Bombshell CNN could of had knowledge of Seth Rich (panda) not being Russian Hacker

Bombshell CNN could of had knowledge of Seth Rich (panda) not being Russian Hacker

Tal Kopan archived just now here

(Sept tweets, insinute a second hacker named panda)

Other urls found in this thread:

CNN with knowledge of panda was hacker tweets uncovered just now by painfultruth

damn bro this is the nail in the coffin

This is really it this time

Who's this shill Tal Kopan?

Seth Rich was a Russian spy that had to be eliminated for the sake of the greater good.

Holy shit. Good find


Lets see how long it takes Tal to hit the delete button.

Did you dig this up? Seriously, this is fucking crazy.

holy shit

Kim Dotcom's statement

water level zhar at all waterparks now.





>could of
Dropped. Learn to spell, you subhuman.


Even though nothing ever happens

get this to other places OP or post in other SR threads.


They didn't even let the FBI look at the computers.

They're dirty just like the DNC that hired them.

You dumbasses

Bear is a symbol of russia, thats why she mentions russia

When she asks panda, it refers to china

China is dragon you cunt.

Seth bump.

"Panda is also a Bear ;)"

Seth was a bearded big guy. You're a fucking cuck if you can't see that.

Wtf. This is it. You crazy autists found it

Who is this fucking bitch?! She must be tied to DNC

This. Someone post this on the others sites now

i will bump this


this. please stick to the actual facts and don't ruin this you fucking niggers.


Probably nothing again. Its a reference to trump in the debate

Trump: "She's saying Russia, Russia, Russia. Maybe it was. It could also be China, it could be someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds. You don't know who broke into DNC"

Interesting that Trump went with KimDotCom sized 400lb hacker but maybe that is a typical stereotype.

Then explain this. I know Panda=China in a lot of conversations but that tweet was damning as hell.

Her tweet after "panda is also a bear" from crowdstrick..

"But a different hacker" makes me think she did infact know. She was tuned into the hacking as sje worked on cybersecutiy with politico prior to working at CNN

And F-off spelling Nazi, you could HAVE contributed but you didn't.


"Hacked" = an internal source exports their .pst

>"Hacked" = an internal source exports their .pst

what did she mean by this


Where this from "i showed you her emails"

the pixels on this look shooped

No dude it's real I hacked it from seth's godaddy cloud

not even a min apart on a new thread jfc how obvious can u be


What t f you talkin about. Hacked his godaddy? I call b s.


You fuck twit why do u even bother. Here he original from fb

>DynCorp Kids Club
Of course

Yeah, I noticed that too.
Still trying to wrap my head around that.

is that real?? how fucking brash are these sodomites ?

Bump for justice

This man killed Seth Rich:

the bear will leave its cave forever?

But what does this mean?
Is Russia going to become a major international power or will it be destroyed and forced out of it home?
Both seem likely to me.

Better. Is satire:

Archive tweet:

CNN is in on it. Wtf is wrong with these people.

submit your finding to OAN, they have $100k for you

thank you!

Also connecting "overweight" to "panda" (which trump didnt do) not two different groups.. likely DNC/clinton/FBI and therfore also CNN had the name panda for the hacker. Probably FBI intel connected to and likely Trump had heard it, trump doesnt pull shit from his ass. He pulls nuggets in the wrong context from shit people feed him.

Likely she was fishing with those tweets.

This implicates CNN in a known false russian narritive.





Tweet this image to Kimdotcom, Wikileaks, Alex Jones, Rob Dew, PJW, Cernovich, Hannity, and Ann Coulter
