MKULTRA part 4 i dont like where this leads edition

Continued from

Other urls found in this thread:,-82.460337,3a,79.2y,235.83h,94.16t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-DvUfjP1-4rk/VhF0KvHpixI/AAAAAAAAAA0/0RMO05SEUsQqCUr0EMFyH2TTRPkZFii9gCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i10240!8i5120!6m1!1e1

As soon as I wake up and record it is happening they stop only to start the process over each time I fall asleep. They are deliberately waking me up to fill the trauma to my heart in order to amplify psychological trauma with physical trauma.

The CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams (scientists who are contractors for the U.S. government) are able to read and manipulate my brainwaves, and by default my central nervous system, by illuminating my brain and its electrical conductance and then reading the return signal. Their imaging method observes the changes of the frequency resonances, amplitude, and phase of my brain wave pattern which represent the states of neuron depolarization throughout my brain.

They are able to influence my brain waves by using precisely timed electromagnetic low frequency waves, specifically tuned to my brain wave signature, with a return training signal. This is how TAMI works, which is an acronym for “Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface”.

A large test pool of mind control victims is necessary as many human minds are needed to create the database of specific brain data necessary to increase the effectiveness on a larger and larger population. The technology is being scaled up to cover the entire US population and 318 million Americans are now infected with the nanotechnology which they have been spraying into the Hydrosphere for two decades.

The CIA/DoD are using "Cataloguing and Cloning operations” to achieve their training research and development of mind control technologies. CLONING does not refer to human cloning, but EEG cloning of the victims brain wave patterns.

I just read through everything guys. Its extremely substantial. I'm feeling wide awake and I'm gonna drink some coffee to go through everything.

I've got a camera and I live a mile away from Pelzer what do you guys want me to look for/record.

Simpsonville user here, wth is going on in Pelzer?



*Grabs 1980's Cell Phone* SHUT. IT. DOWN.

It is an arms race as every country in the world feels the need to have this neuro-weapon which requires torturing and killing many people of their own populations to develop. EEG cloning means to copy someone else's brainwaves onto another person.

The technology is so advanced that it can be done by the CIA/DoD wirelessly from great distances anywhere in the world. A new military division has now emerged called 'The Psychic Warfare Unit' to influence the brain waves of targets just as easily as reading them.

So at the other extreme, a CIA/DoD psychic warrior can EEG clone his brainwaves onto the victim. The correct terminology to describe their mind control technology is EEG Heterodyning.

Heterodyning is an engineering term which means to mix signals. So EEG cloning is just a special case of EEG heterodyning, meaning a mixing of the brain wave signals between the Psychic Warrior and mind control victim.

EEG CYBER HIVE MIND TEAMS are collectives of people (scientists, doctors, etc.) who share one common set of brain waves and they can communicate with each other via synthetic telepathy, remote viewing, etc. They are engaged in training research and development of collective mind configurations and how to use it to control, spy through, disable, or kill a targeted individual.

It is called PSYCHOPHYSICS and the challenge is to map exactly the subjective experiences of the victims consciousness (Will, Intellect & Emotion) - by subjecting the victim to brutal torture and harassment - to the physics of organic intelligences‟ for informational signal processing, including both biochemical and electromagnetic.

The tools of the criminal psychophysicists (Hive Mind Teams) are called PSYCHOTRONICS.

Make a fucking linklist of videos/other shit involved man, I just got in here. Anyone give me a basic gesalt? Why are we looking into MKULTRA again? I don't have my knife on me this time ffs.
>Inb4 you'll get v& for knife, it's perfectly legal

You guys are all being set up. I know most of us are lurkers and shitposters. But there are a handfull of super autists in our ranks that do all the heavy lifting with cryptography and online psyops.

Whoever is pushing this (and you can bet your ass it's being pushed) is doing it with the intent of having our prized autists invested into it. They're the target.

I don't mind if you investigate it but for the love of Christ do not go there alone and unarmed. It's looking alot like a fucking trap. But hey if you want to be Podestas next cooking experiments that's on you.

Some weird MKULTRA-tier videos on youtube have images from graffiti inside an old abandoned mill in Pelzer near Smythe Street.

go here:,-82.460337,3a,79.2y,235.83h,94.16t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-DvUfjP1-4rk/VhF0KvHpixI/AAAAAAAAAA0/0RMO05SEUsQqCUr0EMFyH2TTRPkZFii9gCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s//!7i10240!8i5120!6m1!1e1

Im over 6 years old so i dont think either podesta would like me

they use sattelites to read your mind and control your minds by detecting thought patterns and vibration frequencies.

can someone link the videos

Most people operate off the natural philosophy of the “Occam‟s Razor Principle” which states that the simplest explanation is usually the best. So to make someone sound paranoid, all you have to do is come up with a sufficiently complex plan of harassment and the majority of people‟s disbelief of that event will be sufficient not to act or care about it. labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved.

Another tactic that has successfully been employed by the government agents to help hide their secret psychotronic concentration camps and human experimentation using this technology is by sending stalkers or government perpetrators to pose as victims. average person‟s tendency to generalize a single sample point to a whole group and use binary thinking.

Simply by getting a couple of perpetrators to pretend they are psychotronic slaves and then have them talk about evil aliens or other typically non-believable topics, the whole group of people who now talk about electromagnetic brain manipulation is associated with evil aliens and not believed by the average person who heard the first story. A lie will more likely to be believed if it is backed by lots of details. Confusing the victims, so that their own testimony promotes misunderstanding of what is happening works well also. Increasing the complexity of the story significantly using absurdity and the bazaar discredits the victims.

If I can get someone to go with me ill go there tonight. I'll probably be tomorrow though as long as the interest is still there.

tldr version

I honestly don't think it is a good idea to go alone. Someone should get a working discord channel going and post similar threads to /k/ and maybe /x/ in order to organize a squad of 1-2 dozen people who could go in armed.

man, these threads fucked me up... dunno if it's the caffeine I've been drinking, but I am genuinely spooked. Fuck you larpers. Stop already.

When they choose a target to be silently assassinated and MKULTRA tortured, they use a set of scripts that have worked in the past to confuse targets and make them look crazy. These scripts evolve depending on the beliefs of the target. government stalking programs, or goon squads as they are called in slang. CIA and other agencies training their employees for intimidation tactics abroad and in the US are one form of the members of terrorist stalking gangs. The CIA has used these tactics to help overthrow governments and intimidate leaders of other countries many times in history.

The second purpose is to play into society‟s programming that people who think government agents are following them are crazy. Discrediting an individual through mud slinging, black mail, or erratic behavior has been a high priority documented skill for these agencies. stalked, tortured, intimidated, or harassed by The stalkers that are practicing their childish cloak and dagger games, targeted individuals

There is a stalking phenomenon occurring in America and around the world. Read “Terrorist Stalking in America” for another perspective. If they are able to raise your sensitivity levels to paranoid through the stalking program and threats, you will begin to attribute every bad luck event in your life to them. They flagrantly and boldly break stalking laws.

Remember they are trying to alter your daily motives and emotional perceptions. The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references. That is why they are constantly trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for directions, etc.

No but you might be lunchtime snacks after a busy morning of rape/abuse. And you can probably be used to desensitise kids to kill you.
Go armed. Watch your back. Livestream it.



Chill. Do all your research first. Might not want to go alone.

How Pelzer came up:

So always ignore prolonged random encounters with people you don't know. You're not being rude. Just refusing to allow them to manipulate you. Once they have consistent statistics the system will use previous 'choice references' and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal activity which is also referred to as 'impulse injections' to convince you that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related action, which is known as 'Verification'.


anyone crack the cipher? appears to be a caesar shift or vigenere

This is some Assassins Creed shit

>INB4 it's an ARG.

>Stop LARPing

>go back to /x/

This stuff is spread over at least 5 years. They never tried to draw attention to it. There are thousands of those weird nursery rhymes videos and the whole thing is pretty creepy when you've been following the trail. It's not an ARG.

The finders are one of the original groups that kidnapped children for the elites. It was piz.z.agate before that was a thing. The FBI took over and it was covered up

Look into FBI director ted gunderson. He has given lectures about covering up the pedo rings

MKULTRA was "shut down" because the church committee was closing in on them. Not because they didn't find anything. Director Helms had them destroy every file they could on the project and the reason we know about it is because some financial forms were misfiled and avoided destruction. It's foolish to think they just stopped. It was an illegal secret project from the beginning

I'm 20 minutes down the road from the place; would definitely prefer to go tomorrow.

fuck off schizo fags


getting fuckin spooked


I found one of the references in
Https:// at11seconds.
Not sure if its relevant or not.

It's not LARPing. Look into the original threads. You can follow the trail yourself and see how they arrived where they did currently. These clues are spread over years. If it's a LARP or an ARG then they spent half a decade on it for no reason just to fuck with Sup Forums users

Did a reverse image lookup of the profile pic of this channel

the only match was this:

It all started during world war 2, when naval radar operators noticed that as the radar dish passed them, they heard a click in their brains.

This was researched and later learned to be a thermal expansion event in the persons brain.

The CIA picked this knowledge up and learned that a modulated microwave heating expansion event in the human brain could be turned into a "Voice in your skull" event.

Coupled with the specific flouride microwave return from your pineal gland's fluorite crystals, the EEG (electroencephelograph) could be read from a standoff distance of "About Low Earth orbit"

Sattelites were thus engineered to be able to listen to human thoughts through microwave interaction.

Artificial Intelligences functioning through supercomputers were created to map all human thought patterns, and now, if you *ARE* red pilled, these algorithms *KNOW* it, and mind control everyone NEAR you, to ruin your life.

You can tell it's fake when there's a guy saying they're awake instead of a guy saying they're sleepy.

Don't go alone you moron. That place is a haven for murder that much we know. However, just like Little Saint James, even the most innocent looking locations can hide huge heinous secrets. Don't think these threads aren't being monitored by "agencies" m8 because they are.

If you go go fully armed and with no less than 4 people. Go alone and you'll surely end up disappearing.

it looks poorly made, or it could have been made quickly or something.
anyone have any idea what the place is?
just a parking garage?

>they can control your brainwaves
>but someone can't keep you from squealing
Really makes you think


warped kids videos on youtube have fucked up subliminal messages about deviancy. In the comments people posted weird coded messages.
Anons solved the codes which led to weird unlisted youtube videos of mk ultra shit, literally a lady speaking saying different colours and what their triggers are.
Somee anons said they felt weird watching the videos. I watched them and they definitely pinged my spider sense. They are fucked up. Not as fucked up as some of the videos i stumbled across during pizzagate, but nonetheless this is definitely suspicious as fuck.
Im personally guessing it has to do with that stenography shit and hidden child porn, but it is definite programming hidden behind codes and in unlisted youtube videos.

*yawwwnnnnn* it's getting late I think it's time to hit the hay...


Its an old abandoned mill. From Google Earth i think its an old textile mill.


>and now, if you *ARE* red pilled, these algorithms *KNOW* it, and mind control everyone NEAR you, to ruin your life.

Wut is dis anons?

it was a joke, as are most of those posts.

die shill scum

Also Aussies BTFO


I watched these videos over an hour ago and I have a massive erection, like a full on meat pole, it wont go away.


Everytime some new thread preaching about a newly discovered thing with heavy cryptology I lurk to see patterns within the posters. I can tell you right now that there's a lot of samefagging being implemented and a push to go investigate. This is a huge redflag.

I'm warning you fucks, you may shitposting assholes at times, but I consider you my pack.


fuck i yawned like half a second before reading this.


No but he can sell your organs

Just stop.
You have been posting the same message in all threads, and have not yet gone to bed.
I wonder.....
I wonder if there is actually something happening here.

I've noticed the same. This feels like a honeypot.

>christian px symbol
>pizza worshipping
>first time leaving the dungeon in years according to skin tone
Again, fishy as fuck, and who is she?


>The CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams (scientists who are contractors for the U.S. government) are able to read and manipulate my brainwaves, and by default my central nervous system, by illuminating my brain and its electrical conductance and then reading the return signal. Their imaging method observes the changes of the frequency resonances, amplitude, and phase of my brain wave pattern which represent the states of neuron depolarization throughout my brain.

hi, this is called schizophrenia, you are having paranoid delusions

i know what MKULTRA is but if you unironically believe this, you need help

>willingly going to a place that's connected to pedophilic, child sacrificing pseudo-Satanists who have deep state government agencies on their side
Are you sure that's wise?

>╕┴ ܬ¶○ ╕┴ µ¢╬ ╕┴ ◙╬¬Ü◘ ╕┴ ¶ù├┘
anyone wanna tell me exactly what kind of language is this?

This is a 'patterned' campaign...
>College_level/format Larp
Followed by
>x/tier bait 'proof'

Rinse & Repeat.
lurk the catalog,but they really stand out to anyone not retarded

You know what I think would be a great idea to me? Going to an abandoned and spooky place alone, with no friends and no weapons. That sounds great to me, I love potentially dangerous situations without anywhere near the necessary material to protect myself.

I think I might do it, myself.

I was thinking the same thing


I've lived around here since I was in first grade. I'm very familiar with the area so its not creepy to me. I've literally drove by that building hundreds of times but I've never gotten close to it or looked in it.


>there is a clear connection between the serpent, the pre-christian “Chrestes” which begins with chi-rho –XP, and the symbol . In addition, “Chrestes”, the one who explains the meaning of oracles is connected as the one who makes offerings for/to the oracle.
>When symbols are reversed they generally indicate that the meaning is also reversed. If anciently the Greek letters chi-rho [XP] later came to refer to the “Christ”, reversing the letters may indicate a return to the “Crestos”, or possibly a reference to the “anti-Christ”.
>The Serpent is the destroyer of faith.

Metal Gear is real...

Final Warning.

a= gi
b= bu
c= me
d= zi
e= lu
f= he
g= ro
h= sa
i= mo
j= hy
k= ce
l= de
m= gy
n= se
o= ki
p= fa
q= ty
r= ho
s= vo
t= ha
u= tu
v= da
w= la
x= ry
y= ti
z= ku

wait fuck it totally is

Dude, to me it's just freaking Pelzer.

Bois, i actually support you going there. But please, PLEASE,

Final warning before what?

Revers image search of this pic leads here

tuho gi hegirorokiha

user this is called psychosis and you are having paranoid delusions. Please see a psychiatrist asap before you hurt yourself or anyone else. Or take your meds if you have already seen one.

Bruises on her feet! Wtfffff

6.8k subs

Because it is and if not it will be. You dummies keep forgetting that Sup Forums is being run with XKEYSCORE running in the background. These threads get archived and reviewed every night at 2 to 4 am that's why everything here freezes.

Like I said before, if you guys want to go investigate in your car with friends that's fine, but don't go alone and on foot.

And make sure you have a firearm.

Last time I'm posting in one of these.

You need special 3D glasses to view the videos.

The awful screech noise creates micro-trauma in the psyche so the message after is deeply ingrained.

The low frequency background noise has a purpose, but it's not known. It could be anything from creating anxiety, making you more open to subliminal messages, or simply make you nauseous.

fuck me sideways, that gave me legit chills

Looked it up, its just the first two letters of Christ in greek, chi and ro. Jesus saves, ya'll.

roki hetumece tikituhovoludeje

not sure if this has been called out: this twitter user responded back in the code on may 24-

we sure this isnt an ARG or LARP?

rogyryrylu dehekugy megyzicecerygy ziha tuzilalu hyziluce

3d glasses huh?

weird. People have been giving away 3d glasses in the Craigslist free section alot lately. I make a living reselling shit (EBIL MERCHANT IDGAF) and noticed these popping up alot lately.

do I go get some?

It's high-ascii, you child.




How many times must I post this?

That's the real bitch with this stuff. Clearly there are unstable people like schizophrenics. But what better way is there to discredit someone (by their own doing no less) than creating a system that sounds insane to everyone else?

fuck this shit i'm leaving. why do i read this shit at night