the Clinton's.

The FBI deserved it for Waco and they're no better than hamas using schools and hospitals to shield themselves

Murdered innocent people.
No better than your average mud bomber

>got to the point of willing to commit terrorism
>knowing the consequences he didn't care
>murders innocent people

dude could've killed some kike bankers instead, fucking him

I think he's dead

Much like 911 the initial live events didn't match the final narrative.


>Hypocrisy when it comes to the death of children? In Oklahoma City, it was family convenience that explained the presence of a day-care center placed between street level and the law enforcement agencies which occupied the upper floors of the building. Yet, when discussion shifts to Iraq, any day-care center in a government building instantly becomes "a shield." Think about it.

>When considering morality and "mens rea" [criminal intent], in light of these facts, I ask: Who are the true barbarians? ...

>I find it ironic, to say the least, that one of the aircraft used to drop such a bomb on Iraq is dubbed "The Spirit of Oklahoma." This leads me to a final, and unspoken, moral hypocrisy regarding the use of weapons of mass destruction.

>When a U.S. plane or cruise missile is used to bring destruction to a foreign people, this nation rewards the bombers with applause and praise. What a convenient way to absolve these killers of any responsibility for the destruction they leave in their wake.

>Unfortunately, the morality of killing is not so superficial. The truth is, the use of a truck, a plane or a missile for the delivery of a weapon of mass destruction does not alter the nature of the act itself.

>These are weapons of mass destruction — and the method of delivery matters little to those on the receiving end of such weapons.

>Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City. The only difference is that this nation is not going to see any foreign casualties appear on the cover of Newsweek magazine.

Some of you might find this interesting, Ted Kaczynski writes about his impressions on Tim Mcveigh
3-3-3.org/docs/Kaczynski's comments on McVeigh.htm

On target selection:

>McVeigh later said that he had contemplated assassinating Attorney General Janet Reno, Lon Horiuchi, and others in preference to attacking a building, and after the bombing he said that he sometimes wished he had carried out a series of assassinations instead.

>He initially intended only to destroy a federal building, but he later decided that his message would be better received if many people were killed in the bombing. McVeigh's criterion for potential attack sites was that the target should house at least two of three federal law enforcement agencies: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). He regarded the presence of additional law enforcement agencies, such as the Secret Service or the U.S. Marshals Service, as a bonus.

>He stated in his authorized biography that he wanted to minimize non-governmental casualties, so he ruled out a 40-story government building in Little Rock, Arkansas, because of the presence of a florist's shop on the ground floor.

Good man.

He did the right thing.

I remember hims saying he fucked up and should of just shot Janet Reno.

Too late to change your mind, moron.

Look into what the government employees that were killed in the building were doing, then you find your answer.

Hint, they were investigating the Clinton's.

he's not dead he's black ops.

wait, seriously? I always thought the report stating "he had an open book of the turner diaries in his car" was a little too planted.

I think I've seen a dozen of these "What does Sup Forums think of McVeigh" threads. Someone trying to get that government funding dosh?

I never looked into it, but I'm sure the Clinton's ties to the Saudi's, will lead to them also being responsible for 9/11.