Miley Cyrus is dead. Over at /b we are commenting on her new video "Malibu" saying shit like "RIP". Come join us

Miley Cyrus is dead. Over at /b we are commenting on her new video "Malibu" saying shit like "RIP". Come join us


Also rip miley

Still on Sup Forums?
You'll grow out of it.


RIP in peace molly

Is this is what you people do all day? Why aren't you at work??

I got you covered mom

Could ask you the same colossal faggot.

Its summer you fucking tard wrangler, he's 14.

I am retired with the help of a Multi-million dollar inherence


Man I haven't done a Miley raid in a long time.

I remember a raid where we were all saying she was a satanist and a reptilian and possibly a Nazi.


find out what happened to timegirl instead


i like that song, and indend its the death of Miley Cyrus.
Lets hope she changes her name again

Is this "magnets" how do they work 2.0?

"I've never been boating, don't know how they're floating, and sometimes I'm scared of what I can't understand"


>Over at /b we

rip Miley

Gone too soon

I contributed to the cause


dont today, love you mom

Bunch of pussies here on Sup Forums, always talking about degeneracy and women, but when there's a chance to do something you make up some excuses to not act

Oh man is that some fucking Gak?