99% of employees at German kindergartens are womyn

More than half of the womyn would refuse to have their pre-school kid be handed over to a kindergarten where a man works.

Is this right? Is this proper? Is this the reason the next gen will be pussies because they have no male authority figures?

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Kindergarten doesn't count for anything academically so it doesn't really matter. The real learning doesn't start until Junior High.



>Kindergarten doesn't count for anything academically so it doesn't really matter. The real learning doesn't start until Junior High.

Pretty much all of the character of a human being is established until age 5. So I guess it does matter.

In Germany that's where "integration" starts...

thats terrible, they should put arab men in half of those positions.

Because this is what feminism means by equality. 3rd wave feminism has never been about true equality, only about female supremacy.

Warum ist der Beschäftigungsanteil von männlichen Erziehern in Kitas so gering?
Auch wenn es in Deutschland ermutigende Tendenzen gibt, die darauf hindeuten, dass eine
Steigerung des Männeranteils in Kitas möglich ist – so zeigen beispielsweise jüngere Männer
verstärktes Interesse an einer Arbeit als Erzieher und es lassen sich nationale und internationale
Handlungsstrategien nachweisen, die zur Steigerung des Anteils männlicher Fachkräfte geführt
haben –, so bleibt doch festzuhalten: Der Anteil männlicher pädagogischer Fachkräfte in Kindertagesstätten
liegt gerade einmal bei 2,4 %.


Welche Gründe sprechen für mehr Männer in Kindertagesstätten?
Die Befunde der Studie weisen unmissverständlich nach, dass die Türen der Kindertagesstätten
für Männer weit geöffnet sind und die wenigen dort anwesenden männlichen Fachkräfte als
große Bereicherung für die pädagogische Arbeit wahrgenommen und geschätzt werden. Die
meisten Interviewpartner und -partnerinnen führen eine Vielzahl von Gründen an, warum
männliche pädagogische Fachkräfte in Kitas wichtig sind: Sie halten es unter anderem für wichtig,
dass Mädchen und Jungen von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern betreut werden und möglichst
unterschiedliche Männer und Frauen als greifbare, lebendige Beziehungspersonen in der Kita
von den Kindern erlebt werden können


If they have a father figure at home - it's all good. However German kids don't have it, because it's sexist and fascist. German kids are cucks genetically.

Never been different. Kindergarten work pays shit. Therefore it's a women domain.

t.user whos wife works there.

Men are highly asked in kindergarten because there are so few.
Boys look up to men and search for a father role inside of the Kindergarten.
I know a guy who works like 20 years now in a kinderkarten and Everyone loves him.

>tfw no femdom soldier gf

it's kindergarden stupid german

> German kids are cucks genetically.
Um that's the most retarded thing I've heard today.

>Men are highly asked in kindergarten because there are so few.

And yet they are all being looked at as pedophiles in society, especially by women. Just last week, we were talking to a young Dutch mother who was saying she had found a really good KITA for here 10 month old toddler... first thing another woman on the table asked is "are there men there" and she said "of course not, I would never hand my toddler over to a man".

Americans and thier educational system.
kindergarden is the americanized version of Kindergarten. A word which made it from German into English

Swell bait burgerbro.

>first thing another woman on the table asked is "are there any niggers there" and she said "of course not, I would never hand my toddler over to a nigger".

At least they won't be raped.

Aw, who am I kidding? They're gonna be raped.


these guys gave birth to the modern germans if they reprodcued at all.. all the men died so they had to begin accepting Turkish workers to plough fields and there women

The German spelling is correct in English. You have to repeat the year.

How are Americans handling the care-taking of pre-school kids? I am curious. Have you got a lot of men working in that sector?

Wimen have naternal instincts that men do not, so this makes total sense. It is unfortunate that women aren't just raising their own children though

If they accept men they have to accept Muslim men too.

What? Utter nonsense.

You want a job in kindergarten, you dirty pedo huh?

Probably because you can't do anything as a male around kids without being labeled a pedophile.

To be fair, any man wanting to do that sort of work has something off about him.

Everyone tells me how good I am with the kids and that I could work partime in some kindergarten.
And they are right I love kids and kids love me.
I tell my family and friends that I'd be too worried that something bad would happen to one of the kids.
In reality I don't trust myself around little girls.
I don't think I would be able to resist the power of cunny.

>black kids mounting a german girl

german education at work I see

Probably won't have too much effect on children from traditional families, but boys with single mothers will suffer. A boy with a single mother can go through his entire adolescence without one serious male role model, all the authority figures he encounters being passive aggressive and depressed female teachers. There aren't many good outcomes that can come from that type of upbringing.


DId you not notice the so many cases of women pedos coming up? I believe it absolutely doesen't matter if a man or woman takes on this job. However it dose need cameras overseeing every croner in the kindergarten. Regarding the pussification, I don't think this has a huge effect but what is more important is what the kids do with their parents and this is in most cases likelier watching TV and doing nothing instead of say woodcrafting.

>Wimen have naternal instincts that men do not, so this makes total sense. It is unfortunate that women aren't just raising their own children though
Pooling kids into groups with some womyn of the group taking care of them is what happened for millenia in the past. Not even kidding.

In tribes before civilization emerged, the older womyn would stay at the tents or caves, watching the kids so the tigers and wolves wouldn't get them. The men would hunt and the younger womyn would look for veggies and cook or make clothing.

Is that what you do in German kindergarten? Then you probably need women.

In cultural Marxist pseudo-intellectual psychobabble parlance, one would say men are ((("under-represented"))) in that field. Sort of like women are ((("under-represented"))) in hard mathematics.

((("Under-represented"))) is the word of choice to hide the fact women and men on average have significantly different proportions of upper IQ, brain mass, behavior, and concerns on the whole, never mind the fact of huge variances between races.''

If you ever hear someone utter the term incorrectly in a cultural Marxist context, good luck trying to deprogram them.

it's because german men are kiddie diddlers

Physical contact with people is important for kids when they grow up. Not even kidding. Depriving small kids of physical contact for large stretches of a day can result in serious behavioral problems later on in life. This is why KITA women in Germany play with kids in groups including tolling around and group activity as in pic related.





just another example of real sexism against men. a man showing occupational interest in anything related to children is shunned heavily so women can continue dominating the field. same with nursing and most low skill overpaid desk jobs like HR

Kindergartens are expensive to run with cost up to 50 000 dollar per child per year. That is much more then women produce through the Labour market. It would be more efficient to pay women to stay at home and take care of their children. Or better yet not steal half of the wages from the father through taxes.

>All those useful jobs that are necessary for the running of a country dominated by men.
>Lets make sure that men learn from women. After all, toxic masculinity is a thing
>The kids can also be indoctrinated into acceptance and tolerance for diversity on their way to college for a liberal arts degree.

That might be the case, but you have foreigner kids there, those have different traditions in Africa and Arab world where they get abused and not fed.

It was the 90s women and over protective parents drove men from teaching.

I even remember the stigma male teachers had back then. That they were "creepy pedo's",

But yes 100% no doubt it was women who drove men out of teaching.

It also happens naturally to an extent. What man willingly stays in or start a job where he is surrounded by bitchy women. Can you imagine the cat fighting, gossip and time wasting that would go on in a workplace that is 90%+ women?

That's how it should be you gender retard. Women should care for children.

really makes you think

It's not right and it's not proper for a simple reason : women shouldn't work at all and be at home taking care of the kids.

I have a great idea. Let's have more taxes and national debt to go to these degenerate brainwashing degree-stamp-assembly lines through low/no-interest federal loans and then let's also alleviate all the debt of these little shits who got suckered into it and are wreaking havoc as feminazi-clueless communists. That way we can all suffer exponentially in the years to come. Leaving everything up to the government to aid their globalist curriculum (((Common Core))) with its communist rhetoric and dumbing of basic math and language is so much more effective than local school who once taught logic and common sense. Education is so important. So how could anyone possibly disagree. Education. Education. Education. What kind of dummy backwoods conservative could possibly disagree with education!? Case closed.

>That might be the case, but you have foreigner kids there, those have different traditions in Africa and Arab world where they get abused and not fed.

I have a bit of a background in computational linguistics and in brain pattern developments in humans and primates. I can tell you that regardless of where people are from originally, their kids are pretty much mostly shaped by their surroundings ... and all kids need human touch. If you deprive a kid of human touch, the likelihood of hypersensitivity and behavioral problems such as attention deficit disorder as well as physical illnesses such as rashes, spine disforming and eating disorders go up.

It's an institutionalised stereotype which perpetuates intersectional hetero-racism

>It also happens naturally to an extent. What man willingly stays in or start a job where he is surrounded by bitchy women. Can you imagine the cat fighting, gossip and time wasting that would go on in a workplace that is 90%+ women?

Quite on the contrary, KITA women are typically quite relaxed people. Their job is to take care of children who are not their own, which is something women have done for millenia. It is like trance for them, they like playing with them, showing them something and sitting around with them. They are also less restrained than men touching kids, having them sit on their labs, telling them firmly if they are doign something wrong, going to the loo with them and feeding them.

>tfw femdom military officer wife

>It is unfortunate that women aren't just raising their own children though

Well, part of the reason school jobs are popular among women is that their workday ends when their own children are finishing their own school day. So mothers can work while their children are at school, but be home for them afterwards.

I've found that the reason most Indians are beta males is because in school 95% of our teachers are female. In my 15 years of schooling I had exactly two male teachers. And home our fathers are too busy in their jobs to pay us any attention. So we don't have any positive role models at all and turn out beta.

lol. Kids shouldn't be in training camps. They should be with their family and community.

The mother provides the care and the father teaches virtue through rites.

What about the older men? The old wisemen? Were they not teachers?

Male kindergarten teacher here.

It's fine to have boys taught by women until they need to actually learn things.

Three things.

1) Never give unmarried women the job until they're below 24

2) Separate genders for the last year of kindergarten

3) Starting school at 7 us degenerate as fuck and fucks up boys no matter who teaches them -- 8 or even 9 would be much better. Women cease maturing at 16 so personally I'd be in favour of starting school for girls 2 years early under the guise of (((equality))) in order to allow for gender separated classes and allowing boys to mature first before they're forcd to deal with girls in an environment where the de facto legal system is rigged in their favour

They are cucks genetically because the bravest of them died in WWII. And after 70 years of pacifying them there is not much left of the true German.

>Is this the reason the next gen will be pussies because they have no male authority figures?

Your question perfectly encapsulates western society. Young boys are failed on a societal level, and yet all we do is complain at how they turn out to be pussies and failures and man-children instead of doing something - anything - to actually fix the problem.

>3) Starting school at 7 us degenerate as fuck and fucks up boys no matter who teaches them -- 8 or even 9 would be much better. Women cease maturing at 16 so personally I'd be in favour of starting school for girls 2 years early under the guise of (((equality))) in order to allow for gender separated classes and allowing boys to mature first before they're forcd to deal with girls in an environment where the de facto legal system is rigged in their favour
This sounds really interesting. Could you elaborate on how you reached these conclusions?

>Be burger
>in germany
>meet kraut-bro
>really likes battleships and naval history
>shows me his collection of models he built with typical german precision and attention to detail
>down to the faces on the crew members, fuckin incredible
>wife comes in
>spends 30 fucking minutes ripping this guy a new asshole about how much of a loser her is and how he spends a whopping 15 euros a week on his hobby
>bitch smokes a pack a day at 8 eros a day but this guys ONE FUCKIN HOBBY that doesnt involve her is apparently a problem
>guy just takes it

Sorry man, but from what I have seen German women are more agressive and assertive than the men. The men just kinda get pushed around by women here.

>Separate genders for the last year of kindergarten

wait wut am I missing here, LAST year as in there are multiple years of K?

Agreed, school is a 12 year process of submission and obeidiance.

Sit down, shut up, stop fidgeting, no running, no jumping, eat what we tell you when we tell you, never argue, accomodate women, dont think for yourself.

Then, when young boys just do what fuckin boys are SUPPOSED to do they are labled defective and doped up with psychotropic drugs. Then upon reaching adulthood the same people who made them into pale weak submissive cucks who avoid socialization and physical activity lament that theres no more real men left. Like they didnt just spend a literal decade stomping out that individuality and energy.

>Could you elaborate on how you reached these conclusions?

I'm kind of sick at the moment, but essentially by reading up on a lot of it, being held back a year myself and seeing the results, talking to a lot of people in the field.

Male brains start out late but mature until the person's in their 20s.

Female brains start early and mature until the woman's 16, then stop with perhaps another blip once she nears 30 though depending on circumstances that can also simply be accelerated decay.

These rates are one of the reasons 4 - 5 years age difference between the guy and the girl are the most healthy set-up for a relationship because it allows the man to guide his woman using the experiences he gained.

Age gap + Status gap + low amount of previous partners + High amount of social investment (be that having a lot of friends or working for charity) on both sides = good marriage.
That's also why so much chic leat feature age gaps.

Let me tell you something that I know /r9k/ and the Reddit transplants will dislike.

Women - despite their flaws - intuitively know what's best for them.

They might get convinced otherwise, but at the end of the day the truth still surfaces.

PS: Also, no, women aren't deliberately messing up [most things]. It's a competence issue.

They mean well, they just can't handle a lot of tasks.

>wait wut am I missing here, LAST year as in there are multiple years of K?
Yeah. Most of continental Europe and Japan actually.

dumb whores should be more concerned about the niglets. 5 year olds my ass they're probably 35+ yo refugees.

>Men At Work


>yfw german kindergartens are full of 30yo child refugees and all the german teachers are getting islam'd

My waifu is racist and right wing which is cool, but there really doesnt appear to be any sort of conscious thought behind it. She cant really articulate WHY she holds opinions, she just kinda does.

Shes essentially the right wing version of lefties on tumblr. She doesnt have a reason for what she does or how she thinks beyond the fact that at some point such an ideology happened to resonate emotionally with her.

I think most women are this way, they dont really hold opinions so much as feelings, getting them to agree to something doesnt entail logic and detailed explanation. Its just gotta "feel right." Trying to find logical explanations for inherently illogically dictated behavior like the MGTOW and MRA fags do is why they fail so hard.

Women dont have a reason for why they do stuff, they just do it and invent an emotional justification post fact.


>Trying to find logical explanations for inherently illogically dictated behavior like the MGTOW and MRA fags do is why they fail so hard.

WHAAAAA WOMEN ARE ILLOGICAL is the most teenaged ignorant whiny un-manly reaction possible.

It's like women complaining about men liking tits.

It's simple biology and anyone that doesn't like it just plain needs to shut the fuck up and stop spreading their retardation.

Women have less intellectual agency than men, but that's neither a personal failing nor a big discovery and anyone that treats it as both is a muzzie-tier subhuman which is how you get unironic White Sharia people.

It's fine - even necessary - to respect women, but you need to respect them as women, not as men with tits.

They're not.

Well, except the lesbians (MRI scans show gay brains usually look more like brains of the opposite gender which is also why most women into say gaming for more than attention are gay) but that's beside the point.

TL;DR: Our society needs to Celebrate Diversity, not seek to stamp it out.

>people scream how it's biotruths that women are better at childrearing, driving childcare industries to be almost entirely women dominated
>same people scream how it's awful there's no men in them and that must be fucking up our kids

>78.8% are male
top fucking kek. i wish this was true. shit list

"Diversity" is leftist orwellian newspeak for "conformity." The way they use diversity is intentionally wrong, as its not "diverse" unless it conforms to their opinions and definitions of the world.

DIVERSITY is a black republican or a homosexual who likes guns, or an evangelical who doesnt mind abortion. "Diversity" is voting for hillary clinton and agreeing with whatever you are told whilst hating anyone who is different because by not obeying they are threatening the enforced "diversity" (conformity) programs.

The fastest way to piss off somebody who wants "diversity" is to actually be diverse. Which is why groups like ANTIFA call centrists nazis. Centrists dot fit into the simplistic "goodguys vs bad guys" definition of political thought so they are actually hated more than actual far right groups. Because they arent conforming into easily defined targets or allies.

So yeah. "Diversity" doesnt actually mean that anymore, in fact it means the opposite. Welcome to orwell's 1984 in full practice.

Just bought my first plank on bulkhead model. It should arrive later this week and I'm really excited!

Good point but only very recently in history did it flip into half or more women being barbers. Old barbers are retiring (almost all men).

>*half or more barbers being women

Answer me this : are you in favour of removing women's right to vote and work ?
Are you in favour of removing human status of women ?
Do you have an idea how to apply both of the above in democraties where women represent the majority of the electorate ?

Unless you answer by "yes", "yes" and give me a way, your rhetoric about the need to respect women will fall on deaf ears considering they are destroying western civilisation, one of the many civilisation they already destroyed since recorded History.

Better to simply spread the artificial womb, and let wealthy males reproduce industrially thanks to their vast ressources, until Humanity is composed almost exlusively of high-IQ males.

>Better to simply spread the artificial womb, and let wealthy males reproduce industrially thanks to their vast ressources, until Humanity is composed almost exlusively of high-IQ males.
I agree.
>all that other shit
Can't be assed. Seriously.
Preaching to the choir there mate.

Agreed. IQ is not a reliable determination of value to societey. Thats left over psuedoscience from when people legitimatley believed an IQ test in combination with bumps on your skull and how long your fingers and ear were could accuratley determine mental health and social value.

I would argue that a guy with an IQ of 85 who builds houses for a living is higher value than some 135 IQ paid intellectual who teaches underwater basketweaving courses at an ivy league school.

Nature is only part of the equation, nurture is important too. An average guy with a good upbringing will tend to underperform on paper but outperform a high IQ individual with a shitty upbringing in real world environments.

Not to mention IQ tests arent much of a science as people's scores tend to be more of a reflection at how good they are at tests rather than actual intellect. In 6 tests my score has varied from 90 to 140 entireley dependant on how much of a shit I actually gave when taking it.


That being said.

Anything lower than 90 IQ average seems to lead to failed states.

What's wrong with that you retarded meninist faggot. Women naturally gravitate towards professions involving kids. Nothing wrong with that

IQ is the single fucking best predictor about every single fucking metric in a fucking society you fucking retard.
Fucking crime rate, fucking dropou rate, fucking drug usage rate, fucking mean savings amount, fucking democratie quality, fucking economic health ( from diversification to size to per capita to anything whatsoever ).
No seriously you fucking nigger, get your inferiority complex in check before spouting subhuman shit like that.

On an individual level, i guess g is much more accurate though, sure. But it's not like IQ isn't useful on the scale it was DESIGNED FOR, the SOCIETAL SCALE.
That said, the average entrepreneur will NOT be of 100IQ, and the average welfare user will NOT be of 130IQ. May i make you choke on your blood you fucking retard, you fucking Humanity's boulet, 2060

Kindergarten is not meaningful schooling.

It's essentially daycare, much the same as the first few years of school are.

Kindergarten teachers aren't even really meant to teach much anything. It's mostly just getting kids into the mode of feeling comfortable going to school so that they will be a bit better about it down the line.

So doesn't really matter that you have women handling what is essentially daycare.

Because they want kids in school to learn things and they think kindergarten is beginning schooling and thus should be done professionally.

The kid on the right looks like he is about to nut.


In all my years of school, men have always been the better teachers and had more respect, older women were also good teachers but they always had a complex of some sort.

One example, no one ever talked in class when there was a male teacher. We even had some 'gentle giant' type of guy teaching electronics, he literally whispered in class and you could hear him clear as day because no one talked. As for women, it's a festival of memery, shitposting and backtalk, because they always yell or are 'no fun allowed' and diss you for the most little mistakes (making fun of students if you don't know something, the male teachers bantered you too, but they showed you how to do it afterwards).

>WIllingly working as as a man in a kindergarden
And react Jagten scene by scene?

Birth of a footfag.

I cried when I was watching that movie. Damn...

Heres why you arent fully correct: you are mistaking correlation for causation. If a child is raised in a wealthy family they will have better access to healthcare, education, nutrition, etc etc. Coincidentally children from wealthy families tend to score higher on IQ tests.

Sociology does not have any "single most determinator" as a statistic. Ideal sociological models will include as much data as possible and avoid trying to label statistics as causation too broadly.

Do the parents abuse substances? How much do they make per year? Is there mental illness in the family? What is the level of access to education? Is there abuse in the household? These determine how well a child scores on an IQ test.

So THESE factors correlate to IQ, which makes them the as you put it "most important factors determining a nation's success."

Which is why using IQ tests as the chief statistic of how well your people are doing is no longer done.

Fuck correlation with a fucking rack you fucking queer, IQ is the CAUSE of ALL THE METRICS.
Fuck you, enough pussy-footing around, fuck off with your "can't know nuffin", "never 100% certain" you fucking kike, some level of uncertainty ALWAYS implied in statements but you simply use it as a semantic fuckingshit to bullshit your way out of a fucking objectively WRONG POSITION.

So no, IQ directly 100% cause all societal metrics without any single exception and IQ is 100% genetic, that's my hypothesis and i'll test it by slaughtering all the subhumans and any one that ever typed or spoken even a single word in support of the fucking subhumans by searching through all the fucking archives of the fucking social medias.
I will find you all, i will catalogue you all, and i will MAKE YOU ALL CHOKE WITH YOUR O0WN FUCKING BLOOD YOU TRAITORS TO HUMANITY, FUCKING 2060
If the hypothesis turns out to be wrong, i'll make sure to apologize through pissing on your collective grave you fucking extinction-worshippers.

>I would argue that a guy with an IQ of 85 who builds houses for a living is higher value than some 135 IQ paid intellectual who teaches underwater basketweaving courses at an ivy league school.
Strawman. Given the statement you posited, many people would value the "85 IQ who builds houses." You need to learn the difference between individuals vs. averages. Understanding it matters. Reality matters. Repeating patterns over hundreds of years shows us that low IQ averages doesn't bend to your fantasy scenarios where everyone's a house-building survivor at least in the white/west civilizations (that we want to live in vs. in the Amazon forest). Sure, survival in the Amazon forest will take a huge amount of skill and a different set of intellectual adaptation but what would that mean to whites who'd prefer to live under a western government with indoor plumbing? You haven't even scratched the surface of understanding the dynamics at play because you're taking everything you see around you for granted thanks to the luxury of a higher-IQ-birthing society. You're free to take issue with particular variations of these tests but when the sampling is large enough the patterns seem to reflect well enough.

You okay man?


Women SHOULD be kindergarten teachers, faggot. I wouldn't want to send my kid to spend all day with some pedophile.