Mussolini > shitler

Mussolini > shitler
Prove me wrong.

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You're not entirely wrong from a philosophical angle, but Germany was better than Italy

Mussolini might have been OKAY, but fascist Italy was UTTER SHIT compared to Germany. And Mussolini was nothing compared to Hitler.

Fucking kys


Of course a medshit would be civic nationalist.

He was a good leader but a shit strategiest and didn't point out the kike problem.

Race wasn't a problem back then, Europe was 100% European. He probably said this regarding Ethiopia to keep the niggers calmed.

shut up nigger, Adolf and Benito were true bros

He was hardly aware of the kike problem. Prove to me that he was.

Hitler copied Mussolini, but Hitler also saved him when he was captured.
Mussolini wasn't there to save Hitler.

>and DIDN'T point out the kike problem
Do you speak English amigo? Do you even read?

Your reading comprehension sucks. You said, he didn't point out the kike problem, to which I replied that he was hardly aware of it. "Didn't point out" and "wasn't aware of" are two different things.

I'm pretty sure Mussolini would have named the Jews if he was truly redpilled on them. Which he wasn't.

He was probably aware of it but since many members of the Fascist party were kikes he didn't point the problem out because it wasn't as important as in Germany where they owned everything.

Only idiots deal in absolutes

Why would he let his party be infiltrated by Jews if he was wise on the JQ?

How about I laugh at you instead?

probably because he got redpilled after the jews had already infiltrated. it wouldn't surprise me if they were the reason italian partisans decided to switched sides

>quotes out of context

This is the foundation of pol history and it kills me a little every time

He may have first founded the party and then noticed it. But you are probably right.

He said that because back then European nations were actually fully European and not filled with all kinds of third world scum. I am sure if he saw Europe today he would have a very different opinion.

And how is it out of context? How are you going to twist this really straight forward quote?

Fascist Italy passed laws banning Jews and Italians from marrying after 1938.

Race in this context meant Italians, Germans, Slavs, etc, not caucasoids or mongoloids etc. This was accepted science at the time and few people denied the existence of biological race. Mussolini meant cultural or national race. A good example of this is the idea of Italianizing the Germans in Tyrol. Hence "feeling".

But keep arguing about shit you don't know due to one or two quotes out of context by all means.

It's not a really straight quote because Mussolini didn't just pop up like a gopher and announce it in English.


Another good example is that Hitler suggested Italians had mixed with blacks and Mussolini got so mad that he stormed out of a meeting. This was in 34 or 35 I believe. Why would he get so mad if race was just a feeling?

Kek, your second Republic was doing alright even though it was short lived.

You know what you are talking about

>This was accepted science at the time and few people denied the existence of biological race. Mussolini meant cultural or national race. A good example of this is the idea of Italianizing the Germans in Tyrol. Hence "feeling".
>Nothing will ever make me believe that BIOLOGICALLY pure races can be shown to exist today... National pride has no need of the delirium of race.
He was clearly speaking of biological races, not cultural/national. You're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.

at the time there weren't all those non-european refugees in europe, mussolini was not talking about the whole world, but only about all of the different types of european "races" (scandinavian, slavic, iberian, italian, etc.)

Do you honestly believe there are only like three human races in the world?



generally speaking, yes.
whites, blacks, and asians. anything else in between is a mix.

>Anglo agent
Next time without Italy

But Swedes and Italians, for example, are very different. Not just by appearance. I think it's silly to say we're of the same race. Not saying one is better than the other, but we are definitely different.

I'm sure he would feel very different today. Especially after seeing this.

Just listen to that scream.

>I'm sure he would feel very different today. Especially after seeing this.
But that's the big difference between Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler had a much better understanding of both race and the Jewish Question.

both are good

stop dividing and conquering

If Italy stopped after conquering Ethiopia and helped in defeating Hitler he probably would be seen as Italy's greatest ruler desu.

it's true, we're phisically different, mainly because the native indo-european people fragmented throughout thousands of years, and due to different factors, that made the majority of native swedes blonde and blue eyed, while the majority of italians have brown hair and brown/green eyes. we might not be the same "tribe", but that doesn't mean we're not both "white" generally speaking. hair and eye colour are not the only feature to have in mind, there are others (such as the bump at the back of your skull, and the general skull structure).


They're still distinct ethnicities even if of the same race;it is useful to have categories and subcategories when talking about a population of seven billion.

That said, as someone who is ethnically southern Italian I think grouping "whites" is mostly a reflection of culture. Genetically I would bet I am closer to a Libyan than a Swede.

> be hung upside down on the square
> be burned in hole secretly

IDK, user...
Mussolini for sure had more entertainment value.
On the other hand - Hitler gets points for poisoning his closet gay alibi