Wan't to know why Muslim become extreme in the west when looking at the 2nd and 3rd generation?

Because when Muslim women are not constrained by strict Islamic culture they love to go with white men.

How can Muslim men even compete?

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It drives the muzzies crazy.

>It drives the muzzies crazy.


>tfw have to cover our brown wiminz completely in black to keep them from catching the eye of the much desired white male

IKR? It wasn't even that good of a joke, but their reactions make up for it tenfold.

Mark my words. This is the reason for all of the Islamic extremism we see. How else can you explain the fact that the 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims are more extreme than their parents? It is because their parents are already married with kids and way past it, so the father doesn't have to worry about a partner.

The 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims need to find a girl, and due to the fact their women really want a white man they have to enforce strict forms of Islam to keep their women controlled. Hell even a large percent of Muslim women in the UK don't speak English, all engineered to keep them from engaging with white men.

the same is happening in the netherlands. statistics show that each generation gets increasingly more radical/criminal and higher rates of welfare. the irony is that the original immigrants from the middle-east and africa did the best, but their children and their children's children are a complete disaster.

i'm sure they'll blame it all on white people of course, if only we were more tolerant and accepting of our own demographic displacement, it would be utopia!

It is largely because without Islam, their women hound after whites.

>How can Muslim men even compete?

By rejecting redpill culture, duh.

Leftards always point out that terror attacks are usually committed by native-born muzzies, but they leave out the fact that those autists are usually descendants of migrants from sandnog countries.

Muzzie women are a bunch of sluts. They are like catholic girls.

And they get romantic about white men.

This is why we don't have a Muslim problem in Canada, no matter how hard Sup Forums tries to meme otherwise.

Islam just can't pass to another generation here. In addition to the girls wanting to marry white guys, the decadence of Canadian culture hits the boys as well. No matter how hard Mohammad tries, his daughter Aisha will marry a white guy and become Canadian, while his son Mohammad will end up going by Moe and have zero interest in anything beyond drinking beer and watching hockey.


>This is why we don't have a Muslim problem in Canada, no matter how hard Sup Forums tries to meme otherwise.
>Islam just can't pass to another generation here. In addition to the girls wanting to marry white guys, the decadence of Canadian culture hits the boys as well. No matter how hard Mohammad tries, his daughter Aisha will marry a white guy and become Canadian, while his son Mohammad will end up going by Moe and have zero interest in anything beyond drinking beer and watching hockey.

You know what, you Canadians are alright.

Yeah, if your not interested in freedom of speech. Go call someone a nigger there and see what happens. I'm not racist, it's the point.

You can't tell a male to leave a women's restroom, that's discrimination there too.

Canada, enjoy your new wave of immagrent, welfare leeching population.

Well if what he was saying is true, and white Canadian guys are sexing all their women whilst still retaining their own women, that's not too bad a thing.

Can confirm, tatar/caucasian girls go for the Ivans cock the moment they flee their oppressive families.

wew lads. once we destroy the islam. we will own all of the womenz

Are you kidding? Muslim women are stricter than the men

You misunderstand them, they are 'strict' because their man have made them that way. Left to their own devices they want that white male Romeo.

>Wan't to know why Muslim become extreme in the west
they get radicalized by salafist / wahabi etc.. hate preacher.
in germany there is a state / soros (not even joking) funded initative called juma, also there is a turkish honeypot group called Ditib. all they do is to invite radical imams and brainwash the masses

Soros and the European governments be doing some shady shit.