Have you swallowed the biggest redpill and final redpill yet?

The truth is that there's no hidden societies, no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction. There's only individual people doing things how they want to do. There's no "the jews are behind this" no white genocides. Just life.

This is the hardest to swallow because it makes everything seem so mundane.

Other urls found in this thread:

very interesting theory

Good morning, brother.

>if you research hard enough everything is connected
lmao at your pic Sven

that's called nihilism you faggot, leave.


that's all in one group.

>If you research you find out answers
>I dun reserch i just consume and listen to media

really made me think

>autistic NEETs can organise on an Indochinese armpit fetish forum to locate a flag
>the world's richest and most powerful people can't organise to influence events as they see fit

sounds more like a bluepill.

you don't really believe that. It's not some one identity that drives something. It's big fucking cluster of people with different opinions and actions.

to be fair, that was 8ch and not 4ch.
and the main clue was thanks to the land owners tweet.

those people usually have different agendas and goals and are often competitors.

>individual people doing things how they want to do

Why would these individuals work on their own, if world domination is "doing thigs how they want to do"?

Obviously, they'll get their buddies and coreligionists in on this.

why do you keep shitting up the board you chink faggot.

The "red pill" is very simple. Don't lose your time in anything controlled by jews.
- Porn
- Mainstream music, art, movies, books, etc.
Full your mind of alternative way of thinking, there was a compilation of books recommended by you, Sup Forums, just search it.
That would be a good begining.

>you don't really believe that.

That they're all in the Bilderberg group?
that's not controversial


Nope. Occultists run everything. Maybe 10% of people game the rest. They are of all races and classes. We live on the stage. Everything about our reality is based on lies. They operate backstage, and network in secret. They hold all the key positions in society. Exactly like They Live!

That's like saying Mark Zuckerberg has no control over Facebook, it's just a cluster of people with different opinions and actions.

no this is the reddit pill.

>dude hurr you actually expect powerful people to work together towards a similar goal fucking crazy

ha. ha.
you fucking wish you nordic cuck.


Wtf are green people? Ayy lmaos?

Thanks for that

Secret societies of leadership will always develop naturally in the modern world. Its a process of evolution created by the kharma of ambition.

>woman at the top

yeah it's like that but fuck ton of people at the top and eventually the people on the lowest decide what kind of work environment that company has.

So yes, the majority of people decide in what kind of world we live in.

Exactly that, you only abhor the idea because you can't face the fact that life is uncontrollable.

You're welcome, user.

You're wasting your time OP. Muh patriarchy and muh Jews makes people feel like they understand the world, why bad things happen and who to blame for it and what you can do about it.

It's a bitter pill to swallow that the mass of human behavior is guided by individuals doing their thing, millions of years of evolution and the sum total of human inadequacy. No amount of meming or arguing will change that until physical circumstances become intolerable.

Lmao so not believing in your secret clubs means the life has no purpose or objective?

It's up to you to find that. My objective and purpose is enjoy life with my family and friends.

>The truth is that there's no hidden societies, no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction. There's only individual people doing things how they want to do.

Not mutually exclusive retard. People have agency but are subject to external influences; those who have power are more influent.

>it can only be one thing or the other

Correct and wrong at the same time. The truth is the powerful aren't some secret club, it's more like a group of gamblers all betting on fixed games. People greatly over exaggerate the actual thought put in to anything they do, it's all impulse behavior rather than complex planning. And they're all connected because they're all buddies. No illuminati, all yacht club.

Yet you disregard the fallacy that those who influence aren't influenced themselves.


The Final Re(tar)d Pill

>The truth is that there's no hidden societies, no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction.
ahahah, you are joking, right?

>no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction

>The truth is that there's no hidden societies, no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction. There's only individual people doing things how they want to do. There's no "the jews are behind this" no white genocides. Just life.

>This is the hardest to swallow because it makes everything seem so mundane.

Signature [pic related]

Boys, I'd hate to tell you, but this conversation is not nearly as insightful as you think.

[...]This means that
network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth.[...]

How did I disregard it? Every human being (Jewish billionaire or homeless) is influenced by external factors (biological or environmental).

The antisemitic theory doesn't pretend that Jews themselves enjoy "pure free will" either; I don't know any serious author who says that.

I'm not one for random conspiracy theories but the Bilderberg Group is objectively a secret meeting between hugely influential figures. It does make me wonder.
>There's only individual people doing things how they want to do.
What they "want to do" might well include collusion with each other at meetings such as Bilderberg. I don't think that's even a particularly audacious claim.

I'm not antisemitic either. Ethnic Jews come from wealthy backgrounds and they look out for each other. Someone both Jewish is likely to have great schooling and have many contacts available when they graduate. This breeds success, which results in jealousy from others.

Occasionally I notice things about Jews (their ferocious protection of the exact published events of the Holocaust and prosecution of people questioning it) which make me raise eyebrows, and I read things (their promotion of multiculturalism for Europe while condemning it for Israel) which seem very hypocritical. But these things don't seem to imply a secret world cabal.


> In detail, nearly 4=10 of the control over the
economic value of TNCs in the world is held, via a complicated
web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 TNCs in the core,
which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the
core can thus be thought of as an economic ‘‘super-entity’’ in the
global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this
point is that 3=4 of the core are financial intermediaries. Figure 2
D shows a small subset of well-known financial players and their
links, providing an idea of the level of entanglement of the entire

i dont know how much more proof you idiots need

>oligopolies do it all the time at a smaller level
>But for some reason billionaires don't do it

The final red-pill is knowing that finland is neither European nor asian
But rather a mongrel

Why is every retarded faggot implying I meant stuff that I never meant?

All I said is self-explanatory, yet we live in degenerate times where even basic things are not understood anymore.

>the majority of people decide in what kind of world we live in.
Martyrs move mountains. The majority follows those that lead.

Wouldn't the lack of free will invalidate the agency of any individual and group then ?

As such they are in fact mutually exclusive, as those who have power only exert as mandated by the collective unconscious of their respective culture. Making the world a Darwinist cesspool of ideas competing for supremacy without anyone or any group able to deterministicaly act upon it

It's just a blue pill, nice try shlomo

Haha yeah user you're right, I never thought of it that way!

By the way, aren't you a little sleepy? I think we should all just take a nap, I'm getting kind of tired. Let's just forget about this all and fall into a deep sleep.

Dream on, humanity isn't full of detached Stirners.
An-Indiv global revolution will never happen since everyone (globally speaking) bands together under some fucking spoo- erm, rightful cause they believe in.

>yo bro you think like everyone else is a sheep but me bro
nice high school logic there

>those who have power only exert as mandated by the collective unconscious of their respective culture.
I struggle to understand how this would explain those which choose to abuse power

You can't have many friends, making small exclusive clubs is literally what we do our whole lives.

I know you are wrong simply because I know I would seek out those kinds of things for my own benefit, those kinds of schemes would easily be the individual thing for me, if I had the money and/or power to do so

because it would benefit me

why do you think this natural part of humans would die or go away just because a human got rich or powerful?

this is the final redpill.

but you have to understand that individual's decisions are based on culture & frame of mind- which is why jews ruin whites

Explain the role of leadership in your theory?
Coercive power dynamics exist breh

>There's no "the jews are behind this" no white genocides
kikes love that "There is no X" hand-waving trick. It's like their number one go to move out of the kosher playbook

>step 1: find wealthy people
>step 2: insinuate Jewish ancestry/connections
>step 3: draw a bunch of lines

Kill yourself.

>The truth is that there's no hidden societies, no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction.


>no secret clubs of wealthy people who decide the world's direction
What is 'cooperation'

>There is no X hand-waving trick
Why cant we find a hand waving trick that actually works on the joos?

Have you ever met a Jew?

Their penchant for penny-pinching is absolutely impossible to miss.

Chances are, you already hate the Jews. You just don't know it yet.

that would mean a lot of people want same things but we know in real life that it doesn't work like that.

how does that affect anything in my post? Rather it just enforces it. Individual people doing retarded decision. Muh sekret club wouldn't let something sloppy like that to happen.

>Wouldn't the lack of free will invalidate the agency of any individual and group then ?

Okay, let's be precise here.

FREE WILL = The ability to decide and act independently of external factors >>> doesn't exist; every individual and collective decisions are influenced by exogenous factors

AGENCY = The ability to decide and act according to one's own idiosyncrasy, depending on one's own complex mix external factors, (most often) without being the direct puppet of another entity >>> definitely exists

Your grandma and the members of the Bilderberg Group have agency, but they do not have free will; they can make decision "of their own" (following an internal thought process taking place in their brain, and which cannot be reliably manipulated MK ultra style) but their decision making process is influenced by their biology, upbringing and experiences

>As such they are in fact mutually exclusive, as those who have power only exert as mandated by the collective unconscious of their respective culture. Making the world a Darwinist cesspool of ideas competing for supremacy without anyone or any group able to deterministicaly act upon it

I don't buy the concept of "collective unconscious" but from a darwinian perspective, surely a struggle for survival takes place between different types of men with their own idiosyncrasies - although these people all have agency.

You disregard that hierarchy is needed in order to enforce said power, as such the whole hierarchy is to blame for what you see as abuse, subjective as that is, for them it might not seem as abuse, their concepts of morality being alien to you.

no, the leaders fire those who don't fit in with the company culture they wish to nurture, that is the norm.

>Why cant we find a hand waving trick that actually works on the joos?

Because they only speak money.

No secrets no deception only rainbows and talking ice-cream !! Don't waste your time on pedocanibal go back to Jerry Springer tv show now now

The honest biggest redpill is that its not 'just jews'. Also there are more than one type of Jew.

Thank you


>penchant for penny-pinching

pls explain why this is a bad thing,

a mundane plot in one man's mind is still a plot / thread

The truth of the matter is that conspiracy is human nature. The things most people fail to understand are the fact that there is no Single Vast Conspiracy; the fact that groups THEY like have conspiracies too; and the fact that most conspiracy theories are bullshit.

There were Communist conspiracies to take over the West.
There were liberal conspiracies to overthrow Communism.
There were capitalist conspiracies to overthrow Communism.
There were Nazi conspiracies to overthrow liberalism.
There are conspiracies to keep telemarketing calls waking you up at every opportunity; there are conspiracies to preserve polio and chickenpox; there are conspiracies to convince you that HIV doesn't cause AIDS; there are conspiracies to convince the government that net neutrality is unpopular.
There have been conspiracies to create fake conspiracies - the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pizzagate, and the variants on 'Hillary killed Seth Rich!' all basically rely on the word of people who have or had strong reason to want others to believe the conspiracy theories were real. There have also been conspiracies to accuse OTHERS of creating fake conspiracies - Alex Jones's 'crisis actor' nonsense, for instance.

What I mean is, if you disregard free will as illusion, then agency looses it's impact as the inevitable result of the application of
said idiosyncrasies, themselves mandated by the darwinian evolution.

On whether history is done by elites or by the masses, my intuition is the following:

1) Elites "pull the trigger", make history in the sense that they shape and control the power structure and hence contribute decisively to history changing events

2) But long-term evolutions are what matters; the average human type in a given society is what will give rise to new elites and the receptivity of the masses to elites' actions also limit their leverage over them. Hence the importance of biopolitics, eugenics/dysgenics, hormonal disruptors etc.

This is a bad thing as the behaviors associated with jewry undermine our society.

Those who work exclusively together at the top are going to win and that circle is self-feeding system. So actually it's more likely that there IS some secret group than that there isn't.

Yes, ages ago.

But there are some groups who get together to do stuff for their gain. It would be stupid if that WASN'T the case.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that the companies spreading variants on 'j00z run the world' aren't media companies? Sure, they print books, run blogs, roll in adbux, show off their ability to lie without blinking on Youtube, start Patreons to subsidize their 'reporting', plaster their stickers and ads everywhere, own their own networks, but as long as they remind you that they're not 'the media' when the studio camera cuts back to 'em everything's good, right?

Yes, true.

What OP fails to recognize, is that any group that should determine process', recipes, strategies etc to be proprietary, should be considered a secret group or society.
Theres a reason why each nation works to build a solid intelligence agency to infiltrate the secret societies of its rivals.

>Individuals work on their own
Why wouldn't they connect with each other if they have the same goals. You are literally trying to disprove hundered of thousands years of history were people worked together in secret clubs and societies.
I'm not sure that you are mentally capable to do this, lad.

so it is agreed, OP is a massive faggot.

Its functionally identical to collusion because there are large social factors that affect all of them. I.e. We need to get Europe above replacement rate so our companies can still run.
And companies operate around sustaining this model. E.g. hire enough college grads to maintain faith in degrees, maintain a news slant that will assist advertisers, etc.
Conspiracy tier activity like cannibal/pedo/ritual sacrifice is basically just an expensive as fuck mind expansion program for the elites.

Nah the vast overrepresentation of jews at the upper echelons of society, politics, media and finance indicate something untoward is occurring

Did you even read the link I posted?

>Journalist investigating secret cabal that rigs world politics
>Goes to Martinsburg to meet a source which never shows
>Found dead the next morning with 10-12 slash marks on each of his wrists
>Death ruled a "suicide"
>Was extremely squeamish of blood, had a fear of blood tests, slashed wrists very unlikely method of suicide if he ever were to do it
>Had received threatening phone calls before his trip, stated to his brother if something happened to him while in Martinsburg, it wouldn't be an accident
>Even his neighbor received strange calls after she helped him pack for the trip

What agency means, though, is that it's not like "Jews decide what people think" and everyone is a puppet.

A realistic version is more like "Jews, White liberals, and other groups supporting globalism because of their genes and upbringing, try to influence the White middle class so that they support globalism too; the White middle class people are more or less receptive depending on the same biological and environmental factors that influence the globalist elites"


this is a blue-pilled normies understanding of the world

Op is in denial of the architects of our misery.


they actually all have vested shared interests that they work together on

nice try jew

There are no secret societies, it was a stray bullet from a nearby hunter.


Great post Friend

>people never collaborate
>conspiracy never happens
>bankers never manipulate anything
>governments never treat people poorly deliberately
>any time anything like this has ever happened it was "history," those things don't happen now
>now go to sleep

Thats the stupidest thing I've read in a long time finfag.