ITT you can only post if you work for the government

ITT you can only post if you work for the government.


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My dad was a mailman until they fired him for making snippy comments while confirming that he received his test pieces.
Do they still do those?

Alphabet agency here

>fired him for making snippy comments while confirming that he received his test pieces.

Literally what?

Can you cunts stop destroying my books that were sent by Media mail? I'm not buying drugs. Thank you

I worked for the government for a decade, now I'm a private sector defense analyst, but government agencies are some of our clients, so I still kind of work for them.

i pay taxes does that count as working for the government

Some kind of self evaluation they'd mail out every month or two that you had to complete and phone in that it was received/returned.
It was back in the early 2000s when they were paranoid about the shootings.




[LIVE] WH Press Briefing:

How difficult is it to get a job at the post office?

Im on welfare get me a monthly paycheck from the government

Yeah and Amtrack can survive on its own the post office is designed to loose money

i work with the human trafficking child sex slaves pedofile departments of the cia , only at a very low level, well actually i lie im just a very low level 3ed party agent who basically shills children all day in a glorified call centre but i like to think im a big government agent spy.


everyone who pays taxes works for the gubment, ya brainlet fuckweasles.

kek. Spicer is just so bad he cant leave now.

I reckon it varies by location, but generally speaking al you have to do is have a good driving record and ace their test. The test is 90% easy as piss and 10% fucking brutal. I've failed to get above 80 (which is pretty much what you need) three times.

pretty sure he means the public sector you dimwit.

Fucking statist. REEE

Who /teacher/ here?


It's pretty hard to get fired from post office .
I called the post master an asshole to his face and didn't even get written up for it.

Unless you're stealing mail, you're not getting fired

Contract work count? (Not military)

post yfw you realize Sup Forums is literally CIA

Bukowski is at this moment rolling on his grave
Mourning another NEET who was couth by the government Jew
Seriously though
Is it as bad as people say it is?

daddy fucked my sister :( and yes i am a Mormon

I am a Millwright, Maintenance Technician, and Steamfitter Apprenticeship Instructor at a technical college. We are almost all taxpayer funded, so I guess I work for the govt. I do, however, get the opportunity to teach people trade skills that are in very high demand and also use it as a platform to subtly redpill students. Oh, and for those looking for jobs, come to the Midwest where most trade jobs start around 55k average for a 40hr work week, about 70k with overtime.