/Polder/ General dutchies get in here

Please speak english for the buitenlanders

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FVD DISCORD = discord () gg/SFsYHys

the cartel fossil strikes again

Maybe we can make some oil out of them



That empire gave us nothing but problems

''Kartelfossiel" xD

Nieuwe ronden, nieuwe kansen.
Waar kartelfosielen de nieuwe mastodonten zijn is alles mogelijk. Welk kabinet gaat het worden? U ziet het in de nieuwe zomerhit: Coalitie-Koehandel

That empire shaped our people and nation.


>nothing but problems
specerijen m'n jong'n
(And also antillianen, surinamers, molukkers. But the smart fuckers of those times were reaping the benefits.)

yeah it gave us multiculturalism

and a golden age yeah yeah tf are we getting from that?

A nice page in a history book


I see a gold mine

>het is 2017
De madman


verplicht kijkvoer

I'm 1/16 dutch. Am I allowed to post in here?

>digits checked
Current year arguments

Kom bij de Discord kankerhomo's. /polder/ staat onder toezicht van de AIVD

Are Holandeses white?

Depends... how minty fresh is your toothpaste?


Ik moet daadwerkelijk meer memes maken


HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. "Pow nieuws" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH die flikkers hebben ook echt geen verstand.

what do you mean

Schippers geeft op?

Vooral die 1,3 miljoen negeren beste partijkartel...

tja, het gaat vrij lastig worden om te regeren als je de 2e partij uitsluit, maar wel minimaal 4 partijen nodig hebt.

At least the GL shills are fugged.


I bet there will be a minority government cause of their autism.

can someone give me a quick rundown on the situation? the OP wasn't very clear

also, is Epica popular in the Netherlands?

/ourguys/ Wilders and Baudet are excluded from forming a government with other parties which we call the ''partijkartel'' due to their endless circlejerking.

However the PVV (/ourguys/) is the second largest party.
The largest party however, works with number 3 and 4 to form a government.

This leads to the problem that they still lack a number of seats to form a majority in government, but not many wish to co-operate with them and no government has been made so far.

still can't form a coalition, they're running out of options.
Don't know about epica


The neuk is Epica?

There's a decent size scene of people who would go see such bands. But I think the genre is less popular than 5 or 10 years ago. In the mainstream that band is not very popular, although the name might ring a bell to some

>muk kartel

Heeft die grachtengordel bewoner inmiddels al zijn vleugel naar Den Haag weten te verplaatsen?

>hurrr de ELITE durrr, ben een gewone man van de PrinsenGRRRRRRAcht.

Long version: nothing is happening, just a stalemate after the elections.

>Are Holandeses white?


But Limburgers aren't.